Joe Vitale


First Scorpion Spotted

scorpion-first-one-unveiled-11-4-08.jpg I’m excited to report the first Scorpion— the hybrid hydrogen exotic super car being built an hour from my home — was unveiled today in Las Vegas. I just saw pictures of it.

This is beyond breakthrough. Battery driven cars are not environmentally friendly (those batteries need to be tossed some place one day) and most other sports car hybrids are still in development and not reliable. The Scorpion is a leap forward in automotive history.


As you know (if you’ve been reading this blog for a while) I pre-ordered a special edition Scorpion a couple of months ago. I won’t see my street rocket for a while, but seeing the first Scorpion a few minutes ago made my day. I’m still smiling.


Get the whole exciting story at 

Ao Akua,


PS- Two BMW cars, two Panoz cars, Hercules’ Jag, a 2008 Rolls-Royce Phantom, a Toyota Camry Hybrid and now a super eco-exotic Scorpion. If you want to learn how to attract cars, too, see What would you drive if you could drive anything? (Be honest.)


Tacoma Chief Healing

joe-vitale-phantom_101408_4266.jpg Wayyyyy back in 1996 or so I wrote a fiery article about trying to buy a particular guitar. I was frustrated and maybe angry at the time. I wrote the article to rant, and to reveal a few marketing lessons.

But apparently I also planted a seed that today, thirteen years later, grew fruit.

In short, back in 1996 or so I saw an egnaging ad for the Tacoma Chief guitar. I wanted it.

But the ad lacked a phone, fax, email, or even an Internet website. There was no contact info at all.

And when I tried to find the guitar in music stores, there weren’t any Tacoma Chiefs in sight. When I called the Tacoma company, they shooed me off.

It was a great lesson in how not to do advertising or marketing.

I wrote up that lesson and posted it on my website.* It was also printed in a few business magazines. It became a great teaching tale. If you Google “Tacoma Chief guitar” right now my article is usually one of the first five search returns.

Over the years people would sometimes thank me for the article, and sometimes complain about it.

One time the new president of the Tacoma guitar company called me. This was probably five years after my article came out. He said my writing was unfair to the company.

I was surpirsed.

I explained that the article was a marketing lesson for him. I did it for free. I usually charge to teach people how to market their business. I suggested he thank me by sending me a guitar.

He declined.

I forgave him, though.

I forgot all about the Tacoma Chief guitar, as well as my article, until a sweet lady wrote me a week ago.

As I wrote in my early book on Internet marketing, CyberWriting (long out of print), you can sense the nature of people right from their email.

I liked this lady. She had a cool sense of humor. She said she had an original Tacoma Chief from arond 1997 and wanted to know if I wanted to buy it.

I have more than enough guitars. But I felt I had attracted this woman and her offer because of my article thirteen years ago. It seemed having it would bring closure to a wound of long ago.

I asked the lady to make an offer. She did. It was fair. I didn’t negotiate or squabble. I bought it.

It arrived today.


I wonder what you may have unfinished in your past, too.


Let go, forgive, and one day you, too, may receive a Tacoma Chief guitar — or something even better.

Ao Akua,


* You can see the 1996 article that caused all this at 

Note: Top photo by master photographer Rodney Bursiel. Bottom two by my Blackberry Curve. Last one is of Pat O’Bryan playing the Tacoma Chief. He made it sing.


Chicago Book Signing

If you can get to Chicago on Nov. 13, 2008, I’ll be doing a book signing for Expect Miracles and the new edition of The Attractor Factor at 7 PM at Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 47 East Chicago Ave. Suite #132, Naperville, IL 60540. See you there.


Awakened Millionaire Training

I haven’t offered a private weekend with me in about five years. It’s time. I’m ready to offer the following —


“Awakened Millionaire Training”

A Private Event with Dr. Joe Vitale
An entire weekend where I’ll personally teach my hypnotic copywriting and hypnotic marketing methods one day, and I’ll teach my practical spirituality and clearing methods the next day.

Here’s how it will work:

On Saturday I’ll spend the day personally teaching how I write copy and how I do my marketing. You’ll learn the strategies I’ve been developing for over three decades to sell out programs, courses, books, etc.

This includes how I came up with publicity ideas for the Canine Concert, Lotto Hoax, Harry Potter Amazon Blitz, Elvis Mermaid,
and more.

It also includes my Hypnotic Writing, Hypnotic Marketing and Hypnotic Publicity formulas and systems.

I’ll show you my emails and explain my thinking. I’ll show you my marketing and explain my strategies. I’ll spill the beans, let you into my head, and let you ask all the questions you want.

I’ll also review any piece of copy you bring to me, and analyze it for dramatic improvement.

I’ll also give you an exclusive ebook of hypnotic copy one-liners that I have never shown anyone before.  It’s part of my secret swipe file, and this one nobody has ever seen.


And that’s just day one.

On day two I’ll personally teach you my law of attraction strategies and clearing methods. These are the very methods I’ve used to accomplish some truly a-maz-ing goals and end up in several movies, including The Secret.

I’ll guide you into my own proprietary way of manifesting, I’ll share my own inside tricks for getting results, and I’ll let you ask all the questions you want.

I’ll also reveal my personal induction method for installing a goal in your mind so that it takes seed and later grows into reality.

And I’ll tell you what I do to connect with a higher power/energy — something I’ve never written about before.


That’s two full days of me and just me revealing all of my secrets to you — secrets from both my marketing and spiritual sides.

This is why I’m called a Spiritual Marketer.

I have a foot in both worlds – marketing and spirituality.

And I’m ready to finally reveal it all in one rare weekend with me.

This is not for tire-kickers or people who aren’t serious about their future or their results. I want the people who are eager and ready to have more in their lives, in both personal and business areas.

I want the people who know of me and my work and want to know how I manage to be so productive and prolific and get so many results.

Is that you?

If so, keep reading.

It will take place in Austin, Texas.

It will happen January 24 – 25, 2009.

It has never happened before and will most likely never happen again.

You’ll have access to me from 9:30 am to 5 pm each day.

This is an unheard of oppourtunity for you to learn from somebody doing it in the real world and succeeding at it.

It’s also the perfect time to build, expand or even start a new business, with the methods you learn directly from me at the beginning of the new year.

Obviously, there’s an investment here.

It’s probably tax-deductible, too (check that).

Given the fact that my methods have made me and others millionaires, the value you’ll get from this once in a lifetime event is

But your investment won’t be.

You can attend the entire weekend with me for only $12,500.

That includes 9:30 am to 5 pm access both days.

That also includes lunch as a group.

That also includes the never-before released ebook mentioned above and all other materials, including a few surprises and gifts.

That also includes my reviewing the copy you bring for me to analyze.

The $12,500 fee includes all of the above, but your flight, room, and board are up to you, of course.

And I now offer a payment plan.

Are you interested?

I’m limiting the attendees to what the room can hold, which right now is 15 people, and because of the special attention you will get from me. (Several seats are already taken.)

If you want to be one of the few to spend the weekend with me learning these proven inner and outer strategies for success, please call my office at 512 278 1610 or email my assistant Suzanne at [email protected]

Remember, only 15 can attend.

And here’s a bonus for reading this far —

If you register by December 1, 2008, and pay in full, you can get in for only $10,500.

That’s a savings of two grand.

Want to attend?

It’s your move.

Call my office at 512 278 1610 or email my assistant Suzanne at [email protected]

Ao Akua,


PS — I haven’t offered a private weekend with me in about five years, and the last one wasn’t just me. I had guest speakers. In this two-day experience you’ll be with just me and the other attendees. This is truly the most in-depth training I’ve ever offered on both spiritual and marketing matters. If you’re interested, you best act now.  Thank you.


The Cure for Despair

During dinner the other night, one of the people in our group looked at me and asked the question I didn’t want to hear —

“How did you become homeless?”

By now most people have heard my story of being on the streets of Dallas in the late 1970s and struggling in poverty in Houston for many years after that. Some of it is explained in my new audioprogram, The Awakening Course.

But I had never explained exactly how I ended up in such dire circumstances.

When I answered the question at dinner, everyone at the table stared at me.

The woman who asked the question sat there with her mouth open and eyes un-blinking.

She asked, “Why have you never said this before?”

My friend Mark Ryan was sitting there, also staring, and said, “As long as I’ve known you, you’ve never told this story before. It’s riveting. This changes everything.”

Changes everything?


They all said I had to tell the story now.

“Given the current financial crisis and with people losing their homes and their jobs, this story needs to be told more than ever before,” Mark said.

I heard them and realized I agreed.

So here’s the story…  

I knew I wanted to be an author when I was a teenager. I wanted to write books and plays that made people happy. Everywhere I looked I saw un-happy people. I believed I could help them with humor and stories.

During that time of the mid-1970s, I watched sports. I don’t today but back then the Dallas Cowboys were the rage. Roger Staubach and Tom Landry were heroes. I got caught up in the excitement and felt the place for me to make my name was in Dallas, Texas.

I lived in Ohio at the time. Born and raised there. I worked on the railroad as a trackman, doing heavy labor all day long, working weekends and summers since the age of five.

I saved my money, packed up my bag, and took a bus to Dallas. It took three days to get there.

I was lost in the big city, of course. Being born in a small town in Ohio didn’t prep me for the hustle and bustle of a city the size of Dallas.

Before long, I wanted out.

But I still wanted to be an author.

At that time major companies were building oil and gas pipelines in Alaska and the Middle East, and offering to pay big bucks if you were willing to go to either place.

I wasn’t keen on going to a foreign country and doing more labor, but I saw a chance to make money, save it, and then go on a sabbatical where I could write for a few months or even a year.

It seemed like a brilliant strategy.

I answered one of the newspaper ads that promised to get me pipeline work at a extraordinary hourly wage. I went in their office, met an upbeat sales person, and ended up giving him all of my money — my entire savings, about a thousand dollars at the time — based on his promise that I’d have overseas pipeline work in a week or two.

You might guess part of what happened next –  but you won’t guess all of it.

Within a week or so, the company that took all of my money went out of business.

Their doors were closed, no one answered the phone, and no forwarding addresses could be found.

Shortly after that, the company went bankrupt.

And not long after that, the owner of the company committed suicide.

There was no one left to try to get my money back.

I was alone.

I was broke.

I was in Dallas, far from home.

I confess that my ego got in the way here. My family back in Ohio would have taken me back in and welcomed me back home. But I was head strong and determined to somehow survive.

Well, I did survive — by sleeping in church pews, on the steps of a post office, in a bus station.

It wasn’t an easy time, as you can imagine, and I never used to talk about it. It was too embarrassing.

When I told this story at dinner, everyone agreed I had to share it with you.

They said that people are finding themselves in the same situation — they trusted a government, or a corporation, or a person, or a bank, and now they are losing their homes and their jobs.

Hearing that I went through the same thing three decades ago and not only survived but prospered to a level that the Joe Vitale of thirty years ago could hardly imagine, ought to be inspiring to you, too.

I got off the streets and out of poverty by constantly working on myself — reading self-help books, taking action, scrambling at times by taking whatever work I could find, but always always always focusing on my vision: to one day be an author of books that helped people be happy and stay inspired.

If you’re in a place right now that doesn’t feel so good or seem too safe, I urge you to remind yourself that this is only temporary.

This is the cure for despair.

As I say in my book, The Attractor Factor, this is simply current reality, and current reality can change.

You can help it along by doing what you know and need to do.

But remember, the sun will shine again.

It always does.

Your job right now is to focus on what you want and keep it in sight.

Yes, keep taking action;

yes, stay positive and surround yourself with positive people;

yes, be of support to others.

But remember, if I or anyone else can survive homelessness, poverty, job loss, or any other hard time, then you can survive it, too.

Please hang in there.

One last thing:

I admit that there were times I wanted to throw in the towel and get myself out of this life.

Thank God I stuck around. Had I left early, I would have missed a life of magic and wonder, success and fame I never dreamed of before, priceless relationships and experiences, and more.

I have no idea what wonderful good is headed your way — and neither do you.

What you have to do is stay the course and follow your heart.

And remember —

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,

Dr. Joe Vitale
Founder of the movement to end homelessness

Note: If you’ve found this story valuable, please share it with family, friends, and coworkers; post it on news groups and blogs, and in any way you feel appropriate, share it with others. Thank you.