Go see http://installthesecret.com

This DVD helps you install and then transcend The Secret.

It is quickly becoming my #1 bestselling DVD.

Ao Akua




  1. Joan-Reply
    May 22, 2007 at 5:43 pm

    Dear Dr. Vitale:

    I have $80. to spend on one of your products. Which product do you recommend? I have been on my journey for about a year and have read “The Attraction Factor” and many more books and resources, so I know the ‘basics’, I just need to find that final ‘spark’ that will break open all my potential. With sincerity and appreciation for all your wonderful work–

  2. Joe Vitale-Reply
    May 22, 2007 at 5:44 pm

    Hi Joan. If you haven’t seen The Secret yet, I’d say get that one. If you have, then I’d say get my new one on Install and Transcend The Secret. All the best to you. – joe

  3. paul7459-Reply
    May 28, 2007 at 2:00 pm

    Hello Joe, I first watched the secret in Oct 2006 and have watched it about a dozen times and bought the book and read that twice. I’ve also have read two books from Esther and Jerry Hicks several times over. I was not sure but felt that something was missing in my attempt and progress of manifesting. So I purchaseed your “Install the Secret” DVD. I never knew that I had any blockages or limiting beliefs that were derailing my efforts to attract. After the first time watching the DVD and trance my mind had an energy to it that was indescribable. It actually was difficult to think. But when I focused on no thought. As in meditation, no thought. It was bliss. This feeling lasted for about two hrs. Subsequently after watching the trance portion of the video, I still get an energy mind buzz but not as strong. I feel that my mind has been rewired but I really don’t have any tangible evidence yet. Can you explain what has happened?

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