I have a very important question for you…

Back in 1959, when I was five years old, my father took me on my first job. It was my introduction to being a laborer on the railroad.  It taught me a lot about hard work, but little about following my life calling.

Going to my first job, age 5, 1959

Going to my first job, age 5, 1959

But there were signs early on that my life would have something to do with books. Still a child, there’s at least one photo of me holding a book. (Probably a volume in a set of encyclopedias.)

Foreshadowing my future as an author

Foreshadowing my future as an author

Decades later, around 1979, I held my first seminar. It was about improvisation and spirituality.  Apparently I had an inclination that there was an undercurrent of wisdom to life, and if you trusted it, it would lead you to the fulfillment of your dreams.

Reveals more about life than theatre

Reveals more about life

I was also fascinated with the 1979 book, Impro: Improvisation and the Theatre, by Keith Johnstone. It was more about living than acting. I’ve never forgotten some of the author’s insights into human behavior, and of course his wisdom about improvisation. I still love his book.

Recently I picked up the book, Improv Wisdom by Patricia Ryan Madson. It’s a fast but deep read about not so much preparing for life as it is about showing up for life. When you trust life, life has a tendency to support you.

This philosophy has trust at the core of it. You have faith that you will be able to handle whatever life tosses at you. As long as you are present to the moment, you can trust your body-mind system to respond to what’s before you.

As Madson writes, “Some guiding force underlies each moment.”

All of this is leading up to my question for you.

One of the questions in Madson’s book really made me stop and reflect.

Great book on "showing up"

Great book on "showing up"

The question is —

“What would not get done if you were not here?”

In 1959, I went to work on the railroad because my father drove me to the job. I’m pretty sure the work would have gotten done without me. Being a trackman on the railroad was not my life calling.

Same with me in 1979, when I taught that improv and spirituality seminar. I doubt that event was a game changer for me, or a clue to my life direction, though I’m glad I did it for the experience. I did it because I was interested in the subject.

Today, with all the books I’ve written, and with two new books coming out later this year and next, I’m not sure being an author would be the answer to the question, “What would not get done without me?”

Not today, anyway. I’ve already completed that calling. I’ve already written the books.

I’ll tell you how I would answer the question in a minute.

But what about you?

Look at this question head on: How would you answer it?

Here it is again:

“What would not get done if you were not here?”

You aren’t allowed to cop out and say, “I’m not needed.” That’s self-deception. You are needed. Even if you want to sit and argue about it, pretend you’re needed. If you did, what would you feel essential for you to get done, as without you, it may not?

While you’re thinking about your answer, let me share my own answer with you.

As I mentioned, I have two new books coming out. I also have a new music album being recorded in two weeks. I’m starting a national media campaign in June. I’m in another movie being released this year. Of course, I also have new audios being created, an advanced wealth trigger training in the works, new e-books, my Miracles Coaching program to run, and much more.

As usual, I’m busy with projects. But I don’t know if they would not get done without me. In other words, I think others might finish my work (or their version of it) if I didn’t. I don’t know that more books or albums or movies or travel answers the question, “What would not get done without me?”

So what is the answer?

I reflected on this question on recent flights to see my family. Nothing like being confined to an airplane to force me to meditate. Nothing like seeing your aging parents to make you decide what’s important in your limited life span.

My father and me

My father and me

The clear answer for me is this: I need to complete my movement to end homeslessness and stop foreclosures.

Called Operation YES, I’ve been spending time, energy and money (tens of thousands of dollars) on making it a reality for several years now. As some of the people helping me have mentioned, we’ve never worked so hard for so little in return.

Still, this is important. While there are groups and individuals doing much to help the homeless and those struggling, I don’t see anyone doing what I feel is necessary: reveal a 3-step way to stop foreclosures — and do it in one day.

With that in mind, I have committed my resources to make this happen. As it stands, we will do the event in Austin, Texas next April.  I wanted to do it sooner, but with the presidential election diverting attention this year, I’ve been advised against it.

Again, all of this is what I would do. I’m just sharing it to stir up your mind. What matters is you, not me.

You don’t need to transform society (unless that’s calling you), but you do have something to do here. You have work to do.

“Your work is to discover your work and then, with all your heart, to give yourself to it.” – Buddha

How would you respond to —

“What would not get done if you were not here?”

Whatever your answer, go do it.

Ao Akua,


PS — If you are struggling with finances and wish Operation YES could help you today, remember that there are numerous resources to help you right now. Begin with reading my book, Attract Money Now, still free online. Just click on this box below —

Member BBB 2003 - 2012

Member BBB 2003 - 2012


  1. Phil South-Reply
    May 1, 2012 at 6:55 am

    Thank you so much for this Joe. It’s taken me literally decades to figure out what my work is. (Love the quote from the Buddha by the way, not heard that one before)

    Reading this rang a large bell, because this is what I’ve just done. For years I’ve been doing jobs, writing and teaching and making animation and videos for people, and although the work was amazing and I felt blessed to be so lucky to work at things I liked to do… Something was always missing.

    It’s harder to spot that you are unhappy when you are doing things you like. But it’s strange you never notice how lacklustre that feels. That is until you discover something that you LOVE. It’s like the uncomfortable feeling of being in a relationship with someone who loves you but who you merely like a lot. It feels inauthentic.

    But now I’ve discovered that although I love to teach I’m now teaching the right thing, not writing or photography but creativity itself! It was such an easy decision to change direction I am floored by how long it took me to get there.

    Why is it we block ourselves from our hearts desires?

    Once again an inspirational post Dr Joe! Thank you for bringing it to us.

  2. May 1, 2012 at 7:31 am

    Joe, if I can help or be of service in anyway during this wonderful event, just say the word and I’ll be there!

    Peace, love, and music,

  3. Luan Tran-Reply
    May 1, 2012 at 8:00 am

    Thank you so much for this post Joe!
    “You are needed. Even if you want to sit and argue about it, pretend you’re needed.”
    I like it. This sentence makes me more confident and it inspires me!

  4. May 1, 2012 at 8:09 am

    i enjoyed reading your blog Joe…thanks 🙂
    I have several of your books, tried to stay positive , use affirmations, be my own cheerleader, EFT tapping etc. etc… still nothing. Very frustrating to the point of just giving up. Maybe there is something wrong with me , maybe i need hypnotism, or, that i have limiting beliefs due to NOT ever having ANY support whatsoever from my parents !! I would love to meet you Joe, you have inspired me with your success stories.

  5. karen-Reply
    May 1, 2012 at 8:40 am

    At the moment i am caring for my mother who has cancer. She doesn’t have very long left. She would have to go in a nursing home if i weren’t here. I value every day i have with her.
    I discovered you about 2 months ago Joe along with some of your friends and you have truly inspired me.Keep up the good work.
    I love you too.

  6. Charles A Levingston Sr-Reply
    May 1, 2012 at 8:43 am

    I love to do anything that has to do with flying. I have a dream to build a device that will allow motorcycles to fly. Whenever I am doing anything to promote this dream, it is as if time, effort, and productivity are flowing in unity. Thanks, Joe, for reminding me of this phenomenon of life.

  7. May 1, 2012 at 9:22 am


    I would love to share this story with you thanks

    The love of a nursing assistant
    Hi my name is Joe Carr I work as a nursing assistant in a nursing home in New York City . I’m doing this for a little more than 2 years now , doing the job ok, but the work seamed real hard at first, after I got the hang of it. It got a little easier , but some of the residents were hard to work with . This one in particular lets just call him Tommy ,by law I can’t use his real name anyway any time I went in to Tommy’s room he would get real aggressive he would start swinging at me I would have to duck away from being hit some of the other assistants would tell me to stay away from his right side to ovoid getting hit by him. They would all tell me the time they got hit, one young lady assistant got a black eye once an other got a real bad scratch on his neck I my self got a bloody lip. So any time I went in to his room to work on him and give him care I would have to bob and weave like I was a boxer. Any time I had this resident I would cringe at what was going to happen this time, this really sucks. Until the day got intro duce to the law of attraction thru the movie The Secret it was all new to me but I was intrigued so I looked more in to the law of attraction I stated to apply the principals along with the love from ho-oponopono an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness but is was the law of attraction that really stated to make a difference., all I did was think of things that I wanted to happen when I went in to Tommy’s room, I would stay in a good mood and just think positive, well it was like magic, when I would go in to his room I would no longer be afraid that he would try to hit me any more the aggressiveness stopped ,and he would have a look on his face of astonishment like what is happing to me. Even the nurse’s are stunned ,what did you do Joe. I said to her all I did was think about what I wanted Tommy to be like and it happened. okay right she said and didn’t believe me. All I can say is now when I go in to Tommy’s room all I think about is love and happiness and use the law of attraction. And we get a long great now.
    Love Joe Carr

  8. Pascal DRAY-Reply
    May 1, 2012 at 9:37 am

    Dear Joe,

    I’m writting from France. In fact I saw the secret a few month ago and since then I tried to apply and to search for and how to use the law of attraction. One on the many things I’ve learned is that one must have a real goal, have a real vision of it and take action.
    I also know that I must reapeat every day :

    I love you
    I’m sorry
    Please forgive me
    Thank You

    I’m always reading stuff about it “I mean the law of attraction” and I did not find the path to win the lottery so is it possible to do that and if yes how !!!

    You are really a very nice Man and I recommand you to some of my friend for the seminar you are going to organize in Texas this summer !!! Unfortunately I won’t be able to participate but one of my friend from the states will…

    Bravo Joe you are a wonderful person and I hope to meet you soon in Paris France where I leave today !!!

  9. Cindy S.-Reply
    May 1, 2012 at 9:43 am

    Joe, Thank you for this thoughtful post! Very authentic indeed. I too love the line about ‘argue all you want, you are still needed.’ First, Operation Yes will be a raving success – in Divine time, your network will amaze you and respond to the call 10 fold! Just watch…
    Second, I only have an inkling (outside of being a great parent to my kids) what I need to do. So, I wait in stillness and breath and trust that it will come to me when the time is right.
    Bless you and all who visit this page!
    Happy May Day! (When I was little, my neighbor friend and I used to pick flowers and leave them on doorsteps, ring the doorbell and run!) Maybe that’s my calling for today. 🙂

  10. Rita Losee-Reply
    May 1, 2012 at 9:46 am

    GR8 question at the perfect time. Answer of the moment: my unique and valuable perspective on overcoming challenges and Living Victoriously. I know there are millions of others engaged in those endeavors, but no one else can speak in my voice. When one voice is missing, the chorus is diminished.

    PS — I reserve the right to re-answer the question in a more expanded version at any time I am so inspired!

  11. May 1, 2012 at 10:10 am

    Dr Vitale
    I’m going to started your coaching program this week I really think this is the next step to attraction thank you so much keep up the good work Joe Carrasco

  12. T Josh G-Reply
    May 1, 2012 at 12:16 pm

    Dear Joe, I want to thank you for your teachings. I just have to say that what you are saying and doing are all true. I have studied these kinds of things for the past 20 years and finally took action. As the Universe is my witness, all these cool things have been happening because I have been changing my attitude and my energy cells. Thank you Joe!

  13. May 1, 2012 at 12:55 pm


    Thanks for your thought provoking post.

    My quick response to “What would not get done if you were not here?” is that my son would not get all that I feel I have to share with him.

    He is only 3 years old and I really feel responsible for helping him understand how amazing he is, something that I don’t wish to leave to other teachers to do. I see how every word and belief is absorbed by him and the thought of exposing him to whatever various teachers might think is right, in a conventional education, is not appealing.

    I’ve also discovered The Emotion Code in the last couple of days and it has inspired me to heal others in a way that I believe could be extremely valuable to help change in the world.

    Actually, while doing this I came across a device that is meant to be able to do the same as muscle testing and it quotes you and Jack Canfield as being those with testimonials. The testimonials aren’t actually shown and when I asked to see a link for them, was told they didn’t have them. I wondered if you have used one and if so whether they actually work … here is link to page where they show your pic http://www.trutester.com/testimonials.html

    I’m going to contemplate your question more in the coming days 🙂

  14. May 2, 2012 at 1:51 am


    Thank you for introducing me to EFT and Ho’oponopono. Your work has in part inspired me to recently tune into my life purpose: I am a Spiritual Life Coach who uses EFT in a Holistic way to teach people how to tune into their Higher Self where their true potential lies, by releasing limiting beliefs that are subconsciously sabotaging their powerful intentions from manifesting.

    For example, one daughter wanted to release the anger she felt towards parents, who only allowed their daughters to wear long dresses. (No pants, shorts or anything remotely modern looking.) She worried that they were being limited to this dress code against their own wills.

    You see, for a period of 10 years, I only wore long dresses/skirts and of course, that’s what I had my daughters wear, too. This particular daughter felt like a hostage to this standard, because she believed she wasn’t allowed to have a voice in this. She was raised to obey her parents and never question. (She remembered a time when she calling me out on my BS and I got angry with her. So, she concluded that it wasn’t safe to speak her truth.)

    We were then able to tap on her anger at these parents, at me, at God, and at herself. This was a beautiful way to heal our relationship. It took a couple of sessions, but now she feels no judgement when she see these families and feels genuine love toward all involved. Now this is restoration at its best!! It’s a win/win for all.

    The healing continues with all my children.

    I have also had the privilege of helping a friend step in to her life purpose with faith, by recognizing and releasing her fears. The journey has only just begun.

    Thank you for asking such a great question.

    I wish you well, Joe! Many blessings in your endeavor to put an end to foreclosures.

  15. Christina-Reply
    May 2, 2012 at 3:43 am

    First off…very cute baby pictures! What a great question. The first thing that popped into my mind was my four children. If I were not here they would not have been born and the world would have really missed out on four AMAZING, funny, loving, and yes, sometimes pesty people who are already all involved in helping others one way or the next. I will keep reflecting…there is more…

    I think Operation YES is absolutely brilliant. We have nothing like that in Denmark. Denmark claims that nobody is left out on the street without a choice, but that is bull. Every single day I see more homes going up for auction, including my neighbor’s. I know how hard it has been for them to not only lose their jobs, but their home as well and it breaks my heart for them. Three of us have talked that we would like to start something to stop homelessness, but as you know it is not easy to get started. It is more a case of where to start lol. I think what you are doing is amazing and you should be very proud of yourself.

    Lots of love,

  16. May 3, 2012 at 5:47 pm

    Wow taking you to work on the roads at 5! It’s funny because if a parent done that now it would be called child abuse.

    If I wasn’t here, the people i’ve helped to heal and feel better with Emotional Freedom Technique would still be having the same issues they had before I gave them coaching. 🙂

    And I plan to help alot more people with it too!


  17. May 4, 2012 at 8:25 pm

    Dr. Joe,

    Thank you for the very thought provoking quote, “What would not get done if you were not here?” I am put this up on my computer monitor right now as a great daily reminder.

    Yours In Health!

    Dr. Wendy

  18. Karen-Reply
    May 5, 2012 at 7:06 am

    Hi Jo,
    G;Day from Down-Under! Firstly i think U R AMAZING! I wish i could b half as focused as U R! I have most of your books & CD’s! I have to be more focused to put all your suggestions into action! Currently i am reading Hypnotic Writing! I need to work out how to put together a email that grabs attention for my current work i am doing! I believe passionately in this work but have yet to b successful with it! Could U tell me how much do U charge to assist in writing a brief email to send to people that would attract them!? Ir if U refer if there is someone i should contact to ask these details PLEASE could U refer me to that person? Also what does Ao Akua mean? Please excuse my ignorance?! I have read Ho’oponopono is it something from that book? As a Pyschiatric Practitoiner that book was mind boggling & it defies all the traditional mental health treatments! I constantly use the clearing phrase daily in my life & i always say it when i send my business emails out but i have not had the success that i crave yet!!! ( I am a Natural Health Practitioner & Nurse Practitioner) So that’s why i thought i should pay for a expert like U to assit me with my adverts!? Yours Naturally & Sincerely, Karen : )

  19. Alexandre Dias-Reply
    May 10, 2012 at 7:06 pm

    Thank You!!!!!
    Thank You!!!!!
    Thank You!!!!!
    Thank You!!!!!
    Thank You!!!!!

  20. May 15, 2012 at 12:13 pm

    Wow. This was an amazing blog post Dr. Vitale. I am going to share the link on my face book fan page (www.facebook.com/successwithl.o.a.) as I hope it will stir up the thinking it did in me.
    I wish you or someone like you would run for the President. If prosperity minded individual like you were the leaders of the world, by the Law of Attraction things around the world could not help but be prosperous. I love your books, tapes, blogs and everything. You and other teachers have changed my life. I am still confident that our path will cross someday in a great endeavor.
    Have a fantastic week, and thank you for all you do.

  21. July 5, 2012 at 9:41 pm

    Few things delight a writer more than to learn that an idea from their book has struck gold for a reader. I am moved by your consideration of the question: “What would not get done if I were not here?”. Thank you for sharing your study of that query. And thank you for mentioning my book so kindly. As you know books live because people take the time to pass on their enthusiasm. I am flattered to be mentioned along with Johnstone’s classic work. His book helped to turn my life around. Please accept my appreciation for your work and what you are doing in the world. Blessings on you.

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