At dinner with friends recently, someone asked me how to attract more money when they are already doing everything right, feel they deserve it, and don’t know what’s wrong. They feel stuck.

I’ve written about this subject a lot, most notably in my free e-book Attract Money Now, and in my bestselling audio program, The Secret to Attracting Money, but I could tell these people were holding my feet in the fire and wanted more.

Here’s what I told them:

First, you or someone you hire has to have an eye on money.

Money doesn’t want pursued directly, but indirectly. You have to follow your dreams and keep a watchful eye on whether you are making money or not. The old catch phrase, “Do what you love and the money will follow” should actually be, “Do what you love and sell it.” That’s why Walt Disney said, “I want to make money from my movies so I can keep making movies.” Yes, follow your passion, but also watch what money is doing around it.

Second, money needs appreciated.

Most people see money as a necessary evil. They wouldn’t even want it if they didn’t need it to survive. That’s a poor attitude. Money can sense you don’t appreciate it. You need to learn, as Arnold Patent says, “The sole purpose of money is to express appreciation.” Start showing your gratitude for money and you’ll begin to attract more of it to be grateful for.

"The Secret to Attracting Money" Complete Course

"The Secret to Attracting Money" Complete Course

Third, money is a tool that can be leveraged to attract more money.

Most people don’t know this. When you get money, give it, save it, spend it, and invest it. A friend in Australia once taught me that he has learned to make money from his money, and then to make money from the money he made from that money. (Think about it.) He means to attract money from doing what you love, then invest it in some way, and then invest the money you make from your investment.

Fourth, give it away.

This step is part of number three above, but deserves its own explanation and focus. Most people hold on to money. They are afraid of losing what they have, or needing it for something they fear will happen. Again, lousy attitude. It means you’re really believing in scarcity. Even though every prosperity teacher says to give money away, you probably don’t. Right? (Be honest.) I advise people to give a portion of their income (usually ten percent) to wherever they receive spiritual nourishment. That could be a church, an author, a speaker, a bus driver, a waitress, or anyone or anything that inspired you. The key is inspiration. Don’t give out of obligation, give out of inspiration.

Fifth, clear your beliefs around money.

This one is THE most important step, because if you have unconscious beliefs about money, you will filter out the opportunities around you to attract more money. You won’t see them! This is why coaching is so important. An objective, trained listener can help you spot your limiting beliefs about money, which helps free you of them. Money is everywhere. Trillions of dollars are floating right by you. But you won’t see any of it with belief blinders on.

Again, I’ve written extensively about this subject on this blog, and elsewhere. But let’s apply the above insights to you right now:

Are you or someone you hired focused on watching money?

Do you appreciate money, saying “thank you” as you write your checks?

Are you leveraging/investing your money to attract more money?

Are you giving a portion of your money away every time you receive some?

Are you actively clearing your limiting beliefs around money?

If you answered “no” to any or all of the above, you know what to do next.

Money is a wonderful tool. With it you can help yourself, family and friends, and causes you believe in. Make peace with money and begin to enjoy life on a whole new level.

Your move.

Ao Akua,


PS — Consider: If money has its own vibration, and you have your own vibration, what would happen if you were both in alignment? Answer at Http://

Member BBB 2003 - 2013

Member BBB 2003 - 2013


  1. November 1, 2012 at 8:02 am

    Thank you Mr Joe Vitale!

    I´m in a super awful stage of debt and I need to remember to be grateful for the creativity it creates.

    To be grateful for what I have and to create income by selling stuff, doing odd jobs and keeping my BIG vision alive!!!!!!

    Thank You!


  2. November 1, 2012 at 9:35 am

    Great reminder!!!!! 🙂

  3. Victoria-Reply
    November 2, 2012 at 12:31 pm

    How did you wrong!!! I am amazed at people who constantly whine “I have no money” , “I will never earn” , “I’m not lucky”. But nothing is trying to change. The most interesting is that many people do not even want to hear about a change of consciousness, of visualization and such things. Why is it so ?

  4. November 3, 2012 at 8:29 am

    Love money… making it and give it away. Two years ago I let go of some limiting beliefs around money and went from earning $1,000 per month to $10,000 per month in less than 12 months… full story here:

  5. November 6, 2012 at 8:04 pm

    Money is worthless if it is not in circulation. Allow it to come to you and through you freely! You will be surprised from the results. Great post Joe! Money and the Law of Attraction

  6. Ribitskaya Vera-Reply
    November 9, 2012 at 4:54 am

    Благодарю, Вас, Джо!
    Читая ваши книги и слушая вашу музыку, я стала совершенно другим человеком!

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