“I love your book.”

“Which one?” I asked.

I was talking to my lawn care guy.

“The new one, the one called At Zero, the one where you explained the history and inner secrets of that Hawaiian thing I can’t pronounce.”

Get book today and get gifts!

Get book today and get gifts!

“You mean ho’oponopono?” I asked.

“Yea. That one. I loved your book Zero Limits but this new one blew the lid off my mind.”

“What did you like about the new book?”

“You really showed me how deep you go in using the method,” he explained. “I was amazed to read about your own dark night of the soul and how you went so deep to unravel how you attracted it and how you got out of it.”

“Thank you.”

New book out today!

New book out today!

“Most people think they are working on themselves when they aren’t; not really. Your stories reveal how to dig into the heart of change.”

“I appreciate that.”

“Plus I didn’t know I was doing ho’opo wrong,” he confessed. “Your book really opened my eyes.”

“Yea, a lot of people don’t get how the method actually works to bring on miracles.”

“I also didn’t know that that ho’opono-thing came from such dark beginnings.”

“Most people don’t,” I said.

“The final secret that you reveal took me a while to get,” he said. “I almost missed it until I realized you spelled it out in this new book and my mind wasn’t letting me see it.”

“Our minds are tricksters,” I said.

“Well, I loved this new book At Zero and sure hope you sell a lot of them as it can really help people.”

“Thank you again.”

“Well, I better finish your lawn.”


Ao Akua,


PS — Here’s what the experts say —

“Joe’s new book was just as I knew it would be – FABULOUS!
The riveting stories and enlightening insights lifted my
spirits and filled my soul with love. This is indeed a path
to miracles!”
– Janet Bray Attwood, co/author NY Times bestseller,
The Passion Test

“This book ought to be a movie. A masterpiece of story
telling and a revelation on how the Hawaiian healing
system of Ho’oponopono really works.”
~ Barnet Bain, movie producer, “What Dreams May Come”
and “The Celestine Prophecy”

“In ‘At Zero’, Dr. Joe Vitale shares the catalyst of his
own awakening. He is vulnerable, insightful and shares
authentic Ho’oponopono secrets that are empowering and
inspiring. If you want to get to the state of zero, where
there are no limiting beliefs, I highly suggest you read
this book.”
– Dr. Steve G. Jones, Clinical Hypnotherapist

Go see http://www.atzerobook.com

Member BBB 2003 - 2015

Member BBB 2003 - 2015


  1. January 7, 2014 at 11:36 am

    Hi Joe,

    When your lawn care guy – or anybody for that matter – vibes so deeply with your book you know you are aligned 😉 Good stuff! Heck you knew it before it happened….all due to your vibe.

    Keep up the great play!

  2. Lauri Niskasaari-Reply
    January 7, 2014 at 5:38 pm

    Awesome post and what a marvelous day!
    You published your new book and I got approved for your miracles coaching 🙂

    • August 4, 2014 at 5:54 pm

      Dorothy,I LOVE what you wrote. WE are all human, without a doubt and are here to work tguorhh all of our stuff .Through all of this I have gone tguorhh a range of emotions, as I have admired both the work of Mark and Joe.I think in the end this WHOLE conversation is so positive, because I believe that we are only as sick as our secrets.. And there are lots of them in the Self-Help industry, meaning that there are a handful of teachers out there that say one thing, while they truly feel another.. In a sense they deny their humanity, I don’t feel that serves anyone.I remember Ihaleakala saying that he has not gone a day without making a judgement about someone else, and look at the level he is at..So there you go.I reaffirm what I posted on Who Owns Ho’oponopono when I say that people always use the highest and best resources available to them All we can do is continue to be aware of our behavior, purify our intentions, and leave the rest to the Divine Love and Blessings,Aymee

  3. January 8, 2014 at 6:20 am

    Just got the Kindle download. Now I know what my next read is!

  4. Robert-Reply
    January 13, 2014 at 5:06 am

    Dear Dr. Vitale,

    I am writing to you in the comment of this post since I could not find a better way to contact you directly.

    First, let me introduce myself. My name’s Robert, I’m 50 years old (51 this year), I’m Polish and I live in a beautiful sea-side town of Kolobrzeg, Poland.

    I’ve just finished reading your “Zero Limits” and I’d like to share just two thoughts with you.

    The first one concerns cleaning oneself of negative programs, emotions, or whatever you call it. I think that it was first mentioned, in a different context and in different words, by Ester Hicks in the Secret movie. Remember the sequence when a guy finds the parking ticket and then all kinds of notices in his mail-box. “The more you think of what is…”. So the only way is to clean yourself of “what is” in order to stop manifesting of “what is”.

    The reason I mentioned this resonates with Dr. Hew Len’s words to you when you asked about your previous books and teachings. They were indeed stepping stones to better understanding of the essence of the things. And this is the second thought I wanted to share together with my personal story here.

    I started my transformation way back in 1997 with “Lazy Man’s Way to Riches”, a book which taught some techniques like visualization and delegating some tasks to your subconscious mind. Shortly after I got acquainted with NLP and studied lots of books on it, including those by R. Bandler on the one hand and Anthony Robbins on the other. Soon after, however, I came across S. Covey’s book “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” which addressed more building one’s character. Years after, the “Secret”, book and the movie, and now your “Zero Limits”… What’s astonishing is that all those “streams” combine together perfectly into one big “river” of knowledge. And these were my “stepping stones” in the attempt to find out how life works, how it unfolds, and what’s in it for me.

    As for now, “Zero Limits” indicates new areas for me to explore and since I know, from my previous experience with other “methods” that the “stuff works”, I am absolutely sure that the magic will continue to happen in my life uninterrupted.

    You may wish to say “thank you” to the translator of your “Zero Limits” into Polish as she did a splendid job (I am a professional translator myself and I am truly impressed by her translation).

    I’d be glad and honored to hear from you personally to the e-mail address I provided.

    Sincerely Yours,
    Robert H. Cwik

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