A team of people including myself — many of which are stars of the movie The Secret — have the noble vision of ending homelessness. Our intent is to get people to rethink the problem, and actually resolve it once and for all. We are doing this in a way that you can win, too. The movement is called Operation YES. YES stands for Your Economic Salvation. See my short video explanation at www.youtube.com/v/wFZ55U3uyqk or by clicking on the below image. And yes, please share this with the world. Thank you.
Great work! Something similar http://tapping4peace.com
How can we, through applied team work! Why, because this is the most awesome generation of extroardinary men and women! Who, 6.7 billion of the most talented people, YOU. When, today! Where, look around? What, a contribution multi-generational reaching ability, to be the best you, YOU were born to be. Thank you for being you, it’s an honor to have you within this Generation of Mankind.
I can not help but notice the “pushing against” that it is more “adding to” as the Hicks put it in the movie 🙂
I’VE EMBEDDED YOUR VIDEO ON MY BLOG with an editorial blog introducing it.
I titled it: “GIMME SHELTER!”
[Once a “child of the Sixties, always…]
I hope everyone who has a blogsite and gets your emails puts your youtube video on their blogs, too!
Being an ordained minister, I couldn’t resist citing the relevant portion of Jesus of Nazareth’s teaching on the subject of homelessness in my intro!
Don’t know it? Well then, you can go to my blog and read it:
Blessings, Joe!:grin:
Lovingly sent,
This is very odd–I can’t find a link to Operation Yes. My copy of the newsletter didn’t have one, and though it seems as though it should be simple, I’m having trouble finding one.
I have been working in Human Services and with Homeless, Incarcerated, Addicted and other disenfranchised peoples for over 15 yrs. I wonder how I might use my experience and skill sets to join your efforts?:grin:
Hope, if you (or anyone) would like to help us, send an email to [email protected]
thank you
Joe, that’s great man! A real inspiration. You are a very wise soui and I believe you will help a lot of people. We always have to remember that some people in life need help. Somebody helped me today. I was in the process of attracting a job at a health food store today in the LA area. The last place I went to apply, 2 employees were really helpful and positive about getting my reume to the manager. It made a lasting impression after a long day. And I envision myself being of service in the near future.Have a great day everyone, and all the best to your dreams and plans!!
I have to agree with Ilie above. It appears that what you are trying to do with this project, first and foremost, is to “remove an ingredient from the kitchen”. That ingredient being homelessness. And it will never work because you are pushing against it, instead of allowing it and focusing on something that feels better. I, too have been homeless, and it was a wonderful experience for me. I would rather view homeless people as already equal to me, as powerful creators who are choosing their experience for a reason- even if I do not understand what that reason is. If they no longer want to be homeless, they will attract a home- just like I did, and you as well, Joe.
I do agree with the others that have noticed you are focusing on homelessness, which as you teach is telling the universe “homelessness”. The universe, as I understand it will not differenciate between ending it and continuing it. How does this mesh with “end homelessness” focus that we see in this site??????
You have not addressed this with the previous 2 posts that asked about the same issue. I would hope that you will clear this up for us.
Be well.
Hello Joe,
I just finished reading your latest e book. I received an “inspired idea” that could bring 1 million dollars (or more) in contributions to your Project to teach entrepreneurial skills to the homeless.
I am partnered in a developing a “Conscious Community” in the mountains of NC.
The website is http://www.thesecretsprings.com ; This is 104 gorgeous acres with amazing views, 3 spring fed streams, close to golf, skiing and a well known tourist town, Banner Elk. There is a vibration to this land that people tell us they feel. Our vision for this community has been to attract people who believe in the Law of Attraction.
We are offering to 10 buyer/investors who purchase a lot in Phase I for $100,000 – (actual lot prices vary and we will be discounting prices for Phase I lots – $40,000 down for $100,000 lot) 1/20th of the profit of the entire project – total of 45 lots with
estimated retail sales of 6 million and estimated profit 2.5 – 3 million.
My “inspired idea” is if you knows of 10 people who want to want to maximize their
contribution (to Operation YES), they can invest $40,000 (plus some payments) now and get in the
pipeline to receive 1/20th of the profits as the development sells out. This could
grow their $40,000 (plus payments) into $125,000 or $150,000 plus they will still have their lot that has increased in value to use themselves or sell! This is a “win – win” situation. It helps us hold onto the project (the bank has called our note due
$950,000) and it can generate up to 1.5 million for Operation YES!
Joe, would you kindly get back to me after you have an opportunity to consider this.
Best to you,
Jane Starets
336 918 0980
Pepper Rodgers/developer
828 773 7737
I need help please direct me!