Joe Vitale


"Zero Limits Answers"

zerolimitsbookcover.jpg Here’s a win-win-win you’ll love —

I’ve written a brand new Special Report called “Zero Limits Answers.” It answers the 10 most popular questions I get about Zero Limits and cleaning. It’s short but in-depth. It answers such questions as —

* “I noticed that the order of the phrases are never the same. I’m afraid that I will do this wrong and that my misunderstanding of the process will adversely affect the outcome. What’s the truth?”

* “When I’m cleaning, who do I say it to? Me? The other person I’m cleaning on? I’m  confused.”

* “When I have a problem, and I do the cleaning, do I focus on the problem or the person while I’m cleaning?”

* “Do I have to clean forever and ever for as long as I live? That seems tiring and an awful lot of work. Is there another way?”

* “If all I need are the 4 phrases, then what’s up with all these ho’oponopono products that people sell and profit from?”

* “I am sorry!”? Does this mean apology or sadness? What do I have to be sorry for when everything in the Universe is perfect? I don’t like having to say it.”

There are other challenging questions in “Zero Limits Answers” — all answered by me personally.  (I’m the coauthor of the bestselling book, “Zero Limits,” and I’ve held three Zero Limits seminars with my coauthor, Dr. Hew Len.)

All of the money for the report goes to the non-profit organization I support called Move the Mountain. They teach people how to get out of poverty.

Remember, I don’t make a dime here. ALL of the money goes to the people who need it most.

Here’s the win-win-win:

– You get the Special Report (and surprise bonuses noted on the website).

– People in poverty get help.

– I get to make a difference.


Get all the details at –

Thank you for helping people find their way. Your generosity will return to bless you many times over.

Ao Akua,


PS — Remember, nothing goes to me. *All* of the money raised from this new Special Report goes to the organization that helps people in need. Get all details at 


Neuro Web Design

Neuroscience is the latest pop-trend in science. No complaints here. I love reading about how your brain can be rewired by your mind (think about that), and how what we thought were limits of the brain are not true at all.

So you can imagine my delight when a neuroscientist applied the latest research to web design.

Susan Weinschenk did just that in her book, Neuro Web Design. I love it. I love it so much I interviewed her for my Hypnotic Gold members.

The interview was in-depth and revealing. I learned why the word FREE is so powerful in marketing, why too many choices eliminate sales, how a website should have only one message, how innocent words on a page (such as love, peace, smile) influence people to take actions later without them knowing it, and how we are virtually totally unconsciously driven.

Susan’s reports about the unconscious mind track with what I wrote about in my book Zero Limits: The conscious mind is barely aware of enough data to get us through the day without walking into walls. The real powerhouse is unconscious. If you want to influence anyone (including yourself), you need to address the un-conscious.

Susan occasionally reviews websites for her blog. In my interview with her, she agreed to review my main site at

You can see her seven point analysis at 

Her points are ones anyone with a website should implement.

Go see.

Ao Akua,


PS – Neuro Web Design is in book stores and of course at It’s a quick but insightful read. Get it.


Youth Juice

Like you, I hear about so many health products and read so many claims that most of it becomes a blur. And most of it isn’t more than hype, anyway. So I’m as skeptical as anyone when it comes to the “latest thing,” especially in the world of health.

But I keep an open mind, keep researching, take a handful of proven products myself, and stay hopeful that one day I’ll find a new product that actually does what the marketing for it claims. After all, I’m 55 now and want to take even better care of myself.

I currently take a lot of health products. (See some at But I thought you might be interested in one of the newer products that I take. I’m only offering this as information, for you to review yourself. (If you’re looking for a biz opt, see the PS.)

If you (or someone you know) is interested in better health and/or anti-aging, this might be of real value. It might even be a life-saver. It might even be the Fountain of Youth.

It’s called Youth Juice.

Why is it so special?

Youth Juice currently yields the highest ORAC value of any product on the market (12,350 per serving).

In the world of anti-aging medicine, highest ORAC translates to highest anti-aging effects.

But what does that actually mean?

ORAC means Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity.

The average ORAC intake for humans is approximately 1,600 per day. Even those who consume 4 to 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day — and who does that? — only obtain around 2,000 ORAC.

Yet scientists at the USDA-ARS Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University now recommend a daily consumption of antioxidant nutrients between 3,000 to 5,000 ORAC.

Obviously, we’re not getting enough of it.

But remember, Youth Juice currently yields the highest ORAC value of any product on the market — 12,350 per serving!

Now maybe you can sense why I am getting more excited about this product.

Youth Juice is a drink made of 100% pure organic berries and sea vegetables. It tastes like a rich fruit juice. You drink 3 ounces in the morning. That’s it.

It contains 7 important antioxidant-loaded and cancer-fighting berries (raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, black elderberries, blackcurrant berries, boysenberries, and cranberries).

It also contains 3 immune-enhancing and detoxifying sea vegetables (fucoidan, rockweed, and ulva).

Rather than pretend I know what I’m talking about (I’m not a medical doctor, remember, though I am a member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine), just visit the site below for more information.

Again, I feel this is essential to good health. I take it myself. Get more details at — 

Ao Akua,


PS — You might note that by becoming a distributor for the product, under me, that there is a real business opportunity here. This would be a ground floor one, too, before all the publicity hits about it and everyone wants Youth Juice. Just go see this site and click on the word “Opportunity” on the left — 

Note: Youth Juice is not the only product I take. But given I don’t want to consume healthy chocolate or questionable drinks or anything with a lower ORAC rating, Youth Juice is my preferred tonic. Again, other products I use are listed at 


The Solution

solution.jpg  You’ll find a brand new hour long audio by me on itunes and called The Solution. In it I discuss —

How to break free from victim mentality – so you can get on with your life

How to release limiting beliefs about money and relationships once and for all

How to release fear and find courage in every area of your life

How to go from goal “setting” to goal “getting” faster than you can imagine

Three time-tested ways to attract miracles in every area of your life

The four-step path to true spiritual awakening

Three words that are guaranteed to change your life (and the planet) forever

You can order from iTunes  or from

Ao Akua,


PS – I recorded this new audio a month or so ago – without notes, letting inspiration lead the way. I was thinking of all the people who are suffering, who have lost their jobs or are worried about the future. The Solution came to me as the answer to their concerns. I recorded it for them, and for you.


How to Increase Talent

I of course know who Lance Armstrong is.  I have yet to meet him, even though we live in the same area of Texas and we’ve both been on the cover of Austin Fit magazine. He came to life for me when I read Daniel Coyle’s New York Times bestselling book, Lance Armstrong’s War. While I’m not a cyclist, the book was so well written that I was compelled to read every word of it. When I heard Coyle had a new book coming out, I pre-ordered it without a thought.

talent-code.bmp   It arrived a few days ago. It’s terrific. The Talent Code reveals the true source of greatness. And it’s not what you might think. As the author’s site ( for the book says…

What is the secret of talent? How do we unlock it?

Journalist and New York Times bestselling author Daniel Coyle visited nine of the world’s greatest talent hotbeds — tiny places that produce huge amounts of talent, from a small music camp in upstate New York to an elementary school in California to the baseball fields of the Caribbean.

He found that there’s a pattern common to all of them — certain methods of training, motivation, and coaching. This pattern, which has to do with the fundamental mechanisms through which the brain acquires skill, gives us a new way to think about talent — as well as new tools with which we can unlock our own talents and those of our kids.

The Talent Code may be the most stimulating, inspiring and informative book I’ve read so far this year. I keep reading it, underlying parts, making notes, and reflecting. It helps explain many defining moments in my own life. For example —

Back in 1969 I failed high school geometry. Got an ‘F’ in it. I had to retake the course the next year. The funny thing is, the next year I got straight ‘A’s in geometry. How did I go from F to A? I had a different teacher. The second instructor – a Mr. Ron Posey, I remember – had me follow a strict discipline, right down to using a particular notebook, putting protectors around the 3-holes in the pages, handwriting meticulously, and more. It drove some kids nuts. It helped me get straight A’s. According to Coyle, that second instructor was a brilliant coach intuitively using The Talent Code’s secrets.

Back in 1972, when I learned how to fly a single engine plane, I went through a ten-week course that was the hardest thing I had done (and have yet to do) in my entire life. I either flew a plane every day or was in ground school studying every day, five days a week, all day long. I thought the curriculum was intense. Overwhelming even. It wasn’t until I read Coyle’s book that I realized Kent State Univeristy’s flight school was teaching me exactly the way I needed to learn: by stretching me beyond what I thought was doable.

But how does all of this work to increase talent?

What was my geometry teacher and that flight school doing to turn an average (below average, really) kid into a straight A student and a licensed private pilot?

Coyle’s riveting book explains the three things needed to increase talent and go toward greatness. One essential is “the spark” of inspiration. Something has to ignite desire.

That’s what happened in 1970 when I met Rod Serling, creator of the famous sci-fi TV series, The Twilight Zone. I realized Serling was human and if he could be a famous writer, than I could too. I then put myself through a self-study program that contained well more than 10,000 hours of writing, reading, writing and more reading; of being rejected for years, and yet trying again and again (and again and again). My first book wasn’t published until 1984. The spark of inspiration was Rod Serling. This “spark” is what begins a huge, deep transformation. It’s the beginning to unlocking talent.

The second ingredient needed is a particular kind of practice.

When I was learning how to play the harmonica some thirty years ago, I nearly threw the instrument against the wall. While it’s easy to just blow through a harp and get some music out of it, learning how to blow through single holes, bend notes, and control your breathing and the resulting music is a challenge. But I kept practicing. I practiced every day at 7 pm on the front porch of an abandoned house. After an entire year, I could play like a relatively good blues harpist. But it took practice that involved struggle, errors, correction, and more practice. That’s part of the secret to increasing talent.

The third secret is great coaching.

I’m currently taking private tutoring lessons with Berlitz instructors to learn Spanish, for my speaking engagement in Lima, Peru on June 4th.  While I have books, courses, CDs and more on how to speak Spanish, there’s nothing like having a personal coach there to guide my learning. When I failed geometry the first time but excelled at it the second time, it was due to a better coach. I learned to pilot a plane in a short amount of time due to great teachers. These days I have my own coaching program for people wanting to improve or breakthrough. It’s needed for noteworthy success. In fact, it’s a requirement.

Coyle’s book is essential reading for the hypnotic writing, the stories, the insights and more. At the heart of it is the news that a substance in the brain called myelin is what makes people great.

But the greater news is anyone — even you and me — can develop any talent by following the three elements Coyle describes. Doing so will build myelin. As the subtitle of his book says, “Greatness isn’t born. It’s grown.”

The Talent Code may just be “the spark” needed to turn wishful dreamers into talented greats that in the future Daniel Coyle may write about — just as he’s already done for a living legend, Lance Armstrong.

Ao Akua,


PS — The new and improved Joe Vitale Miracles Coaching program is at