The Animal Rescue Site is cool. You go there, click “fund food for animals” and food will be donated to feed neglected and abused animals. It takes less than a minute (about 20 seconds) to go to their site and click on the purple box ‘fund food for animals’ for free. This doesn’t cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate food to abandoned/neglected animals in exchange for advertising. Here’s the web site. Please tell others about this, too. Thank you
I signed up for this free service and love it. Every weekday someone behind the Donny Deutsch CNBC television show, The Big Idea, sends a text message to my phone alerting me to what’s on that night. It’s a great reminder to watch the show. I love this idea. Congrats, Donny!
(Left click on the image and follow directions to sign-up for the text service. It’s free but your mobile phone plan may charge you to receive the text messages.)
Note: If you can’t read the directions in the image, here’s what to do: Send the word IDEA from your phone to 26221. That’s it. Probably only works in the U.S., though.
You’re the first to see this: It’s the June/July ’08 issue of Succeed magazine with me on the cover. (Left click on it to enlarge it.)
Their last issue had Sir Richard Branson profiled. I’m in good company. 🙂
The inside story contains several more brand new pictures and a six-page interview with me.
The story was the most revealing one ever written on me. The interview felt like therapy, as I talked about my childhood, my past struggles, and my turnaround to success — much of it never shared ever before in public.
The magazine went to press today so you can get your own copy of this collectible in-depth interview and cover story by investing in a subscription right now at
Ao Akua,
PS – All photos of me in the magazine (including the cover photo) were by master photographer Rodney Bursiel.
My favorite self-help author, Steve Chandler, just told me you can have a copy of his latest ebook, Powerful Graceful Secrets: The Secret Key to Mastering Time, Love and Money. Claim it at Enjoy!
You can spy on me as I give a short Q&A presentation to my local community by clicking here or here or on the image below: