Joe Vitale


Word Cloud

mrfireblog_wordcloud.GIF You can make a “word cloud” from your blog or website by going to and following the directions. The above image is a word cloud of this blog. Seems like a cool way to make a right-brain “essence image” of a blog or site.  (Thanks to Nerissa for this tip.)


The NEW Attractor Factor!

attractor-factor-2e-cover.jpg The all NEW edition of my book The Attractor Factor hits the stores TODAY. I’m excited to see my best-selling baby go big time once again.

It began as Spiritual Marketing in 1997 (and became an Amazon bestseller and written about in The New York Times), got expanded and became The Attractor Factor in 2002 (and again became an Amazon bestseller and got me into the hit movie The Secret), and now, after multiple additions and printings, it’s out today in an all new, expanded, enriched, and beautiful new second edition.

It’s got an Attractor Factor IQ test, new stories, work sheets, new material,  and a revealing Question and Answer section.

I love the Q&A section. In it I answer questions like these —

“If the law of attraction really works, why don’t you attract hair?”

“Can I attract a specific person into my life?”

“What’s the fastest way to attract whatever I want?’

“What about people who attract disasters?”

“How do I focus on positive things with good feeling when so many things are going wrong?”

You can learn all about this second edition of The Attractor Factor — including how to get a bunch of cool bonuses when you buy the book today — by going to 

Please check it out and be sure to share this post with everyone you know as well as Digg it. Thank you.

Ao Akua,


PS – There’s also a brief video clip of me explaining what’s new about the book at Go see. 🙂

PPS – The Attractor Factor has changed thousands of lives. Please consider getting multiple copies of the book and giving them to family, friends, schools, prisons, hospitals, churches, and anywhere you think it can make a difference. Thank you.


The What If Up Club

Mindy Audlin is one of my favorite people.

She’s charming, smart, upbeat, and a remarkable speaker and teacher. We held an event together two years ago where I first learned about her What If Up game.

It was life changing.

The best way to understand how it works is to realize the favorite question of the mind is “What if?”

But for most of us that question is asked in a negative, or down, way.

We ask “What if this doesn’t work out?” or “What if I lose my job?” or “What if I’m wrong?”

Obviously, that negative seeking question doesn’t feel good, and leads to attracting the fears it focuses on.

But Mindy asks you to do a what if UP.

You might ask, “What if this works out beautifully?” or “What if there was never a problem in the first place?” or “What if I get a raise?” or “What if my idea makes me a millionaire?”

This single adjustment in how you ask a question transforms you, your energy, and the very answers you get.

PS — The seminar Mindy and I conducted was called The Secret of Money. See 

Note: This Tuesday will be the release of the all new edition of The Attractor Factor. What if it becomes the book of the year for you? For Oprah? For the world? What if???


The Awakening Course

You’ve been hearing about my new audioprogram The Awakening Course for a month or more. And you’ve been hearing that I have an infomercial for it, which begins testing on television in select markets this weekend. Well, you can see the infomercial right now, by going to
or by clicking on the below image. It’s 29 minutes. It’s high energy and informative. It may change your life forever. Enjoy.


How to Make Better Decisions

Mandy Evans is in town training my Miracles Coaches in her special coaching mojo, which has worked for me for decades.

Last night we had dinner. I was telling her about some hard decisions I had to make, one about my project to end homelessness and the other about a home we were considering buying, and I was inviting her feedback.

She explained that a client of hers only does “yes’s”.

That means that when he is faced with a decision, he asks himself, “Is it a yes, no, or maybe?”

In other words, does he get an instant inner feeling that no he should not do it, or maybe he should, or, yes it’s a doer?

He doesn’t do any no’s or maybe’s.

I love this simple method for cutting through all the decision making and worrying.

As I looked at each of my decisions, I asked myself “Is it a yes, no, or maybe?”

It was instantly liberating.

In the case of the house, I got a no.

I wanted it to be a yes, but the house wasn’t exactly right, despite great views and location and more.

I’m still open to a new house, of course, just not that particular one.

In the other case I was thinking about the city I am invited to launch Operation YES in.

My first response when thinking about it was a queasy one.

I felt dread.

When I asked if it was a yes, no, or maybe, I got a clear no.

That made me feel lighter.

But then I realized if I adjusted a few things, and got more support, I could then go into the tentative city to launch Operation YES, and my answer would now be a yes.

As you can see, asking if a choice is a yes, no, or maybe gives you instant clarity.

From there, you can reshape your decision, or your request, or just let it go.

For Mandy, and for me, life is about following your inner guidance system.

Your inner guidance system is (in my words) the Divine leading your way.

It shows up in your life as that “yes” feeling you get when you are considering a choice.

Follow that and all is well in the most beautiful, magical, even miraculous way.

Ao Akua,


PS – Mandy is teaching  one of her famous Breakout seminars in October. Go to and see if it is a YES for you to attend.