Joe Vitale


Steven Tyler's Ladybug

img00167.jpg I thought the circus came to town the other night when a transport truck big enough to ship the entire city of Wimberley pulled up in front of my home.

img00168.jpg Of course, inside were a lot of rare and collectible automobiles, including the one Aerosmith rock star Steven Tyler once owned: a 1998 Panoz AIV Roadster.

img00174.jpg  I bought it as investment, as I mentioned here this past week, but I never knew how much I’d love driving it until I slid behind the wheel.

Imagine being strapped to the side of a rocket. The car is scary fast. It screams with power, responds to my touch with instantaneous precision, and begs to be raced.

I buzzed the neighborhood a few times, being certain to hit the power and make the car roar as I shot by Bill Hibbler’s house, all as Mark Ryan and Nerissa filmed the whole wild thing.

Mark later said I looked like a rock star on steroids.

Nerissa refused to get in the car, saying I looked too “wild eyed.”

After the dust settled and I parked the car beside Francine, Mark and I sat under the late night Texas sky on a cool evening and talked about the lessons for you (yes, you) in attracting this car.

I told him that when I share any success of mine, it’s with a childlike enthusiasm that wants to shout, “Look! Look! Look what happened to me!”

It’s also with the spirit of inspiration, as I want you to realize that if I can go from homeless/poverty/desperation to small time car collector, than what’s possible for you, too?

None of this is about cars (okay, some of it is); instead, it’s about manifesting the life you prefer, following your passion, and treating yourself well.

Here’s a final thought:

I caught an interview with billionaire Donald Trump the other night. He’s out promoting another book he didn’t write, this one called Think Big and Kick Ass!

During it he said that you must love your business. When you do, everything else is easier, from learning the business to working long hours at it, and so on.

Love was his first secret to success.

I write because I love to. I don’t always get paid for what I write. (No one is paying me to write these blog posts.)

But as a result of doing what I love, I’m able to live a happier, healthier, wealthier life.

You can do this, too.

It’s all about passion.

What’s yours?

Ao Akua,


PS — Steven Tyler’s car is signed by him under the hood, but doesn’t have a name. Panoz started naming the cars they built in 2001. As I admired the Roadster in my driveway last night, a ladybug landed on it. For now, I’m calling the car “Ladybug.” I’m open to other names, though, so feel free to suggest something.

PPS – You can see a short video clip of me receiving — and then driving — the amazing Steven Tyler exotic Panoz muscle car on my video blog at Nerissa made it and it’s fun to watch. Also, Mark Ryan put a longer clip up of me receiving and driving Tyler’s AIV Roadster at 


The Fire of Fuego

One of the highlights of my recent trip to Miami was dinner with Hugo Cancio.

Hugo is a passionate Cuban entrepreneur who is a whirlwind. He’s got more deals incubating and happening than I have new books coming out.

He’s Founder, President and CEO of Fuego, an entertainment company focused on Latin American entertainment, including popular musical artists, movies, and television. 

Hugo’s music label, FEMI, acquired seven popular Latin American artists, such as Clan 537 and Luny Tunes.

Luny Tunes generated (through one album for Universal Music) total revenue of $16.5 million. Luny Tunes profit on this album was $9.5 million. Not bad.

Hugo recently struck a deal with Luny Tunes with the potential for even greater profit. They will generate two albums a year for Fuego.

That’s not all, of course.

Hugo is the man who signed a deal with Frontier Nutritional Research, Inc., to take Fit-a-Rita, my all-natural zero-carbs zero-sugar margarita mix, to the Latino market.

Wait. There’s more.

Hugo is also planning to create my own television show, called, for lack of a juicer title, The Joe Vitale Show.

Several people, companies and television networks have approached me about having my own TV show in the last year, all after my appearance in the sensational hit movie, The Secret. But only Hugo has taken action.

He’s already lined up a popular actor to be my Latino liaison, Rene Lavan.

Rene has appeared in many television programs, from One Life to Live to CSI: Miami to Las Vegas. His next movie will be Guerilla.

And there’s still more.

Hugo created a US-Cuban Investment Committee to position itself to grab business opportunities in music and film that the current Cuban government owns.

Sooner or later the Castro influence will die away and Hugo’s company will be set to profit from entertainment treasures in Cuba.

Hugo wants to make money from sharing his passion for Cuban music with the world, but he also wants to even the score.

Hugo’s father is Miguel Cancio, founding member of the Cuban popular music group, Los Zafiros (“The Sapphires”); a famous musician in Cuba until the government turned him into a street sweeper.

Hugo wants to vindicate his father and all other Cuban artists.

Hugo has even more going on, but I couldn’t remember it all over dinner (too much Sambuca liquor).

I have known Hugo for about a year now. He’s hard-working, brilliant, sociable, and destined for astounding success.

He came to America from Cuba as a teenager with nothing.

He’s building an entertainment empire.

He’s an example of a man living his passion.

Right now Hugo’s company is a penny trade stock where you can buy shares for pocket change. At least for now. If I were you, I’d empty your pockets and grab some while the gettin is good.

Just logon to Etrade, go to your portfolio page and click on FUGO. Look for the Buy option there.

Remember, money likes speed.

Ao Akua,


PS – For more information, you might also look at and enter FUGO. The company website is at And yes, I bought a lot of stock in Hugo’s company. I believe he’s going to dazzle the world. He’s got the fire. And not just Mr. Fire.


House Rockin' Blues

You can see five minutes of the Michelle Malone private house concert from the other night – with me on the harmonica with her — here: or on my video blog here: Enjoy. 🙂


Found "The Key"

img00160.jpg I just ran into a local bookstore to pick up a copy of the November issue of Guitar Player magazine — because singer/songwriter Michelle Malone is featured in it — and was stunned to see a copy of my new book, The Key: The Missing Secret to Attracting Whatever You Want, sitting on proud display by the front door. The book isn’t supposed to be out for two more weeks. Way cool. Now I have something to read this evening. 🙂


A SIGLO Invitation

A group of four marketing and business wizards secretly meet once a month or so.

They talk about ideas, expand and stretch each other’s minds,
and enjoy good food and cigars.

They are four of the sharpest minds ever gathered in one place.

Anyone who sits at their table is swept up in their energy, their passion, their stretching of ideas.

“SIGLO” is the code name for this group of four.

Whenever they want to meet, they send out an email with the subject line saying one word: SIGLO.

I am a member of the group.

I have marvelled at the ideas we come up with, for personal or professional improvement.

Ideas for books…for new products…for expansion…for new ways of thinking, being, doing…

Problems become putty in the hands of this team.

Recently two people paid $100,000 to have two days with just two of the SIGLO team.

They are on the road to making many times that amount.

At our last few meetings, we discussed having four guests sit at the private table with us.

These guests would get our full attention.

We would listen to their story, and offer ways to “out think” it.

As you might imagine, these meetings are inspiring, informative, stimulating, and unpredictable.

If you are interested in being one of the four guests to sit in at a special SIGLO on Nov 17, in Austin, Texas, then write [email protected]

The investment is $25,000 per person.

Obviously, this is for serious minded people who want to be stretched into new ways of thinking and being.

If you just want information, you can read my books or this blog.

If you want personal coaching, you can see or

But if you want to be one of the four who get to be at our meeting of minds with our focus on *you*, then the cost is $25,000.

You’ll get more than the evening with us.

Besides dinner, you can come in early and have a get acquainted lunch before it.

We’ll focus on you and your needs.

You’ll then get to think about our ideas before coming to dinner and getting stretched and inspired even more.

Our focus is on fun, and out of that fun comes —

Well, there’s no way to know.

Inspiration leads the way.

Nothing is predicted or guaranteed.

But results always follow.

I know this isn’t for everybody, but it’s not meant to be.

If you feel it’s for you, then write [email protected] to reserve your seat at the SIGLO table.

One of the four SIGLO members will then contact you to talk about the logistics.

Ao Akua,


PS – Since sending out the above invite to my email list, two seats are already taken. If you’re interested in being at the SIGLO table, best to act now. Thank you.