Joe Vitale


Feng Shui-ing My Office

A few months ago my office was feng shui-ed. You can see the eight minute transformation by clicking on the below image or by going to Be sure to rate the episode, too. Enjoy.


Quiz: What’s Your AF IQ?

I love quizzes. They are often fun ways to learn something about yourself. I just learned of an online quiz that reveals your Attractor Factor IQ. It’s free at Go see.


Hollywood Trip Recap

img00381.jpg  Where was this photo of me taken?

On top of a mountain of snow?

On top of the world’s largest pillow?

On top of the “white board” of Zero Limits?


It’s actually a television studio.

A TV studio is often simply a bare room in a warehouse.

Nothing in it.


With design and construction you can turn it into a believable illusion.

I learned this when actor James Caan gave me a tour of the Las Vegas TV set two years ago. A warehouse is turned into a busy casino with a few props, bright lights and the right camera angles. Acting closes the illusion in your mind.

That studio in LA where my pic was taken may be the place where we film the pilot to Expect Miracles.

It’s part of the magic of Hollywood – to take nothing and turn it into something amazing.

But isn’t that my message to you?

Take a dream and make it reality?

Take “nothing” and turn it into something big?

But let’s start at the beginning….

My recent trip to Hollywood was astonishing.

Except for the last hours before my flight was to leave, where a shocking robbery of my laptop, ipod nano and cash occurred, the entire trip was back to back miracles.

Let me tell you a little about it in the following rambling news report, complete with predictions and statistics…

jvjason1.jpg  The supporters for my TV show include Jason Connery, actor, director and son of Sean Connery, and Victoria Schaefer, publisher of several magazines, former TV reporter, and a dear friend of mine. (Both are pictured with me in LA. Left click on any pic to enlarge it.)

img00379.jpg There’s also Ricki Maslar, LA casting director, here pictured holding her love, Lucy. Ricki has been a guardian angel and powerful single force for moving the TV show along.

emteam.jpg (This is most of the Expect Miracles team, with Joni Patry, our Vedic Astrologer, on the far left. You know you’ve made it in the world when you travel with your own astrologer.)

global-team-2.jpg (This pic is of almost the entire Expect Miracles team, including quiet genius Howard Wexler. Nerissa and Tom Shell are missing in the shot, but not forgotten. We’re standing in front of a map of the world, as that’s what we want our show to reach.)

img00383.jpg Ricki introduced me to many celebrities who support my TV show and want to be on it. Here’s Ed Begley, Jr., actor, writer, environmental activist and a truly terrific man. (He’s posing by his electric car with a woman on the street while Victoria takes their picture). Ed’s about as lovable as they get.

joe-and-ed-begley-2.jpg (Here’s Ed with me. I asked him to stand beside his electric car to give him some extra publicity. He smiled and said, “You’re smart to have a marketing background.”)

img00374.jpg Ricki also introduced me to Dee Wallace, famous actress and ET’s mom. She, too, is a believer in magic and miracles and a walking spirit guide.

joe-and-andy-prine.jpg (All kinds of stars weathered the pouring rain and cold weather to say hi. Here’s famous stage and screen actor Andy Prine.)

I learned some shocking facts on my trip:

* In one Hollywood studio alone, more than 200 pilots for new shows are filmed. But only five make it.

* In Hollywood, daytime television is a burial ground of shows that air and die quickly. Out of all the new shows that try, more than 95% fail.

img00380.jpg (That’s me with actress Allison Lange, star of such hits as the TV series Roswell and CSI. She spends most of her non-acting time rescuing dogs in the LA area. I told her about our Catarium, which she loved.)

I also heard some predictions about the future of television and movies:

joe-and-ed-quinn.jpg (This is actor Ed Quinn, star of the hit sci-fi TV series Eureka. I asked for his advice. He said, “People will tell you LA is driven by money. It’s not. It’s driven by ego.” A wise, gentle soul.)

* In ten years TV as we know it will disappear. It will become Internet based networks where anyone (you or me) can have and air their own TV show.

* In ten years actors won’t be needed for movies. They will be computer generated animahumans (I just coined the word).

You’d think with the above statistics and predictions, I wouldn’t want to pursue a television show of my own.

img00377.jpg (Pic is of actress Dee Wallace on the floor playing with Lucy the happy puppy.)

But that’s how you create miracles.

You have a dream, infuse it with loving energy, attract supporters for it, ignore the odds, and take lots of action to co-create it.

The rest is time, patience and trust.

img00370.jpg (This pic is of Jennifer McLean, a contributor to my book, The Key. She just created a new audio series called New Spiritual Principles. Very electric lady with a contagious smile.)

I met with agents, distributors, designers, attorneys, actors and more in LA. We will shoot the pilot and then sell it. Our vision is clear and our energy is high. The rest for us now is to take action.

This is true for you, as well.

Have a clear vision.

Complete all the details in it.

Write it out so you feel the energy of it and have the script as a tool to refer back to.

And be sure to take action and maintain momentum.

That’s the recipe for success.

Finally, I mentioned that I was robbed.

terihatcher.jpg (The only celebrity I didn’t meet on this recent trip was Desperate Housewives actress Teri Hatcher. But I know she was just given my books and my new CD set, The Missing Secret, and she’ll be calling me soon.)

When I returned to my room after a very late night at the famous Magic Castle, I discovered my bags had been packed for me.

Someone entered my room, went though my stuff, packed my clothes (literally) and took my laptop, ipod nano and cash.

I was momentarily stunned, of course. I’ve never had a robbery or burglary ever in my life. This was an event “to process”.

I wasn’t upset about it, though.

But friends who heard of the crime were angry. 

They each remembered a past event where they had been robbed and felt victimized.

What they felt wasn’t upset about my experience, but upset about their own memory of theirs.

What I mostly felt about the crime I experienced was curious.

I wondered why I attracted it.

I’m the man who says we attract everything, no exceptions. We usually do it un-consciously, but we still do it.

So how did I attract that burglary?

img00367.jpg (Pic is of the writers’ strike picketing line outside of FOX.)

It was easy to answer.

Over the last weeks before LA I kept thinking about getting a new laptop. There’s nothing wrong with the one I had and loved, but new ones on the market were making me drool. I didn’t buy it because I talked myself out of it.

But obviously I was looking for a good reason to buy a new laptop.

Same with the ipod.

The ipod nano was given to me as a gift. I used it all the time when working out and travelling. But I remember thinking it was time to get a new one, one with more memory to hold more music. I didn’t do it since I already had a nano.

Again, I obviously was looking for a good reason to get a new one.

But what about my cash?

Surely I didn’t want to lose my cash!

Or did I?

The cash in my luggage was considered disposable income. I tip servers well and often give money away to people who look like they need it or would welcome it. It’s my stash to let go with the wind.

Well, I let it go.

I “gave” it to someone who felt they needed it.

As you can see, there were very real reasons for me to attract that robbery.

After all, other expensive items in my luggage were not taken; only the things I was apparently ready to let go of.

I’m actually excited about getting a new laptop and a new ipod nano and of course attracting more cash. 🙂

In the future I’ll be better about acknowledging my wants and acting on them rather than creating an uncomfortable way to justify them.

But today I’ve forgiven and forgotten.

And I’ve ordered a new laptop and a new ipod nano.

May this be a lesson or two for you, too.

Always go for your dreams and honor your wants.

Ao Akua,


PS — If you need help in setting a vision and getting clear, as well as getting support along the way in creating your dream, consider my Miracles Coaching team. And be sure to Expect Miracles.


How Giving Makes You Rich

I just read a fascinating study that proves giving makes you rich. The article states, “More giving doesn’t just correlate with higher income; it causes higher income.” (Italics mine.) See the article at After that, go read my book, The Greatest Money-Making Secret in History. And then give some money away.


Live from Old Hollywood

pickfair.jpg I only have a sec as my supporters have had me in back to back meetings with agents, studios, legal people, designers, investors and celebrities out here in old Hollywood.

They’re all highly interested in the Expect Miracles TV show.

I’m about to head out to a cocktail party where I’ll meet even more hot shots and beautiful people. It’s been a delightful whirlwind.

But we managed to take a moment to find Mary Pickford’s estate in Beverly Hills, which I considered buying a year or so ago. The pic is of me standing by the front gate of Pickfair.

What’s even more impressive about this moment is that it was exactly one year ago today that I wrote about Mary Pickford on this blog.

When you’re in the flow, magic like this happens.

See my original blog post at 

I gotta get my shoes and pants on now and get out the door.

Hollywood awaits!

Ao Akua,


PS – Have you seen