Joe Vitale


A Few Loving Words

My old friend Jason Mangrum sent me the following email. I loved it and asked if I could share it with you. He agreed. Enjoy. – joe

This is Jason Mangrum.

I love you.

I’m sorry.

Please forgive me.

Thank you.

Nearly 99.9% of everyone who wrote
a response to my mailing about the
Zeitgeist Movie thanked me for it,
but then asked what they could do
to help literally change the world.

If you didn’t see it yet, it’s at:

From a logical/ego perspective, it
would seem that one person up against
a secret empire of evil controllers
hell-bent on ruling the entire world,
might just seem a bit hopeless…

In fact, you didn’t hear from me for
over a week because of this reason.

I had no clue how to fight it.

I wanted to get together a virtual
“army” of my own to somehow out-power
these forces and turn the tides…

But fear had gripped me and almost
pushed me over the edge. Yes, this
is going to be personal. And real.

The more I thought about it… the
more I researched it… the more I
felt a very real hate stir inside.

They had already won.

I completely forgot the most critical,
yet little-known secret of real change.

And that is why I’m writing to you
right now, with a 100% sure-fire
answer… yes, this will change the
world and bring peace to us all.

This alone WILL put an end to the
Illuminati, government corruption,
wars, violence, hate and crime…

And you have the ability right now
to make this global change. Yes, you.

I don’t care if you believe me, I’m
only concerned with showing you what
above all else, works every singe time.

No other method makes this promise.

In fact, no other can…

Please stay glued to every word of this
email, because you’re going to learn
something that will change you forever.

Just be open.

Are you ready?… because I’m going
to share the exact answer you’ve been
searching for inside this very email.

This is how you can fight, overcome
and win. You *can* change the world.

And here’s how…

Get the hell out of the way.

Stick with me. I’ll explain.

It is said there are 3 stages of

1) You’re born and raised to acquire
and operate under a “victim” mentality,
where everything happens to you, or
outside of you…

2) You suddenly realize that you do
actually create your own reality and
can control it using various methods
that give you a sense of control —
but something is always missing…

3) You realize what’s missing and
make a conscious choice to align
yourself with it – thereby getting
your egotistical mind out of the way,
and you finally… surrender.

Wha?… Am I saying to just sit back
and surrender to these evil forces?

Absolutely not.

This is how you fight.

You realize the 3rd stage of awakening.

Yes, you create everything you observe
as your reality… BUT, this means that
you *MUST* take 100% total responsibility
for your creation… the good and the bad.

Most people simply are not ready for that.

This doesn’t just mean you’re responsible
for everything you do. It means you are
fully responsible for every problem you
have AND every problem you hear about!

Yes, that includes the corruption.

That’s only the *first* step.

I told you this wouldn’t be easy to swallow.

From the moment it’s on your radar, you created
it in your world. ONLY when you accept total
responsibility for creating it, can you accept
total responsibility for fixing it.

And since you’re reading these words, you
and I are sharing this experience. This is
now a personal message to you, so listen.

I didn’t “get” this, until I read Dr. Joe
Vitale’s newest book, ‘Zero Limits.’

I stayed up all night in bed reading it.

In the book, Dr. Vitale teaches a method
taught to him by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len,
a student of an ancient Hawaiian Healing
System called, “Ho’ oponopono.”

Dr. Len actually healed an entire psych
ward of criminally insane patients without
ever seeing them or talking to them.

How did he do it?

He used this very system to petition the
Divine for healing for every aspect within
himself that actualized as the problems
within the patients themselves.

Here’s the biggest secret the Illuminati
hopes you never figure out on your own:


Everything you observe outside of you is
pure illusion. It isn’t real. Even this
email you’re reading right now, is really
an external actualization of some part of
you that is manifesting as these words.

That’s right. The Illuminati. The corrupt
government. The lies. The 911 cover-up.
The lying president and all his officials.
The alphabet-soup agencies. All of it.

I realize this is more than some people
can accept. That’s ok, I’m still learning
myself, otherwise everyone would get it.

Am I going to try to sell you the book
for my own profit or financial gain?

No. But you can see their main site at:

There’s no affiliate link. That is the
official site, and I don’t get paid a
dime to send you there. But I HIGHLY
recommend you get that book. Now.

I promise all of this apparent “craziness”
will make perfect sense to you after you
read it… at least enough to USE it.

I asked The Universe/God for an answer to
how on Earth am I supposed to help fight
all this apparent evil in the world, and
even more — how do I help others too?

Last night into the wee hours of this
morning, I received my answer.

“Heal yourself.”

You see, you cannot see something you
don’t like in someone unless it’s already
within you to begin with. Otherwise, it’d
be impossible for you to recognize it.

Do not hate the Illuminati.

Love them.

Use the energy of LOVE to transmute the
world you experience from one of hate and
sorrow, pain and anguish, secrets and lies,
to one of pure, unconditional LOVE.

There’s great wisdom in those words.

You’ll understand it so much better when
you read Zero Limits. This *IS* the answer.

There is no other way.

All other ways lead to resistance and opposition.

You won’t get anywhere that way.


You may have noticed the 4 phrases I used
at the very top of this email…

I love you.

I’m sorry.

Please forgive me.

Thank you.

I *CHALLENGE* you to take this action:

Your only “job” is to get out of the way.

In order to do that, you must eliminate
every single thought, idea or memory that
seperates YOU from NOW… the present moment.

The only way to accomplish this, is to
*cleanse* yourself of every thought as
it occurs in your mind and transmute the
energy into a state of pure LOVE.

You do this by saying those 4 statements
over, and over again. Every single day.

Actually, “you” don’t transmute anything.

The ‘bigger’ you does. Call it God.

You’ve heard of “let go and let God” right?

Well… aside from any religious dogma,
this is exactly what that statement means.

Yes, you can control your reality.

But if you want to experience miracles,
let go completely and allow the Divine
to work through you. Be ONE with It.

Joe’s new book seriously has the potential
to help usher in the Age of Enlightenment.

The first step is total responsibility.

The next is to get the hell out of the way.

The final is to let go, and LOVE everything.

Then, your world changes from the inside out.

This is a superior Divine revelation for all
those who are ready to hear it. If you’re not,
then I trust you are not reading this email —
you’re probably doing something “more important.”

Well… this is how you fight.

I cannot stress it enough.

Change yourself. Love everything.

Use the 4 statements at the top of this email
as a “mantra” – say it silently to yourself
over and over again to cleanse every thought
that seperates you from God and the NOW.

Only when you cleanse, cleanse, cleanse, can
you reach the Zero State, where literally no-
thing exists and everything is possible.

Yes, even World Peace.

Imagine 100, 1,000 or even 10,000+ people
who read this email saying this mantra over
and over again on a daily basis for Peace!

I’ve been doing the mantra while writing
this entire email. That’s why you can feel
the energy coming from it. Yes, it’s real.

Forward this email to everyone you know.

Everyone can make a change in their world.

I’ve already decided to align myself with
Divinity, let go and send out pure LOVE.

And I trust with every fibre of my being
that as I broadcast the energy of LOVE,
my world is now changing.

From the inside, out.

Forward this to your entire contact list.

Send it to your mailing lists.

Post it on your blog or anywhere else.

Let’s change the world!

I Love You,
Jason Mangrum, Blog at:

PS. Get Zero Limits from Amazon or see:


11 Days to Success

danielhall-2-aug112007_sm.jpg Daniel Hall took Nerissa and me out to dinner and told us an inspiring story.

He wrote a little book on how to get dignitariaes and other famous people to send you awards, or cards, or even name a day after you or someone you know. It’s called Prestigious Acknowledgements.

Writing the book took him an afternoon.

He then uploaded the book to Amazon by using 

That’s not the only service that prints books on demand, of course, but that’s the one Daniel used, thanks to Nerissa’s suggestion to him in an interview long ago.

The entire process — start to finish — took him 11 days.

Most of it was waiting time, so he could approve hard copies of the printed book, etc.

Daniel told us his story with excitement. He knows that in the old days getting any book published could be a long and complicated process, and getting a distributor could take even longer.

Not today.

A few clicks and you’re on Amazon and in business.

You can find his book at 

Don’t you just love the Internet?

If you don’t have your own ebook written yet, maybe visit

Where will you be in 11 days if you don’t act now?

Ao Akua


PS – Daniel’s major info-product is something you might want to check out. It explains how speakers can go on cruise ships for free. See Happy sailing.


Hear Me Speak

If you can be in Texas next Sunday, August 19th, you can hear me speak at Unity of the Hills in Austin. I’ll be giving two talks that morning, and signing books afterwards. I have no idea what I’ll be talking about, but I have until Sunday morning to figure it out. I’m thinking about something called “How to Change Your Life Forever in Only 20 Minutes.” It might take 25 minutes, though. We shall see. Details are at 


Try THIS On Everything

One of the movies I’ve been filmed for is getting ready to be released. I was just moments ago told you can see the 5 minute trailer for it here: 


Patterns: Keep Happening?

Have you ever noticed a reoccurring theme in someone’s life?

Maybe even yours?

It’s the same issue again and again, maybe with different characters playing it out, but it’s always the same problem at heart.

Why is it always the same problem? 

For example, for most of my life I had problems with money.

I was homeless for a while, lived in virtual poverty for years, declared bankruptcy once, went to court and was fined for bad checks I had written, was constantly in debt and always desperate for money.

I had that same problem for most of my adult life.

Beliefs like these fueled it — though I was unconscious of them at the time — I don’t deserve money, money is bad, money is not spiritual, rich people are greedy, I’ll never succeed, I’m not good enough, business is bad, there’s not enough, etc. 

So the life pattern of having money problems surfaced again and again, with my car breaking down, accidents, illness, unforeseen emergencies, etc.

I had the same problem with losing weight.

I spent most of my life, from childhood on, fighting with obesity.

The operating beliefs behind that reoccurring problem — again, most of which were unconscious to me — were diets don’t work, I hate exercise, healthy foods taste like crap, my DNA is wrong, I’m destined to be fat, fat people are safe, fat people are happier, nobody likes me anyway, etc.

I had the best of good intentions for wanting to be healthy and wealthy, but the unconscious counter-intentions stopped them from being manifested.

And that pattern continued until I unravelled the beliefs and broke free.

This is true for all of us.

Even you.

If you look at your life with an objective eye (knowing that is not fully possible but go with me on this), you’ll see patterns.

Maybe it’s always a relationship issue…or health issue…or money issue…or work issue….or — you name it.

For example, I discovered a pattern in myself that I had been unaware of until last weekend.

Three people I know (or thought I knew), one of whom has been a dear family friend for over a decade, came out with a book slamming The Secret, with me in it, and none of them shared the book with me, or even told me when it came out.

I had to stumble upon it six months after the fact.

I was more upset that none of these friends had the decency to share their project with me, than that they wrote it.*

I was sick for several days.

I was literally ill.

I had a fever, weakness, aching joints, coughing fits, etc.


Every time something happens, there is meaning behind it. When you stop and reflect, you can decode the operating beliefs that brought it about.

In my case I caught a bug, and that bug was named betrayal.

As I looked back, I saw that “betrayal” had been a pattern in my life, just as money issues and obesity once were.

Because of hidden operating beliefs, the pattern came into reality one more time. If you’ve read The Attractor Factor, you know the nightmarish betrayal explained at the end of that book. I’m no stranger to it.

Obviously, I had attracted my experience.

This post isn’t about betrayal, it’s about patterns.

Your patterns.

And mine.

But here’s the good news: once you learn the lesson from the pattern, you no longer need the pattern.

You can actually stop the patterns!

I’ve done it with money.

I’ve learned that the more money I make, the more I can help myself and my world.

Whether it’s a Panoz exotic sports car or a $15,000 therapy machine for a child I don’t know, I’m now able to make the choice and write the check.

It’s a beautiful place to be.

I’ve done it with obesity.

I’ve lost 80 pounds and been in seven fitness contests.

The obesity pattern is history, too.

Now that I’m aware of the old betrayal pattern, I can let it go, as well.

Sometimes all you need is the awareness that you attracted what you got due to your beliefs.

Sometimes you can do EFT on a belief and it will vanish like the wind.

Sometimes you have to sit down and consciously search and find your beliefs, and then choose to let them go as you insert new ones in their place.

And sometimes you have to hire a Miracles Coach to help you climb out of the mental quicksand.

The point, again, is that you and I are co-creating our reality with our beliefs.

If you’ve got a reoccurring pattern in your life, it’s not your fault and it’s not anyone’s else’s fault. It’s simply mental software. It’s a program. You can rewrite it.

That’s how you begin new, healthier, happier patterns.

And you can begin it right now.

Ao Akua,


PS — Another useful tool for changing patterns is the Subliminal Manifestation DVD set that Mark Ryan and I created. These are topic specific, such as on love and forgiveness, fear, or increasing sales. Take a look.

* What do I think of their book? Thank you for asking. Their book is poorly written, quickly thrown together, packed with emotional ranting, spiced with glaring inaccuracies, and motivated by a desire to capitalize on the very thing they were criticizing. It’s a book designed to take away hope under the guise of being protective. But that’s just my opinion. 🙂 Again, I don’t mind that they wrote the book; I object that they didn’t let me see it in progress, or at the very least share it with me after its publication. As a friend I feel it would have been the decent (read friendly) thing to do. Or maybe that’s just me. If you want to read a rational and readable examination of Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret, get pastor Ed Gungor’s There Is More To The Secret. He talks about God in the same way I talk about the Divine in Zero Limits. Gungor’s book finds some fault with The Secret, but he explains his position in a level headed, well written way. Even disagreement can be an art done with love. Meanwhile, I just keep cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.