How to See a Thumb

barnum-thumb.jpg I’ve been saying for years now that when you think differently, you see opportunities you missed before.

My favorite story is how P.T. Barnum viewed Charlie Stratton, a little boy who would never grow over three feet tall.

The Connecticut folks said it was sad. They saw Charlie as a victim.

But Barnum looked at the same little boy and saw an opportunity.

He renamed him General Tom Thumb.

Tom Thumb had a life of fame and fortune.

He entertained royalty, was loved by all, and made Barnum and himself millionaires.

Barnum was able to see something that everyone else overlooked.

He was able to think differently.

The thing is, how do you think differently?

After all, if the way you think is natural for you, how do you change it?

I’m reading a book on this very subject. Iconoclast is by Gregory Berns. He’s a neuroscientist who reveals how to think differently. I’m finding it fascinating.

Berns says the great iconoclasts (people who do things others say can’t be done) basically learned how to see differently.

Turns out your brain is lazy. Once you’ve seen something and put it in a category in your brain, you tend to group anything like it, even if incorrect, in the same category. It’s efficient but not helpful if you want to break out of the rut.

When it comes to making more money, most people look at the world and see the same opportunities they’ve seen before: typically, a job.

Because they don’t awaken their mind and expand their vision, they don’t see other opportunities.

Yet opportunities do exist.

So how do you change your thinking so you can see them?

According to Berns, one way to jolt the brain out of its preconceived category thinking is to bombard it with new experiences.

This is one reason I created the Rolls-Royce Phantom Master-Mind experience.

Sitting in a $375,000 handmade luxury automobile is a new experience for most people.

Sitting in it with me is also a new experience.

This combined unique event helps the brain expand. As a result, you see new opportunities you may have missed before.

Why don’t more people sign up for the Rolls experience or any other type of new activity?

Berns goes on to say in his book (which you should really get and read) is that fear stops people.

Fear of the unknown is the biggest fear.

You don’t take action because you fear the consequences.

Yet you must take action to get any results.

Berns says you can retrain the brain to lessen the fear. But you have to in one way or another face the fear and do the very thing you fear.

I haven’t completed Iconoclast yet, but wanted to stop reading it long enough to write this blog post for you.

If you have to think differently to get different results, then you can start by doing this:

1. Read my book on P.T. Barnum, There’s A Customer Born Every Minute.

2. Sign-up for the next Rolls-Royce Phantom Master-Mind. (Jan. 15)

3. Face your fears.

I’m sure you can think of other experiences you could do to expand your thinking and retrain your brain.

Here are a few more:

1. Attend the Attract Wealth Seminar in January in Austin.

2. Attend the Awakened Millionaire weekend with me in January in Austin.

3. Attend any event you’re drawn to, even if you have no previous experience or education concerning it.

To paraphrase Tony Robbins, if you keep on thinking the way you’ve been thinking, you’ll keep on doing what you’ve been doing, and you’ll keep on getting what you’ve been getting.

It may be time for a change.

Ao Akua,


PS — If you really want to expand your thinking, check out The Awakening Course.


  1. December 10, 2008 at 10:49 am

    Great post, Joe. Too many people are stuck, because they do not see any possibilities other than what they have always known. And although people say they want to be “their own person” and express their individuality, most people are obsessed with fitting in and not standing out. They would rather be wrong as part of a crowd than right on their own. I haven’t read “Iconoclast” yet, but it is on my reading list. I guess it just moved up a few spots! 🙂


  2. December 10, 2008 at 11:43 am

    Hello Joe,

    I know that when I finally made the decision to attend RRMMII (Rolls Royce Master Mind 2), that it brought things that I had been afraid to look at before the event.

    Since, I had said “yes”, I had to look at those issues. It really was a Six Week Master Mind Event for me.



  3. December 10, 2008 at 6:07 pm

    Hello Joe,

    This is the first time I have read your blog. Oddly enough it was right after I watched my new DVD The Clearing Video that I received from you yesterday in the mail. I watched the first section of the DVD, then immediately proceeded to write an entirely different type of email to my prospect list. I sell a book called Commitment Based Admissions at I have had some success with the book but I am confident that this next email going to my prospects will have a better impact.

    Question, would you be willing to take a look at my website and give me your feedback? If so I would really appreciate it!

    So I guess your blog entry today was perfect for me. I did the Clearing and saw in a different light.

    Thank you very much and have a great day!

  4. December 10, 2008 at 9:30 pm

    Just took a sneaky peek at the Awakening Download page. Wow, what a GREAT picture of you and Nerissa! I can barely take my eyes off you two! 🙂

    Great post, as always. Thank you!

  5. December 11, 2008 at 1:19 am

    Fantabulous Post!! I’d like to read that book too!

    See.. that is precisely why I say: I was Made From Creative Infinite Intelligence… !!!

    Loved the post and the Idea of Pulling the Attracting Wealth Seminar & the RRMM up in Europe …

    I think the RR MM is absolutely staggering!!! When I was a little girl, I used to stand in front of my aunt and uncles Rolce Royce, because I loved that car.. It’looked so decadent and glamerous.. It used to gave me a typically Marilyn Monroe & Marlene Diettrich feeling…

    Man.. my iconoclast brain is working overtime… Hahahaha! We keep that word in the vocabulaire..

    Love, Light & a Lot of Laughter

  6. December 11, 2008 at 11:10 am


  7. December 11, 2008 at 5:26 pm

    g,day Joe thanks for the information, when you come to australia bring your rolls we can cruize, you said ANYTHING IS possible, happy holidays

  8. Josh Guy-Reply
    December 13, 2008 at 1:38 pm

    Look at it this way…and I’m sorry if I tend to over simplify.

    Have you ever seen those stories where children are raised by wolves or bears?
    It’s their training. Their programming. We can all take action and change our thinking. I’m actually reading Tony Robbins Get The Edge. That’s cool that you mentioned him in your blog. LOA works. When you read about quantum physics and stuff like that you begin to realize that there are infinite possibilities. That there are only possibilities. Do those 75 year old cuban cigars come included in the Rolls Royce Mastermind?…That is if they aint smoked yet! Can someone be inspired and made a super product right then and there in the Rolls?
    Thank You Joe!!!

  9. Josh Guy-Reply
    December 13, 2008 at 1:43 pm

    What I mean by making a product in The Rolls…
    An audio product or interview done right there. In that beautiful car.
    “Learn how we got busy in the back of Joe’s car and made a valuable product”
    I don’t mean to be crass I was just brain storming.
    I just want to say thank you for your wonderful posts and blessings.

  10. December 13, 2008 at 1:46 pm

    Hi Josh. The most recent Rolls Mastermind was the other night. A gentleman who flew from Seattle to be there came up (with our help) about thirteen super products right there, on the spot. He kept taking notes, smiling, and beaming. So yes, you can come up with products during the Master Mind. Just being in the Phantom elevates your thinking. And I’m there to stimulate it, too. And if you’re into cigars, that can be easily arranged.

  11. hitchhiker-Reply
    December 15, 2008 at 3:59 pm

    why isn’t the rolls royce mastermind a rip-off?
    i really can’t find an answer, but maybe you do. after all you are the jesus of business…

  12. Jon-Reply
    December 16, 2008 at 12:24 pm

    Joe you continue amaze me mate. How you manage to churn out so many products time after time is beyond me, plus read tons of books and attend events.. crazy man..

    Your an inspiration.

    I hope one day to meet you.

  13. December 19, 2008 at 9:39 am

    Love you, Joe. Thanks so much for teaching the world about PT Barnum. My marketing will never be the same because of Joe Vitale and PT Barnum. You are my heros. And of course, Tom Thumb. Did you know that his carriage that Barnum custom made for Thumb sits in the lobby of (i think) a Wells Fargo Bank in San Antonio? Drive the Phantom over there and get video of it for your readers. Love you, Buddy. Stage Hypnotist Simone

  14. December 19, 2008 at 11:10 am

    Hey Joe-The book Iconoclast sounded so good that I just ordered a copy. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

  15. December 19, 2008 at 11:13 am

    I’ve found that sometimes, doing little things in a different way can begin to open up the brain to new possibilities. So if you think about doing something big, and are paralyzed by the fear, then you might start with something small. Even silly things, like brushing your teeth with your other hand, putting your clothes on a different way, chewing your food 40 times before swallowing, can begin to open up the brain. If you want different results in your life, you have to do different things- simple as that! 🙂

  16. December 19, 2008 at 11:38 am

    Precious Joe,

    You amaze me over and over again.
    I new this story about Charlie Stratton, but I didn’t see it as a markable hypnotic story I could use on my blog. I just didn’t see it!
    Thank you for open up my eyes in so many ways.

    I love you!

  17. December 19, 2008 at 4:13 pm

    hi joe…..your thoughts are SOOOOO profound…my thinking has expanded just by reading your books…lincoln

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