Joe Vitale


The End of the Internet

Pat O’Bryan told me about a really cool time-waster or priceless-educator called Stumble Upon.

I signed up for it, told it my main interests, and before you know it I was “stumbling upon” website after website that were amazing, curious, odd; all relevant to me; and most of which I had never heard of before.

It’s a wonderful learning experience to look at a parade of websites — all containing information relevant to your declared interests — and wonder why you don’t stay at any of them longer than nine seconds.

It’s a reminder that people are landing on your website and making the same kind of snap decisions.

In short, your site better load quick and get to the point fast, or give a good reason to stay, else your new visitor will be gone in a flash.

After thirty minutes (or was it four hours?) of stumbling upon new sites, I finally came across this message:

You Have Reached the End of the Internet

Go out and get some fresh air.

And that’s what I’m gonna go do.

Ao Akua,


PS – If you want help in how to create websites that work, consider the Joe Vitale Executive Mentoring Program. No cost to apply. Do it and then get some fresh air.


Talkin' Zero

Yet another place where you can join others to talk about Zero Limits is at Joanie Chappel’s forum: 


News for the Soul

I’ve been interviewed several times for the radio show News for the Soul, most recently the other day when Dr. Hew Len and I were on together to discuss our book, Zero Limits. You can now hear all of the shows (at no charge) at Enjoy!


He won a million bucks!

Jeff Chavez operates Northstar, the company that manages my mentoring and miracles programs. His brother was a semi-finalist on the television show American Inventor — and just won!

 Here’s what Jeff emailed out to all:


Our Big Brother Greg won American Inventor!

I want to sincerely thank everyone who supported Greg with votes, email, and encouragement. Greg is truly grateful to everyone and very humbled by this unique turn of events in his life.

If you missed the final episode, you can watch the key segments on blog. Go check it out: 

On behalf of Greg and our entire family…thanks again for cheering him on.



Joe 🙂 



Helen Hadsell just told me that she received an overwhelming response to my previous post.

She has received hundreds of orders for her book, all in one day.

She said to tell you that she will answer all emails, but it may take her weeks.

She also said she is now sold out of her Contesting book, but she will consider printing more.

I’ll help her if she wants.

Just FYI.

Be patient.

She’ll write you back.

Ao Akua,


PS – Thank you for supporting her and for reading my post about her. She deserves all the good vibes going her way.