Joe Vitale


Austin Book Signing

In case you are in the Austin, Texas area this Thursday, I’ll be signing copies of The Key at Just FYI.


FOUND: The Missing Secret

missing-secret-nc-set.jpg You’re one of the first to see this.

My latest Nightingale-Coant audioprogram will be out in about seven days or less. Here’s a shot of the package — which I just received moments ago — showing book, workbook, DVD and six original audio CDs.

The entire package is called “The Missing Secret: How to Use the Law of Attraction to Easily Attract What You Want – Every Time.”

I’m truly excited and can’t wait to see the world get this material and finally understand how to consciously work with the Law of Attraction to have a happier life and contribute to a happier planet.

Too many people are confused about the secret and the movie The Secret; they don’t understand the Law of Attraction let alone the spiritual nature of personal development.

I’m honored that the good people at Nightingale-Conant asked me to create this program explaining the secret, the law of attraction, intentions and counter-intentions, clearing methods, and more.

I’m also excited that they included the rare book that started it all — no, not one by me or by Wallace The Science of Getting Rich Wattles.

Stay tuned!

Ao Akua,


PS – My first audioprogram with Nightingale-Conant was The Power of Outrageous Marketing, which has been and still is a bestseller for them — for over ten years!

NEWS FLASH! – The Missing Secret is now listed on the site. (Look under “New Releases” on the left.) It won’t ship for a week or two but you can pre-order it right now. Go see!


"I Love You" – LIVE!

Nerissa just posted a six minute video excerpt of my Chicago Wealth Expo talk where I spoke on the main stage after Tony Robbins and before Donald Trump. You can see it below or at or at Enjoy.


Attracting Wealth DVD

wealth_home.jpg The fourth DVD in our Subliminal Manifestation series is now complete and ready for you. This one contains more stories and more video to help cleanse your unconscious mind of blocks, beliefs and limitations so you can easily attract wealth. The science behind it is proven to work and the technology we used is leading edge. I’m really excited about this one and urge you to at least review the description over at These DVDS work. Go see for yourself.


P.T. Barnum Discovered

P.T. Barnum was just discovered today by the New York Times, or so it seems. I wrote an entire book on the great circus showman and marketing genius in There’s a Customer Born Every Minute (Barnum never said, “There’s a sucker born every minute.”) It’s good to see Barnum get some recent and accurate attention, and by the NY Times at that. See the whole article, complete with sidebars, at It’s excellent.