Nerissa and I met Stephen Colbert at my book signing yesterday.
He seemed very quiet.
He seemed very flat.
He seemed, from a personality standpoint, almost like a cardboard character of a man.
I offered him a copy of my latest book The Key but he didn’t even try to accept it.
I guess he had a lot on his mind.
Ao Akua,
PS – I wanted to tell him about our new subliminal manifestation DVD on Attracting Wealth but Stephen Colbert really didn’t appear interested in anything I had to say. Some celebrities are like that. Alas.
I love it when I read a book that awakens and inspires me, and that’s what happened today.
Will Bowen’s little gem, A Complaint Free World is so good, I just bought a box of them to give out to friends.
The noble cause behind the book is to get you and me to stop complaining.
No gossip.
No complaining.
Bowen is making history by challenging people to wear a purple wristband (which you can get for free at for 21 days. The “simple” task is to not speak a complaint. Ever. If you do, move the band from your wrist to the other wrist. That’s it.
You’re allowed to complain in your mind all you like, but you can’t speak a complaint. When you do, move the band.
The idea is to clean up your language, because your words become your deeds and send out a vibe that keeps you stuck on the energy level behind them.
In short, speak negativity and you stay in negativity.
It’s basically learning how to speak in positive terms; to always state what you want, not want you don’t want.
To succeed at creating this new habit, you have to pause before you speak. If you’re about to complain, find a positive way to state what you really want.
Obviously, this ties directly to my book The Attractor Factor and to the movie The Secret. The idea is to awaken to your own inner power through your ability to choose.
Not complaining may not be as easy as you think, however.
For example, I originally began this blog post with the line, “I rarely read a book that awakens and inspires me, but that’s what happened today.”
Sounds innocent enough. But after a few minutes I realized that the line was actually a complaint. So I rewrote it.
And note that if you hear someone else complaining, you aren’t allowed to point it out to them – not without moving your wrist band. After all, complaining about someone complaining is still a complaint.
People are picking up the challenge, though. Bowen has been on Oprah and The Today Show. He’s sent out over four million bracelets — so far.
His book is packed with well written stories, insights, reminders and wisdom. Just reading it will lift your level of awareness and consciousness.
And it will gently guide you into being acutely aware of your own self-talk as well as spoken talk.
I urge you to get Bowen’s book and accept his challenge.
I’ve started it today.
Join me?
Ao Akua,
PS — Trust me, if you don’t get the book or pick up his challenge, I won’t complain. 🙂
I’m told all cell phone numbers are being released to telemarketing companies today and you will start to receive sales calls. I’m also told you will be charged for the calls. (Note: Actually, both statements may not be true, and this is probably a hoax, but you still might want to block your mobile number from calls, anyway.) To do this, call the following number from your cell phone:
It is the US National DO NOT CALL list. It will only take a minute of your time. You must call from the cell phone number you want to have blocked. You cannot call from a different phone number.
You can also do this online at or direct at
Pass the word.
Ao Akua,
Have you ever had one of those days where gravity just isn’t working for you?
Where you can’t seem to keep your feet planted on the ground and you wind up sort of floating around in the atmosphere?
Of course not.
Why not?
Because gravity is a LAW.
It doesn’t work some days and not work other days.
It’s always working, and you are experiencing the effects of it all the time, at every moment.
But you probably never spilled a cup of coffee and said, “Damn that Law of Gravity!”
Instead, you realized it was your actions coupled with the exiting law that caused the accident.
Well, the Law of Attraction is exactly the same.
It’s a LAW – not a feel-good principle or some kind of new-age voodoo flake-out.
You can’t “do” the Law of Attraction wrong. It doesn’t turn off and on, like a light switch. It’s not subject to fate or fancy. It is a powerful but neutral force that is constantly operational.
And that means something extremely important —
It means that what you have right now (or don’t have right now) is – on some level – exactly what you want.
The good stuff and the bad stuff.
The abundance and the lack.
You’ve attracted all of it.
Because your conscious thoughts aren’t all there is.
Below the surface, a complex and deep-seated collection of beliefs are exerting an extremely powerful magnetic force in your life.
When these subconscious thoughts are in harmony with what you consciously intend, you attract it.
But if there are counter-intentions present within you – that is, thoughts and beliefs that run contrary to your conscious wishes – you will not achieve the results you want, no matter how much you want them on the surface.
Even if you do achieve them temporarily, you will ultimately lose them. The strength of your counter-intentions will ultimately win out.
This is not cause for blame or guilt. After all, you weren’t aware of the unconscious beliefs working.
What this is all about is awakening.
I’m probably the only teacher in the movie The Secret that has stood my ground about this. I’ve taken heat for it, too. I feel like Freud when he introduced his idea of the unconscious mind in the late 1800s and was booed off stage.
He didn’t back down.
Neither have I.
So how do you get clear of those contrary beliefs within your unconscious mind?
How do you get rid of the inner roadblocks and go warp speed ahead, right to whatever it is you’re trying to achieve or attract?
It took me some time to figure out the answer to that question. But once I did, it was as if all the limits in and around me shattered.
I thought life was good before – but I had no idea it could be this good.
I thought I’d achieved a pretty high level of personal and professional success – but the success I experienced once I got clear absolutely blew me away.
I had finally discovered —
“The Missing Secret” that makes the Law of Attraction work the way you want it to – 100% of the time.
As I mentioned, I was fortunate enough to have been a part of The Secret – the fantastic movie that is awakening the world to the power of the Law of Attraction.
From Oprah to Larry King Live and on virtually every PC and DVD player in the country, this inspiring movie seems to be everywhere.
As you can imagine, being in it has brought me a level of visibility I never imagined, and invited literally thousands of conversations with people about what the Law of Attraction really is, how it works, and what it can do.
For every person who has told me how much the Law of Attraction has positively transformed his or her life, there have been three who have related a different experience:
They were inspired by the idea of the Law of Attraction, but felt like it was failing them on a day-to-day and moment-to-moment level.
What about you?
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then you should order a copy of my new audioprogram “The Missing Secret: How to Use The Law of Attraction to Attract What You Want — Every Time.”
Note: See for details. Look under “New Releases” on the left.)
In it, I’ll tell you everything I’ve learned, done, proven, and taught others about how to correctly use the Law of Attraction to consistently get the results you’re looking for, including:
And that’s not all. You’ll also discover —
There’s more, of course.
But why not just check it out for yourself? It comes with a one year guarantee.
You can get your own copy of “The Missing Secret” — which includes DVD, six CDs, workbook and booklet — all for you to review and try for yourself for one entire year, by clicking right here (look for it under “New Releases” on the left).
Why not go take a look?
Ao Akua,
PS — If “The Missing Secret” can help you get more of what you want, shouldn’t you at least take a look at it? Remember, there’s a one-year guarantee, too. Now that’s trust. Go see at and look under “New Releases” on the left.
Edmonton, Canada is a cool place.
In the Winter it’s downright freezing.
But it’s cool because in one area of town we found seven independent bookstores in a five block radius.
My kind of town.
In one of the bookstores I picked up Ask and You Shall Receive, a Canadian published book by physicist Pierre Morency.
It’s a quick read but a stimulating one. Pierre says you must ask for what you want. Asking gives you focus and directs the energy of the universe to help manifest it with you.
The cover of the book asks, “What did you ask for when you got up this morning?”
I love the question and am now asking it every morning when I awaken. It’s now my breakfast.
Another question in the book can help you find your passion. Pierre asks –
“What would you do if you possessed all the money in the world? What would you do if you could make money appear by simply snapping your fingers? What would you do once you owned 12 houses, made 14 exotic trips and bought 28 luxury cars?”
That’s the kind of question my mentors ask in my Miracles Coaching program.
How would you answer it?
Your answer is a major clue to your calling.
Pierre also says “…everything your eyes show you is the mirror of your thoughts.”
As I’ve said many times, whatever you see on the outside is a reflection of the inside of you.
Get Pierre’s book from
Ao Akua,
PS – What did you ask for this morning?
Note: My Miracles Coaching program is currently accepting new applicants. See