Joe Vitale


A Cure for Lagging Sales

In one of my powerful encounters with Dr. Hew Len — my coauthor for Zero Limits — we discussed some of my books and projects that had not succeeded.

That’s right. Not everything I touch turns to gold.

I talked of my frustrations and confusion about why some of my books were best sellers and some didn’t do so well.

His reply came in the form of a question. 

He asked me if I had three children and one of them was slow in school, would I tell the child I was disappointed in them?

I realized, of course I wouldn’t.

Dr. Hew Len told me to love my books and projects like I would love a child.

I then decided to always love all of my “children” and never again treat one like it was less than the other.

In short, I quickly reviewed all of my projects that had succeeded and all that had not and, guess what – I realized that when I felt love for a project, success followed.

If you want your projects to succeed, love them like they’re your own children and love them with all your heart.

One way to love your projects is to use the most powerful cleaning method I know of – Self I-dentity Ho’oponopono, described in the bestselling book Zero Limits. (It’s in book stores, and of course at and Also, see

Love heals all.

Bill Hibbler, coauthor with me of the book Meet and Grow Rich, was skeptical about this “love thing.”

But he borrowed a pre-publication copy of my book, Zero Limits, read it, and started loving his products and his list of  subscribers.

Here’s what he said:

“Sales for Jan 1-4 were 41.39% higher than Dec 1-4. During the four day period in January, I didn’t mail my list or launch any new promotion during that time. All I did was clean while reading your book and throughout the day.”

Bill went on to tell me he saw sales increase from sites like — which he wasn’t promoting at all.

Say “I love you” to all your projects.

That’s the key to health, wealth, and happiness.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

Ao Akua,


P.S. — Through love and cleaning, one of my slower projects has taken off in a new exciting direction. You can see it at —

Reminder: If you like this post, please “Digg It” using the link on the right. Thank you.


Digg It?

You’ll note that as of today there is a “Digg It” link to the right of every blog post here.

If you really like a post, please click there. Your vote will help others realize this is a post worth looking into.

It might be something you want to add to your own articles and posts, as well. Google seems to like posts with high Digg It ratings.

Seth Godin was the first to tell me about Digg It long ago. I should have listened back then. Any time Seth Godin says something, take note. He’s brilliant.

I didn’t take action until Pat O’Bryan told me once he added Digg It to his blog, his site went higher on Google.

Live and learn.

Hint: Now is a good time to take action.

Ao Akua,


PS — Please take a moment to locate the past blog posts here that you really liked and then “Digg It”. Thank you.

PS — Here are some popular blog posts (based on the number of comments posted to each) you might want to Digg:


The Laughing Jesus

laughing-jesus.jpg Though over 1,000 people came to both talks today, the highlight for me when I spoke at Unity Church of the Hills in Austin was seeing art called The Laughing Jesus.

I’ve never seen this version of Jesus before, though Bruce Barton, the man I wrote about in my book, The Seven Lost Secrets of Success, must have.

He wrote a book called The Man Nobody Knows, spelling out how human Jesus had been.

I like thinking Jesus may have enjoyed a good joke along with his glass or two of wine.

Sure beats all the bloody, dying, sad, miserable images of him I had in my head before today.

Ao Akua,


PS – For more information see And smile already. 🙂


The Opus

opus.jpg One of the other movies I’m appearing in is about to be released. You can see the teaser for it, with me looking like a pro wrestler urging you to get off your butt and into the theatre, right here:

You can see all the teasers for this movie by going to these links:

Jack Canfield:


Dr. Joe Vitale:

Mark Victor Hansen:

Debbie Allen:

Dr. John Demartini:

Marci Shimoff:

Ed Rush:

Jim Ziegler:

Be sure to vote for the teasers you like, and tell the world about them, too.

Ao Akua,


PS – “The Opus” movie will be at 


Yosef's Top 5 Stumbles

After playing with Stumble Upon for a week or so, I found a handful of sites that I bookmarked and then actually revisited.

Bookmarking a site is easy, of course. The real test of its value is if you go back to it.

I thought you might be curious to know what my top five stumbled upon and then revisited sites are:

#1. The Institute of General Semantics, established in 1938 by Alfred Korzybski, is online at That particular link will take you to an article I find fascinating, titled “13 Common Symptoms of Language Mis-Behaviors”. Here’s one of the 13 symptoms:

“We fail to differentiate facts (verifiable, historical observations/events) from inferences, assumptions, premises, beliefs, etc. ”

#2. What’s the meaning behind your name? Go to and find out. Type in “Joseph” and you’ll see:

“From the Latin Iosephus, which was from the Greek Ιωσηφος (Iosephos), which was from the Hebrew name יוֹסֵף(Yosef) meaning “he will add”. In the Old Testament Joseph is the eleventh son of Jacob. Because he was the favourite of his father, his older brothers sent him to Egypt and told their father that he had died. In Egypt, Joseph became an advisor to the pharaoh, and was eventually reconciled with his brothers when they came to Egypt during a famine. This is the name of two characters in the New Testament: Joseph the husband of Mary and Joseph of Arimathea. Also, rulers of the Holy Roman Empire have had this name.”

#3. I’m interested in psychology, but only of the practical sort. Go here and you’ll get some useful tips, such as: 

“If you want to convince others that your opinion is representative of the majority, then just repeat yourself. This surprising psychology study finds that if one person in a group repeats the same opinion three times, it has 90% of the effect of three different people in that group expressing the same opinion.”

#4. If you’re interested in attracting a new car but want a more environmentally friendly one, consider I keep going back to this one. It’s got info on virtually all the green super cars out there, from the sexy Tesla all-electric sports car to hybrids, biodiesel, natural gas, ethanol, and more.

Right now I’m trying to get Panoz to build a street legal hybrid GTLM for me. In 1999 Panoz installed a hybrid drive train in a Panoz Q9 GT hard top race car (I’ve even seen the car), so I know a street legal Panoz hybrid is possible. Besides, Francine wants a sister. Anyway, here’s one news item from the pure green cars site :

“Father and son engineers Joe and Jason Palumbo announced their plans to build a sleek high-performance Ferrari fighter that uses hybrid technology to deliver a fuel-efficient and user-friendly supercar called the Palumbo M-80.”

#5. Hitting Zero. I was surprised to stumble across this very blog while surfing with Stumble Upon. Obviously, I come back to this blog often (to post or review comments), and bookmarked it, so it stays on my top 5 list.

Where are your top 5 newly discovered sites?

Ao Akua,


PS – A lot of gadget, cigar, book, marketing, writing, magic, health, fitness, martial arts, spirituality and guitar sites show up when I use Stumble Upon, as those are also interests of mine, but I haven’t yet found anything in those subject areas worth writing home (or to you) about. Stay tuned, though. I’m still looking.