Joe Vitale


The est Transformation Film

I haven’t seen this film yet but I sure want to.

Werner Erhard and The Book of est were life transforming for me over thirty years ago.

Erhard created the in-your-face est seminar experience which was later reincarnated into the less intense but still powerful Forum. (I wrote about my experiences in the Forum in my book, Adventures Within.)

Erhard has been underground for decades. I’d love to know his thoughts and views of his own transformation and the multi-million dollar self-help industry he helped spawn.

Everyone should know the story of est. Tony Robbins and probably all of the self-helpers out there doing seminars today owe him more than a nod.

Get details here:

Ao Akua,


PS — I wonder what Erhard would think of Zero Limits?


For Texans

I buried this news in yesterday’s post and later thought that wasn’t so bright, so here it is again, in broad daylight for all to see: 

I’ll be doing a book signing for Zero Limits in Wimberley, Texas on Saturday, July 28. It will be at from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Rancho Deluxe is at 14010 Ranch Road 12 in Wimberley, TX; right downtown. 

Wimberley is between Austin and San Antonio, in the Texas Hill Country.

I rarely do book signings these days, so if you’re in or can get to the area, drop by and say hi. Feel free to bring friends.

The location is “on the square” in Wimberley, which seems so ironic, since the subject is ZERO LIMITS, which is more of a circle.

Go figure.

Ao Akua,


PS – No charge to attend but I’m hoping you’ll at least buy a book. 🙂


"You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet"

“You ain’t seen nothin yet.B-, b-, b-, baby, you just ain’t seen na-, na-, nothin yet. Here’s somethin’ that you’re never gonna forget!”

That’s the chorus to the infamous Bachman-Turner Overdrive unlikely hit single “You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet” that won the Juno Award for the best-selling single of 1974.  

The unlikely hit was recorded as a joke by Randy Bachman for his brother George, who had a stutter.

And that’s exactly what you are going to be singing when you get your hands on my newest, hottest life and business transformation package, “The Secret 24” 

These recordings are definitely no joke, though…

This 24-part, 24-hour turnaround kit that I’ve carefully put together is going to prove to the world that we all have the potential to accomplish more in 24 hours than most do in months.

More products will be created than ever before.

More sales records will be shattered. 

Marketing will never be the same again for those who get “The Secret 24”.  (Breakthrough’s in all areas of life and business will be the norm for those who have these 24 trainings.)

This 24-part course will only be available for 24 hours.

You can get 4 parts free until Tuesday night.

Note:  The first 24 get a special fast mover’s bonus.

Note:  My last release through Nitro Marketing in May sold over 3,000 units – however there are only 500 units of “The Secret 24” available.

Ao Akua,


PS:   The 4 free parts are only available before Tuesday, and they are: #1: Science Behind Wealth Beyond Reason
#2  Hypnotic Goal Setting
#3  Hypnotic Millionaires
#4  Secrets of the Bullworker

Grab the free samples of The Secret 24 here


Giovanni's Passion

“I love you, Joe.”

I was sitting at the San Diego airport, minding my own business, my nose stuck to my Blackberry, when the gentleman now sitting beside me looked at me and said those words.

He heard me speak at the NSA convention the day before. Lots of people have been saying “I love you” to me who heard my talk.

Of course, they’re supposed to say it silently, and not to me, but saying it at all is a good thing and a good start.

The man turned out to be a creative genius. A fan of my P.T. Barnum book, There’s a Customer Born Every Minute, and a full-time corporate magician with a Disney-like imagination. He even lives in Orlando.

His name is Giovanni Livera. He’s got passion in his eyes and he’s plugged into the electric current of life. He’s writing, producing, creating. He specializes in astonishing people. He is all about creating experiences for people.

He performed some jaw-dropping magic for me. Made a coin disappear and showed me where it reappeared – under my watch. I never saw it coming. Or going. Or reappearing.

I was astonished.

He handed me a copy of his book, Live a Thousand Years. I started reading it on the plane home and was riveted. The thing is a masterpiece.

It’s about a man who stops time, loses all the numbers on his watch, and regains them one by one as he learns life’s lessons. I strongly suggest you get the book from Amazon.

But my thought for today is about passion.

I heard Donny Deutsch say on his TV show, The Big Idea, that the most common trait of all the people he interviews, who are successes despite all odds, is their passion.

They don’t focus on money. They focus on doing what they love. They may use money as a way to measure their success, but that’s not the focus or the end result.


That’s the real secret.

And the real magic.

Giovanni has it.

So do you.

But you may have to let it out.

Ao Akua,


PS – Giovanni’s website is Take a look. No charge to peak inside. Might find some magic there.

Note to all Texas readers: I’ll be doing a book signing for Zero Limits in Wimberley, Texas on Saturday, July 28. It will be at from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. That’s at Rancho Deluxe, 14010 Ranch Road 12, Wimberley, TX. I rarely do book signings these days, so if you’re in the area, drop by and say hi. Feel free to bring friends. Let’s party.


The Secret 24

What is this all about?

Even I’m not sure just yet.