Joe Vitale


Quiz: What Sells?

 Here’s a quiz for you:

I have numerous DVDs on the market right now. There’s — — My two-DVD set of live talks on “The Missing Secret” (about the secret as in the movie The Secret and what it is missing) and how to get clear of unconscious beliefs so you can attract what you prefer. — My single DVD on how to fully understand The Secret and the Law of Attraction, and then transcend it, with a hypnotic subliminal installation by Mark Ryan. — My DVD telling the behind-the-scenes story of how I hired a famous P.T. Barnum-like publicist to pull off the greatest lotto hoax in modern history, all to promote my book, The Attractor Factor. – My brand new two-DVD set revealing my personal secrets of productivity and including a live talk I gave on your defining moment and how to exceed your goals. — These are a series of reprogramming DVDs designed to clean your unconscious of specific issues via subliminal messages and hypnotic stories:

The first DVD is on Love and Forgiveness: 

The second DVD is on Increasing Sales:

Now here’s the quiz:

Out of the above DVDs, which do you think is the bestseller?

You can take some time and review the sites for each DVD, or you can just take a guess right now.

Well, which DVD is the bestseller?

I’ll caution you that guessing is the number one mistake people make in business.

You never know what’s going to sell until you present it to the marketplace.

You may have hopes. You may have dreams. You may have statistics. You may have predictions. You may have a psychic on staff.

But until you put the item on the market, you’ll never know for sure.

So, out of the above DVDs, which one do you think sells the most?

Give up?

Hands down it is the Subliminal Manifestation one on Love and Forgiveness at

The runner up to it is Install and Transcend The Secret at

Now here’s the kicker:

I would have lost money on a bet about which DVD sells best.

I would have said the one Pat O’Bryan and I just released, on Secrets of Productivity at (which includes how to surpass your goals) would be the winner.

I’d be wrong.

What about you? Was your guess wrong, too?

When the results come in and they aren’t want you expected, you can still make some changes and test the product in the marketplace again.

For example, I don’t think the sales letter at is very hypnotic. It needs work. If we rewrite it, maybe changing the headline or focus of the offer or even the price, we would get different results. Whether we would get better results would still remain to be seen.

The point is, you never know what’s going to sell.

You do the best you can, offer it to the world, and then move forward.

Stopping to sulk is the only failure.

Ao Akua,


PS — My friends Josh and Andy over at
are featuring me as their special guest this Wednesday, June 27 th, at 9 pm eastern time. We’ll be discussing how to live the Zero Limits life.  This is brand new material in celebration of my book coming out later this week. We’ll probably dovetail into some uncharted areas that I think you’ll enjoy, too. Click here to register (it’s free):  See you there.

PPS – If you haven’t looked at the Amazon “boutique page” for
me — it includes rare video of me talking about Zero Limits, a personal letter, book news, book suggestions, and more — go see Enjoy.


Review: "Sicko"

'What can I do?' - SiCKO

Last night we sat in a sold out theatre and watched the premier of Michael Moore’s latest documentary, Sicko.

Moore is one of the most powerful and smoothest persuasion masters of modern times. He’s made several controversial movies before this one. This time around he tackles health care in America.

The movie makes you want to overthrow the system, move to another country (such as Cuba or even France), or get so independently wealthy that you aren’t worried about health care costs for you or your family.

Moore’s movie flows easily, has humor as well as shock, and clearly makes his point: something has to change for we Americans. The system is sick and we’re not getting well.

I admire Michael Moore’s positive use of his hypnotic persuasion skills. I admire his message.

My only complaint is he doesn’t tell you what to do to solve the problem. For that you have to click here:

'What can I do?' - SiCKO

I urge you to see Sicko when it opens June 29.

Meanwhile, stay well.

Ao Akua,


PS — There’s an elderly English chap in Sicko who stands out for his wisdom and articulation. If you know his name, please tell me. I want to talk to him. Thank you.


Danny Speaks

danny.jpg A few weeks ago I spotted a dummy in a shop window in downtown Wimberley, Texas.

Not a dummy as in ‘stupid person’ but a ventriloquist dummy.

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a ventriloquist. It shouldn’t be too much of a surprise because I also wanted to be a magician, and they’re kinda sorta in the same field.

Anyway, seeing the dummy in the window awakened my childhood dream. Every time I would drive by the shop, I would peek to see if the dummy moved, or waved, or winked, or in any way signalled “Come get me, Joe.”


So I mentioned it to Nerissa, saying it would be a great gift for somebody.

She got the hint but she’s no fan of “dolls”. Apparently she’s seen one to many horror movies as a child where dolls came to life and chased you to your death.

So I forgot about the dummy, at least during the day. But every time I went through town, I looked for it.

Two days ago I drove through town, looked for it, and it wasn’t there.


I had no idea how much I really wanted that dummy until I didn’t see it in the window.

I accepted my loss and went on with my life.

But something interesting happened yesterday.

My dear friend Mark Ryan — the man behind the DVDs — came to visit.

We were eating at a deli in Wimberley. We were wondering what we were going to do for the day when I remembered the dummy.

“Mark, I have a crazy request,” I began.

Mark leaned forward as I told him the whole story.

“I saw a ventriloquist dummy in the window across the street and I want to see if it’s still there.”

Mark stunned me by instantly saying, “I not only want to see if it’s there, I want to buy it for you!”

Buy it for me?

Turns out he had been racking his brain trying to come up with a gift for me. When he saw the light in my eyes as I described wanting to be a ventriloquist as a kid, he saw his opportunity.

“I don’t care what it costs,” he said. “I’m getting it for you.”

How many friends would instantly jump at the chance to give you a childhood gift?

How many people would you do that for?

We wondered across the street, went inside, and found the dummy. He was still there, just hidden behind some clothes and purses.

The young lass working the store didn’t know if the dummy was for sale. Apparently she had never gotten this request before. She had to make two phone calls to locate the store owner (in Arizonia), ask if it could be sold (it could), and to get a price on it ($150).

Turns out the dummy is a collectible from 1962. His name is Danny. (He says hi.)

When I brought him home, I sat him on the kitchen counter. I then positioned him in such a way that as Nerissa came around the corner when she got home later, she’d see eye to eye with Danny.

I thought it was funny.

 So did Mark.

Nerissa didn’t.

(Danny didn’t comment.)

I don’t know what your childhood dreams were, but there’s power in reawakening them…if only to complete a story begun long, long ago.

Ao Akua,


PS — Danny wants to say something: “If I could type I’d say more but remember, underwear is best worn on the outside and not taken off for a week. Pass it on.”

Note: The picture of Danny was taken with my new Blackberry Curve phone, which went on the market yesterday and arrived here today. Danny likes it. So do I. I bet it’s better than the iphone We’ll see.


Racing Fear

dscn2893.JPG Because of fear, I almost didn’t do something at the Panoz Racing School last Sunday.

It was the end of the day. I was hot, tired and dehydrated. I was ready to get out of the sun and out of the flame retardant sweat suit I was wearing and find AC and water.

But right then the lead instructor announced a “special offer” for anyone brave enough to accept it.

“You all signed a waiver and you all have insurance so if you want, you can ride with an instructor while he drives the Panoz race car the way he would normally drive it on the track.”

I didn’t know what that actually meant, but it frightened me.

I admit it.

I was scared.

I decided I would pass. After all, I told myself, I didn’t need to sit in a race car while a gonzo driver risked car and life for a thrill. I had already had a whole day of driving, anyway.

Everyone else, though, wanted the wild ride.

They got it, too.

The drivers roared onto the track as if chased by alien space ships, and they zipped around the road like bats out of hell.

When they blasted around corners, half the cars lifted on their sides. The roar of the engines was almost deafening. I felt like I was watching the Indy 500. It was scary even from the sidelines.

I’m glad I chickened out.

I’m sure I would have gotten sick with such reckless driving.

But as the first four cars returned from the track, and the passengers crawled out of the cars, I noticed that each of them was beaming.

They had broad smiles and big eyes.

I wanted that experience.

I wanted to know what they were smiling about.

So I swallowed my fear and got into a race car.

The instructor assured me he would stop driving if I asked him to. I nodded agreement and he ripped onto the track.

His speed was astonishing. I felt like I had been driving like a baby compared to his calm confidence as he took turns, ignored dangers, chased other cars, and kept screaming and screeching around the track.

I loved it.

When I got out of the car after a few adrenaline rushing laps, I, too, was smiling big.

Facing fears is exhilarating.

Ao Akua,


PS — Breaking news: Amazon just put up a special page for me on their site. It includes video, a personal letter, pictures, books news, and so on. It’s at I think you’ll like it. Go see. 



I’m reading several fascinating books right now.

This first one is something I think you need to drop everything and get if you are into marketing or psychology in any way, shape, or form.

In fact, I think anyone interested in crayon direct advertising, marketing, advertising, internet marketing, blogging, real estate marketing, branding, marketing strategies, marketing plans, email marketing, advertising agencies, search engine marketing, network marketing, free advertising, direct marketing,  web advertising, online marketing, website promotion, web marketing, marketing online, targeted advertising, promotional advertising, marketing mix, gb3 marketing, seo marketing, event marketing — you get the idea — needs this first book.

I’m talking about HERDHow to Change Mass Behaviour by Harnessing Our True Nature by Mark Earls. 

I haven’t finished the book yet but I’m finding it mind-expanding. Earls is British so many of the examples in the book are from Europe, not the US, which makes the reading fresh and stimulating.

I doubt the book actually reveals how to change the masses, ala Edward L. Bernays style, but I do suspect it makes you think about human nature in a more social way.

For example, the book says we are not as individualistic as we like to think. We join groups of like-minded individuals, but we don’t survive as a true individual.

This has important implications for anyone in marketing. I also think this is relevant whether you are in marketing or not. It reveals your core survival needs, which you may never have considered before. It also helps explain why social movements begin without any real leader or cause.

I’ll report more on HERD later, as I get deeper into the book. For now, I’m finding it thought-provoking — even if the author says I’m more closely related to monkeys than to gods.

Ao Akua,


PS — Zero Limits comes out next week! I am beyond excited. I’ve seen the published book and it is beautiful. It’s a true miracle, as it’s the first book to reveal the updated form of ho’oponopono.  If you go to you can now hear the voice of my coauthor, Ihaleakala Hew Len, explaining Self I-Dentity Ho’oponopono.