Joe Vitale


The Thank You Jacket

One way to attract money or attract wealth (or attract anything else) is to practice gratitude and appreciation so you can experience transformation right now. The following true story illustrates what I mean…

Six months ago I ordered a handmade leather fanny pack from I Medici Firenze, a store in Chicago that sells goods from Florence, Italy. The item had to be specially made for me, since at the time my waist was bigger than the average fanny.

There were numerous delays, and by the time the fanny pack arrived — six months after I had ordered it — I had lost fifty pounds, including ten inches off my waist.

Obviously, the item didn’t fit. I was now too slim for it. But I didn’t think much of it and just let it go.

A few weeks ago I was back in Chicago. I decided to return to the store and thank the owner for delivering the item, even though it was six months late and no longer the right size. Still, I was grateful I got my order. I wanted to show my appreciation by making a personal appearance in her store. I wanted to say thank you.

She wasn’t there.  I wandered around, lusted over all the leather handbags, messenger bags, laptop bags, fanny packs and such, and enjoyed seeing the goods and breathing in the leather.

As I explored the store, I noticed a man’s leather jacket on a rack. It was the only one there. The store doesn’t sell clothing, so this was an oddity.

I thought it looked great, felt it and admired the softness of it, but let it be. I didn’t need a jacket. And it’s warm outside in both Chicago and Texas these days. I’d probably not wear it for a while.

But Peter Wink, my company’s vice-president of marketing, also saw the jacket. Peter’s got an eye for good clothes. He asked me to try it on. I did. To my surprise, it fit like it was tailor-made for me.

Peter, who dresses like he’s being photographed for GQ magazine every day, said the jacket looked stunning on me. He said, “There are good jackets, great jackets, and then that jacket.”

I asked for the price. It was fair. But my intuition said I could get it for less.

I asked the clerk to call the owner on the phone. He did.

I then told the owner how I only came in to thank her for the delivery of the fanny pack, how it didn’t fit, etc.  I went on to tell her about the jacket. I wondered what the lowest price for it would be.

She gave me a terrific discount and I walked out wearing that jacket.

This photo shows me wearing it at Chef Mehmet’s raw foods restaurant in Chicago later that same day:

Please note the lesson:

I didn’t go into that store to buy a jacket.

I only went in to say thank you.

I only went in to say thank you for an item that took six months to arrive and was the wrong size, but I walked out wearing one of the finest leather jackets of my life – bought at a discount.

This is the power of gratitude and appreciation.

jacket pic from chicago

If you want to attract money or attract wealth (or attract a cool new jacket), you need to say “thank you” all the time, for every moment, no matter how you are judging it.

The more you practice appreciation, the more you will learn how the law of attraction really works.

Thank you.

Ao Akua

Dr. Joe Vitale

PS – Discover more about how to attract money or attract wealth using the law of attraction, and go way beyond the ideas in The Secret movie, by getting a copy of my latest book — yours free — called Attract Money Now. Click right here to claim your copy of it. If you want even more help, and want results faster, consider Joe Vitale’s Miracles Coaching.


How to Attract Money

I’ve been working hard on my new book, Attract Money Now, that explains how to easily attract money with my new 7-step proven formula. If you want to register to get it — for FREE — just click here.


The Secret of Wealth Attraction

How do you use the the law of abundance and the law of attraction to attract money or attract wealth?

Wealth attraction is all about understanding the hidden secret of money.

In short, money will match your mindset.

Let me repeat that:

Money will match your mindset.

You need to understand that you have a mindset toward money. It is in your unconscious. It is either attracting or repelling money to you. Change that mindset and you can have more money. I’ll be explaining all of this in my next book, Attract Money Now, but let me talk about this a little right now.

Free New book: Attract Money Now

Recently I went to Ohio and witnessed a meeting designed to end poverty. It’s working, too. It’s the heart-child and brain-child of Scott Miller, who wrote the mind-stretching book, Until It’s Gone.

Scott teaches people in poverty that they have a hidden mindset toward money that is keeping them broke. They think in terms of scarcity, panic, fear, threat, lack and limitation. They also think in terms of victimhood.

But people in the middle class have a mindset toward money, too. They think a little more broadly, but still think in terms of limitations and fears. People in poverty can’t see past the fear of the moment. People in middle class can’t see beyond the job wage they get.

Wealthy people also have a mindset toward money. They may think more abundantly, but often they aren’t thinking of others. They, like most people, are focused on their survival, only on a more luxurious level.

In order to attract money or attract wealth, you have to awaken from your unconscious programming. The secret to using the law of abundance or law of attraction is to expand your relationship to money and wealth. Become aware of the hidden beliefs and then change them.

Here are three ways to do just that:

1. Get The Secret to Attracting Money. This is my in-depth audio program on attracting money. It contains everything from a money attraction IQ test to a practical and spiritual system for becoming a money magnet. It works.

2. Get my free book Attract Money Now. I’m writing this to help you. I plan to give it away. It will reveal a proven seven step formula for attracting money that will work for anyone who uses it. Yes, even you.

3. Get a Miracles Coach. Nothing works faster or better than having a coach. This is the #1 secret to success of every major player you can name. Get a coach and transform your life.

In short, you can attract more money — a wonderful tool for helping yourself and others — by simply becoming more awake. And you begin the process of awakening by taking action right now.

What are you going to do next?

Ao Akua,

Dr. Joe Vitale

PS – You can implement the law of abundance and law of attraction to attract money or attract wealth by using this secret: take action. Most people don’t. Go get my next book — it’s free — Attract Money Now.


The Secret in Peru

So many people asked to see footage of my talk about the Law of Attraction before 15,000 people in Lima, Peru that we posted ten minutes of it on YouTube. Click below to watch it:


Attracting Patrick Dempsey's Sports Car

Actor Patrick Dempsey loves sports cars but not the Porsche so much as the Panoz. I know because I just attracted his custom made exotic car, and it ain’t what you think.

If you’ve been following my career, you know over the last few years I’ve been attracting a car collection. Not a collection on the scale of Jay Leno or Jerry Seinfeld, but good enough to get into magazines such as Heavy Hitters and Austin Fit, and on TV shows like Discovery Channel’s upcoming new one on Super Cars.


The other thing you may or may not know is that I rarely go seeking these cars. They come to me. I’m just alert enough to seize the moment when the car is there. I say “Yes!” to them.

And that is a secret to how the Law of Attraction works.

For example,  I knew Patrick Dempsey (of TV’s Grey’s Anatomy and many movies, such as Freedom Writers) had a Panoz exotic sports car because I’ve been to the Panoz factory, met the Panoz family, and heard his story. I also own Francine, a 2005 Panoz Esperante GTLM, a fiery redhead of a car.


Dempsey’s car was custom built for him in 2002, with every street-rocket perk you could install at the time. He’s a race car fan and driver, and knows what he wants in a barely street-legal exotic car. Panoz listened and built what he wanted. The result is a one-of-a-kind car. It’s a supercharged V8 with 420 HP. Like my own Francine, it’s an Esperante GTLM. In fact, according to the Panoz company, it was the first Esperante ever built. It was named Tallulah, after Dempsey’s daughter.


I remember thinking it would be cool to somehow buy his car one day. But I didn’t worry about it. I mentally set my intention and let it go. I had no attachment to it at all. None.

The other day I got my daily eBay alerts for the topics I’m interested in (such as Panoz, P.T. Barnum, Steve Reeves, Joe Vitale, John Scarne, Bugatti Veyron, etc). To my surprise, Patrick Dempsey’s hand-made one-of-kind Panoz sports car was listed for sale.


Please note that I did not go looking for that car. I let it come to me. But when it did, I took action and bid on it. I now own it. I’ll be picking it up next week in Chicago.

The same thing happened when I stumbled across Steven Tyler’s rare Panoz AIV Roadster. I’m of course aware of the Aerosmith singer, but never thought I’d actually find or buy his collectible car. Well, I did.


And almost the very same thing happened when I learned that the 1976 Jaguar XJS owned by famous bodybuilder and actor Steve Reeves (Hercules) was available. It wasn’t listed on eBay, but I found it while browsing a website about Reeves. I couldn’t believe it was for sale. I bought it for a fair price, invested a lot of money to repair and restore it, and now proudly own it.


But remember, this post isn’t about buying or collecting cars; it’s about attracting what you want with intent, detachment, and action.

In fact, the more detached you are, the better for attracting results.

For example, when I was in San Diego last September for my Miracles Weekend event, I went to a luxury car dealership to see a Bugatti Veyron, probably the fastest and most expensive car yet made. I loved the car but didn’t want to spend over a million dollars for it.

While there, I saw a 2008 Rolls-Royce Phantom. I had no conscious intent to buy the Rolls, but did (and did on the day the stock market dropped the most number of points in recent history). As a result of spontaneously buying that car, with no need or attachment, I created a whole new business: the Rolls-Royce Phantom Mastermind.


If you study this post, you’ll see some key elements at play in making the Law of Attraction work for you:

1. State what you want.

2. Release any need for it.

3. Take action on the opportunities you spot.

Again, attracting a new car isn’t the goal but only the demonstration of how this process works. If you think this is about attracting cars or “stuff”, then you’ve missed the point.

I could rationalize my car purchases as investments in a private collection (they are), or as rewards for milestones in my life (I just spoke to 15,000 in Peru), or explain that I intend to turn Dempsey’s car into a hydrogen-hybrid (by fitting it with Ronn Motors’s H2GO system, like the one used in their amazing exotic sports car, the Scorpion).


But the larger lesson is these cars illustrate how the Law of Attraction works. For you it may not be attracting cars but something completely different. Attract whatever you want. It doesn’t matter. It shouldn’t matter. I’m challenging you to make the LOA process conscious – and to enjoy the ride as you do.

Finally, I confess that I had doubts and second thoughts before actually placing the winning bid for Dempsey’s car.  That’s the nature of our monkey mind. But then I remembered a key principle in my course, The Secret to Attracting Money. secret-attract-money.jpg

It’s the principle I coined “Prosperous Purchasing“.

Prosperous Purchasing means this: when the product or service is there, and your desire is there, and the money is there, then buy.


When you buy under those circumstances — Please note I’m not advising you to go into debt or spend recklessly — you send a psychological message of self-worth to yourself, and you join the abundant flow of the universe.

In short, spending under those conditions will increase your prosperity.

Because I now own Patrick Dempsey’s sports car — due to the Law of Attraction, the Law of Right Action, and the Law of Prosperous Purchasing — I expect to achieve even greater wealth, success, and happiness.*

And that’s yet another secret to attracting what you want: your expectations lead to your results.

As the title of my most recent book says, Expect Miracles.


What do you expect?

Ao Akua,


PS — Actor Patrick Dempsey is one day going to want another sports car, whether a Porsche or a Panoz or some other exotic car. When he does, he might check out How to Attract a New Car. Varoom!

* Get this: An hour after winning Dempsey’s car on eBay, I was notified by one of my business partners that I had three times what I invested in the car coming to me in commissions from product sales. (!)  See how all of this works?

Note: Left-click on any image to enlarge it.

FREE: Remember to register to receive my next book Attract Money Now. It will reveal a seven step formula for attracting money – Guaranteed. Click here. Tell Patrick Dempsey to go there, too.