Say you want to attract more money.
If you’re like most people who know about the Law of Attraction or affirmations or The Secret, you state the intention “I now attract more money into my life.”
You then sit, meditate and feel the good vibes of having more money.
If you’re smart, you act on the intuitive nudges you get, too.
But — the money doesn’t come.
Why not?
Why didn’t your intention and your action and the law of attraction bring it to you?
What happened?
Most likely in your unconscious mind you have limiting beliefs such as —
If you have one or more of those limiting beliefs within you, do you really think you’ll attract any money?
In truth, you’ll attract NOT having money.
Because your unconscious counter-intention (“Money is bad”) will veto your conscious intention (“I now attract more money into my life”).
Is it any wonder some people say the movie The Secret or the Law of Attraction doesn’t work?
Obviously, once you clear those hidden blocks/beliefs to your success, your success has nothing in the way of happening.
The roadblocks are gone.
You’re clear.
But *how* do you get clear?
After all, the unconscious limitations are UN-conscious.
So how do you find them and erase them?
I’ve been developing different ways to help myself and others get clear for years now.
And I keep looking for faster, easier ways to accomplish this.
I recently joined forces with Pat O’Bryan and together we created The Clearing Audio.
This breakthrough audio works so well that people are sending us unsolicited raving endorsements, such as —
“I just wanted to share with you since I bought the clearing audio just 48 hours ago (yes 48 hours ago) I feel more calm, less stressed about life and my business…”
That’s what John and Chystal Pate said.
“Joe, I just want you to know that I am positively stunned by the effectiveness of the Clearing Audio. I downloaded them, dropped them on my ipod and used the binaural music track during my morning meditation, I was not only charged with positive energy, but I had amazing and inspired new insights for product ideas, AND I had several inbound requests for big time joint ventures. Wow. But that’s not all. A little later in the morning I ran it again while I was training (exercise). UNBELIEVABLE results, more energy, more power, faster recovery. It is my new secret weapon. You’re amazing. Thank you!”
That’s what Steve Little said.
But you probably should check this out for yourself. You can learn more at
Ao Akua,
PS — I want you to have all you desire. Please look at the site and see how it feels. If nothing else, the section about “How the Universe” works ought to be educational. Go see.
Note: If you want a complete course in getting clear and understanding the law of attraction, check out my new audio program The Missing Secret at or at (Look for The Missing Secret by Dr. Joe Vitale under “New Releases.”)
A couple of years ago I did an interview on how to write and publish your own e-book. You can listen to it at
The interview was based on the record-breaking success of the e-book Jim Edwards and I have at Hundreds of people have written their own ebooks (not always in seven days) due to our how-to manual.
If you’ve been trying to write your own e-book but haven’t done it yet, what you might need is a little help. To that end, check out Bill Hibbler’s teleseminar at
A former Miss America took Bill’s class and said —
“As Bill turns you inside out – but never loose, he challenges you to expose your best self to yourself and the world. His process forces you to cast aside your demons and celebrate your talents – the ones you thought were forever hidden. For sharing the tools that create the path to the relief of self-discovery, I will be eternally grateful to Bill Hibbler.” — Maria Beale Fletcher
E-books are still one of the easiest ways to make money online, so I encourage you to get yours out there.
Ao Akua,
PS — I bet if you listen to The Clearing Audio as you write, your productivity will go up. See
This blog has been one of my great passions for the last couple of years.
I love sharing moments of my life with you and keeping you informed of everything I’m working on. Now I want to learn more about you and how our paths crossed.
So with that in mind, would you do me a favor and answer some simple questions on my “Dr. Joe Vitale at Zero” blog survey? I’d really appreciate it. It’s located at —
As a special thank you, I’ll send you a free gift (a surprise from 2003) after you complete the survey.
Ao Akua,
PS — The survey will only be live for three days, so please go see it right now. Thank you.
What if you’re trying to attract money and nothing seems to work?
What if you’re trying to attract a loving relationship and nothing seems to be happening?
What if you’re trying to attract a new car, or a new home, or — fill in the blank — and everything you do seems to lead to a dead end?
What then?
My stance is that the blocks are in you, not in the outer world.
Clear the blocks in your unconscious mind and, son of a gun, you start easily attracting what you said you wanted — or something even better.
I’ve written about clearing methods in my books — from The Key to of course The Attractor Factor.
I’ve recorded powerful clearing methods in my new audio program The Missing Secret.
I’ve created a coaching program to help clear blocks, too.
They all work, of course.
But what’s a new way to get clear of the blocks to what you want to attract?
And what’s the real reason you don’t always attract what you say you want?
It’s all explained at
This is a breakthrough in self-help, and I invite you to at least check it out.
Ao Akua,
PS — “The Clearing Audio” may be the most amazing thing you’ve ever heard. All the details are at Go see.
If you’re like many of the people who visit this blog, you’re probably curious about the books I’m reading. Here are seven current ones I’m in the middle of enjoying:
Trump: Never Give Up. Love him or hate him, you have to admit Donald Trump is a courageous and relentless self-promoter. This new book reminds you that it wasn’t so long ago that Trump was considered a failure and on the verge of bankruptcy. But look at him today. This easy-reading book is packed with lessons worth knowing about never giving up. It’s a gem. (I hope Trump gives Meredith McIver a raise, as she’s the person writing his books.)
Atomic Fitness. I’m still collecting body building and muscle building books. This new one is by Steve Michalik, who won Mr. USA, Mr. America, and Mr. Universe awards. I love the clarity of Steve’s concepts. He has a basic formula for success: natural body chemistry (he’s dead-set against steroids), nutrition, exercise and mindset. His book is an alternative to drugs, steroids and wacky diets. I’m so impressed with this book that I contacted Steve and will probably bring him into my gym for private lessons. (He told me he needs marketing help and that when it comes to self-promotion, he is “a 98-pound weakling”.)
Charlatan. This is the unbelievable but true story of “Doctor” John Brinkley, a 1920s former patent remedies rogue who helped men restore their sexual prowess by giving them an operation where he exchanged their testicles for those of a goat. I kid you not. Brinkley went on to run for governer of Kansas, became an early radio broadcaster and introduced the nation to blues country music. This book by Pope Brock reads like a fast-paced novel. It demonstrates the gullibility of all of us. (Not you or me, of course.)
Scripting Magic. I’m a lifetime member of the Society of American Magicians, a group founded by Houdini. I love magic but am usually disappointed by magic books. They aren’t written well, which makes the tricks hard to understand. This new one by Pete McCabe is astonishingly good. It proves that real magic isn’t in the trick, but in the presentation of the trick. I love this one so much I bought signed copies for my conjuring friends. (I’d tell you what’s in it, but, you know, it’s a secret.)
A Thousand Names For Joy. A while back I mentioned Byron Katie on this blog. Someone passed the word to Byron and she and her husband, Stephen Mitchell, sent me a signed copy of their recent book. This is the kind of soul nourishment you want in your life. I just flip the book open and read whatever I find. It’s also thought-provoking, which is interesting because it’s trying to get you to the point beyond thought. (Byron, if you’re reading this, I love you.)
American Transcendentalism. I started calling myself a Transcendentalist around 1972, when I was in college at Kent State University and discovered the brilliant writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. This new book by Gura brings those characters to life once again for me, which of course I love. I visited Walden Pond and Emerson’s home in the mid-1970s. I could have lived there with those members of the spiritual literati. (When will time travel be real, anyway?)
Psychological Foundations of Success. This is an older book (2002) but very relevant today. The subtitle says, “A Harvard trained scientist separates the science of success from self-help snake oil.” That’s what it is, too. The book is well written, packed with case studies, but treated as a how-to manual for success. Contains some startling facts, too. The famous Yale University study about goal setting turns out to be an urban legend. Yet almost all success speakers quote it. Wild. It’s interesting to me that even after all the talk of “self-help snake oil”, the principles he says work for success are exactly the ones some critics might still call “snake oil.” This is a quick but important read. (So read it.)
I’m reading many other books, but that’s enough of a list for today. You can get any or all of them from Amazon.
Happy reading!
Ao Akua,
PS — I can’t resist telling you about yet another book: How To Be Financially Successful: A Spiritual Perspective. Joshua David Stone has written more than twenty-five books in his “Easy-to-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path.” This is volume fifteen. It’s a belief-stretching blend of practical tips (keep a list of to-dos) and spiritual advice (pray to the angels and archangels and even “christed extraterrestrials” with your preferences not attachments). (!) Some of this book is brilliant; some of it is odd, even for me. Worth a look, though. His focus is on spirit and service, so you can’t go wrong there. (And he’s written over forty books, not twenty-five. And you thought I was prolific.)