You can now watch "The Secret" movie!

Great news!

You can now watch the movie The Secret right online at

You can pay a small fee and watch it on your monitor, and/or you can buy the DVD.

Me, I’m buying multiple copies of The Secret movie on DVD and sending them as gifts to family, friends, libraries, schools, hospitals, and more.

As I’ve said before, I’ve seen the movie and think it’s an inspiring masterpiece. It’s far better than What the Bleep.

I’m in it, as well as my friends Esther Hicks, Jack Canfield, John Assaraf, Bob Doyle, Bill Harris, Bob Proctor, and a long list of other great gurus and self-help teachers of today.

The movie has little to do with Charles Haanel’s Master Key System. Instead, it brings to life the principles in my book The Attractor Factor.

Actually, why are you still reading this post?

Get over to

Go see the movie for yourself.

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,

Joe Vitale

PS – Why are you still here? Go watch The Secret at Go! Go! Go!


  1. Lewis Smith-Reply
    March 23, 2006 at 8:16 am

    This film is a work of art.

    I agree with you, Joe. Every school, hospital, and library needs a copy!

    Multiple copies!

    All my friends need to see this movie.

  2. Jason-Reply
    March 24, 2006 at 6:25 am


    Something I thought I would share with those that might not get how wonderful this movie is, below is the posting about this movie on my blog…

    BTW nice to put a person to the posts and audio of you. I’ve seen your smile in pictures but it’s just not the same as those wonderful flicker shows. 🙂

    I am sitting here now in complete aww and joy. I just got done watching The Secret @ And WOW is all I can really say right now.

    I’ve been on a path to find out what ‘it’ is the thing out there that will answer all my questions about anything. I’ve read at least a hundred books looking for it, I’ve listened to hours, and hours of audio, I’ve watched hours of movies and TV looking for ‘it’. I didn’t find ‘it’.

    And in 90 short, life changing minutes this movie has given me the answer to ‘it’. It’s something that has always been there and always will be but something I had dismissed. Looking back on it, ‘it’ was pointed out to me on several occasions and in many different ways but nothing hit home like this did.

    Even the very first ‘self improvement’ book that got me started Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill pointed out the secret if you were ready for it. You will know the secret when you are ready, it will jump out at you.


    My life will never be the same now. This came at the exact right moment for me in my life. I was scared and lost so much had come up to completely take me out of my comfort zone. To put me back out there in life and learn to enjoy every day. And after watching this movie I know why all this has happened to me, by me.

    I now realize I don’t need to study any more, I don’t need to fret any more, I don’t need to do anything I thought I had to do before to get me where I want to go. I just have to get on my own personal space ship! And hang on for a wonderful ride.

    Thank you so much for this! I will never for get it

    Love to all


  3. Wayne-Reply
    March 24, 2006 at 6:27 am

    Hi Joe,
    You might remember me from my book, This Endless Moment. I just finished The Secret, and all I can say is, thanks! It so fits with what I do with and teach to my clients. I plan to sit here and refer my current clients to the site.
    I’m glad I’ve gotten a better sense of you, too!
    Wayne C. Allen

  4. Wayne-Reply
    March 24, 2006 at 7:25 am

    Hi Joe,
    You might remember me from my book, This Endless Moment. I just finished The Secret, and all I can say is, thanks! It so fits with what I do with and teach to my clients. I plan to sit here and refer my current clients to the site.
    I’m glad I’ve gotten a better sense of you, too!
    Wayne C. Allen

  5. Joe Vitale-Reply
    March 24, 2006 at 7:29 am

    Wayne, yes, I remember you – and I love your book. Good to hear from you, old friend.


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