Joe Vitale


Fists of Thunder

My trainer, Scott York, filmed me in my gym giving him a testimonial. It was right when I was working out, pounding the devil out of “Bob”, so I was out of breath. But you can see it (if you’re curious) at (see the video half way down the page). I hope George Foreman doesn’t see this. It might make him nervous.


Living Like Ed

joe-and-ed-begley-2.jpg Yesterday I ran errands and ended up taking a few minutes break at a book store, still my favorite place to relax.

On the nonfiction shelf at the door was sitting a copy of actor Ed Begley’s brand new book, Living Like Ed: A Guide to the Eco-Friendly Life.

Ed told me a few weeks ago that the book would be coming out soon, but there it was, waiting for me.

I grabbed a copy and brought it home to Nerissa, who’s into everything green and drives a hybrid car.

She dropped everything, read it, loved it, and posted a video review of it on Amazon.

She’s never read a book that fast before.

She’s never made a video review before.

If you look up Ed’s book on Amazon, and scan down the page, you’ll see Nerissa’s review.

While you’re there, get the book. It’s terrific.

Ao Akua,


PS – Picture is of Ed and me in LA. (Left click on it to enlarge it.) Ed’s a sweet heart of a guy. His car is a solar recharged electric vehicle. But Ed usually rides a bike everywhere. Yes, even in LA.


Every 14 Seconds

One of my subscribers is a nun in Rome.

Her name is Sister Mary Elizabeth Lloyd.

She’s a fan of my work and says she uses my Hypnotic Writing methods to write fund raising letters to help children with AIDS.

She once told me that every 14 seconds another child becomes an AIDS orphan.

By 2010 — just 2 years from now — there will be 25 million AIDS orphans.

She explained that the death of parents from AIDS leaves behind children, usually four or five of them, who desperately want to stay together as a family – as Child Headed Households.

I urged her to write a book about this, and to offer ways you and I can help.

She did just that. The book is available today, and many people have donated bonuses for you to have when you get the book.

Get the book — AIDS Orphans Rising — the one-of-a-kind interactive guide that identifies both the problem and the solutions.

The book is now 25% off at Amazon – so for as little as $11.96, you can help this very important cause.

And 100% of all profits from this book will go to help the Child Headed Households.

You can get it at and when you get it today, Tuesday, Feb. 19, you will receive thousands of dollars worth of free bonuses.

Take a few minutes to read Aids Orphans Rising and you will learn how your name can be synonymous with AIDS orphans succeeding.

 Ao Akua,


PS — Is this a sad story? No. These children want to survive with their siblings and have a great life. This is not a story about the usual street kids sniffing glue and looking for their next hit.  This is a story of families that want to stay together, but they can’t do it alone. You can help. Get the book today.


The Rise of the What?

“Read of the Decade?”

That’s what Tellman Knudson is saying about The Rise of the Author, a new Special Report by Mark Joyner, which you can get for free at:

I’m still processing this so I don’t know if I can articulate how important this is yet, but let me state that this isn’t just important for authors.

If you *are* an author, you need to drop everything and read it.


If not, please know that what Mark outlines in here is information that may not just change authorship, but technology itself.

His concept of “Technology Binds” for example is totally new and pretty well explains virtually everything that has happened in the last several thousand years.

The challenge he puts out to the world on page 66 may be the most significant technology advancement in our history.

He’s wanting to get this message to the right people to make it happen fast. So it’s free. Get it, read it, and pass the word.




The Attract Wealth Seminar

I’ll be co-leading an Attract Wealth seminar in Austin, Texas on May 2 – 4.

Only 100 people can attend, so I thought you should be one of the first to know about it.

The event is priced very low so the people who need it can actually attend it.  🙂

Details will be on the website later, but if you want to jump on this today and get your name on the attendance list, go see — 

Hope to see you there.

Ao Akua,


PS – If you’re into the law of attraction, a fan of The Secret or Zero Limits or The Attractor Factor or our Subliminal Manifestation DVDs, or you’ve listened to The Missing Secret, or if you just want to attract money or attract wealth or attract success, or if you want to clear the blocks to attracting whatever you want, you probably need to be at this event.