Jennifer McLean just told me she made an audio combining concepts in Zero Limits with the song of the earth. It’s free at
“Blow in her face and she’ll follow you anywhere”?
Advertising works, but usually the copy needs to be updated.
Ao Akua,
PS – If you want to crystalize your learning about Self i-dentity Ho’oponopono and living at Zero Limits, see
Some people (like Nerissa) don’t like dummys like Danny. They saw one too many Chucky movies growing up.
I thought that was pretty funny until I saw this:
I suspect the web site changes depending on the type of fear people search for. But I was surprised to discover anyone was looking for “ventriloquist dummy cure.”
And yes, I forwarded it to Nerissa.
Ao Akua,
PS – You can see Danny behind me on the short video at
Well, I just launched what is shaping up to be my next “famous” product.
As buzz builds and orders are flooding in, everyone keeps asking me this question about the video I just posted explaining the package:
“Who’s the dummy in the background?”
“What’s he holding?”
I could tell them that his name is Danny, and that he really didn’t mean to cause a ‘scene’ and show me up.
And that he really shouldn’t be holding that blue thing, because only customers of The Secret 24 get to find out about that.
But I could just as easily turn the question right around, and ask them the same thing:
“If you miss out on this chance to get a historic training…
“Who’s the dummy?” 🙂
(You know I’m smiling when I say that – I love you.)
Ao Akua,
PS: There are only 500 of these sets available and I suspect they won’t even last the duration of the 24-hour promotion that Nitro marketing has scheduled. At least go see Danny show me up and decide if you want one of the 500 limited edition sets of The Secret 24. You may kick yourself later if you miss out on my next famous course that *was* available. Don’t mind Danny. He was only trying to help.
Forget hitting #1 on Amazon.
I’ve done that several times for several books.
So, what’s higher than that?
Let’s make people sit up and take notice about this mind expanding new book by Dr. Hew Len and me called Zero Limits.
Let’s make it go higher than #1 on Amazon.
Let’s make it bigger than Rock of Love or Harry Potter or Al Gore or Fire the Grid or even Jessica Simpson swimwear.
What does that mean?
Beats me.
But let’s find out.
Go to the link below and grab copies (and $300 in gifts) and give the copies as “seeds” to schools, churches, prisons, libraries, bus stops, hospitals, family, friends, clients, kids, dogs, cats, and anyone else you can think of.
Let’s spread the power of “I love you.”
You’ll pay a little more for the book there (as opposed to or, but you’ll also get over $300 in freebies, including a magazine subscription, audio, video, e-books, and much more.
Even if you already have the book, surely you know one or two people who would welcome a copy as a gift from you. (And you get to keep all the bonus gifts for yourself.) 🙂
The book has already been an Amazon bestseller three times — twice before it was even published, due to pre-orders.
And the 5-star reviews are coming in fast —
Mary Rose Lam said, “This will have a tremendously profound and timely effect on the universe at large. This is your best work thus far and I thank you again, for now, I see the inherent beauty of the divine mind.”
Peter Michel said, “You just set off an atomic bomb in the consciousness of man. Nothing will be the same again. ‘The Secret’ was nothing compared to this. Hold onto your hat.”
Dr. Marc Gitterle said, “There is real potential for this book to start a movement that will end war, poverty and the environmental devastation of our beloved planet.”
Best-selling author Debbie Ford said, “This riveting book can awaken humanity.”
Maverick marketer Craig Perrine said, “This book is like a stick of dynamite and the moment you start reading the fuse is lit.”
BluBlocker’s Joseph Sugarman said, “‘Zero Limits’ is Joe Vitale’s adventure into the most mind-altering reading experience of your life.”
Not everyone loves the book, of course.
Some people think it’s hype and hooey.
Well, is it?
Find out for yourself instead of relying on the biased opinions of others (including mine).
Get the book (and your $300 in gifts) at —
Please share this special link to family and friends, post it on blogs, email it to your lists, and in any and every other way help get the inspiring message of “Zero Limits” out to the world.
Why am I so excited about this?
The book describes the three stages of awakening, and I would love for the majority of the world to enter stage three.
What is stage three?
Get the book and find out.
Expect Miracles.
I love you.
Ao Akua,
PS – You can get more details about the Zero Limits book, including how to get audios of the first seminar based on the ideas in the book, at Turn on your speakers just before you go there and you’ll hear Dr. Hew Len himself explain what self i-dentity ho’oponopono really means.