Joe Vitale


Louise's Secret to Success

img00433.jpg Decades ago, when I first started out speaking in Houston to small groups of people about writing and marketing, I met some beautiful students who are still my friends today.

One of them is Louise Dewey, pictured with me above.

Louise is one of those angelic souls who believed in me before I believed in myself.

I remember her offering to finance me doing my own seminars. That was decades ago, when I was still struggling. She offered to loan me the money to go out into the world in a big way. She had visions of me gathering large crowds, speaking before them, inspiring and informing them.

I was nobody back then. No name. No Internet to promote me. No more than maybe one book out.

But Louise believed in me.

It took a while for my belief in myself to catch up. I had a lot of work to do to get clear.

While I didn’t accept her offer at the time, I never forgot it. It was one of the events that helped me move forward in my career.

I saw Louise the other day, when she drove here from Houston for Nerissa’s food sensitivity party.

I reminded her of her kind offer decades ago. She didn’t remember it but wasn’t surprised by it. She said she’s always believed in me. Still does.

Support can accomplish miracles. I’ve gotten support when facing health challenges, weight loss goals, fitness contests, business building and more.

If you don’t have a Louise in your life, consider Miracles Coaching.

Having someone support you, encourage you, inform and inspire you is truly one of the fast-track tickets to success.

Ao Akua,


PS – Have you heard about The Attract Wealth Seminar? See  


"The Tapping Solution"

tryitoneverything.jpg One of the movies I’m in just went for sale. It’s called Try It On Everything. (Now titled The Tapping Solution.) In it various teachers describe how EFT (the tapping process called Emotional Freedom Technique) can be used on, well, everything. This is a DVD you should get for yourself and others. For every one you buy, the makers of the DVD will send one to a jail, school, or hospital. Let’s support this DVD and get it into the hands of those who are in pain, hurting, suffering, and need a way out. See Some of the people you may know in this movie include:

  • Jack Canfield – Co-Creator of “Chicken Soup for the Soul” Best-selling Series
  • Cheryl Richardson – Personal Coaching Pioneer
  • Bob Proctor – Author and Success Mentor
  • Dr. Patricia Carrington – EFT Expert
  • Dr. Joseph Mercola – Founder Optimal Wellness Center
  • Carol Look – EFT and Attracting Abundance Expert
  • Bruce Lipton – Cellular Biologist and Author
  • Joe Vitale – Bestselling Author and Founder of the Hypnotic Marketing Institute
  • Dr. Norman Shealy – Pain Specialist and Holistic Physician
  • Rick Wilkes – Founder of Thriving Now and EFT Practitioner
  • Brad Yates– Peak Performance and EFT Coach
  • Fred Gallo, Ph.D. – Author, Clinical Psychologist
  • Dawson Church , Ph.D. – Author, Publisher and Energy Medicine Expert
  • Carol Tuttle – Author, Abundance Expert
  • David Rourke – EFT Addictions Specialist
  • Donna Eden – Author, “Energy Medicine”

Operation YES!

image001.jpg Operation YES – the visionary plan to end homelessness – is about to launch. If you don’t know what this is all about, go to right now. This is a strategy to help you with your economic freedom while also helping the homeless. It’s a win-win plan and it’s supported by numerous people, including fellow Secret movie co-stars such as James Ray and Lisa Nichols and Joe Vitale. Go see.


Sample "The Missing Secret"

missing-secret-nc-set.jpg You can hear excerpts from my latest Nightingale-Conant audio program, “The Missing Secret,” and even see a brief video of me explaining counter-intentions to you by going to or Just go there, search for “The Missing Secret” program (it’s under ‘New Releases’), then look for the block on the right showing audio and video excerpts you can click and enjoy. Go see.  This will give you a real sense of what is in The Missing Secret. (Left click on the image above to see the actual contents of the program.)


Inspired Whaaaat?

My latest book launches at 8 am tomorrow, March 25th. I’m excited. This one reveals a new way to share your heart to increase your results. Check out the bonuses you get, the new membership site for it, a brief video explaining the seven lies people tell themselves, and much more. The whole thing goes live at 8 am over at Go see — and tell the world — but only if you feel inspired! 🙂