Joe Vitale


Welcome to Zero

What do you think?

This is my new blog – a sort of reincarnated version of my old one.

This contains all of my old posts (nearly five hundred of them), but with a new look and feel, and of course with a new blog title: Dr. Joe Vitale at Zero.

For taking the time to stop by, here is a gift for you:

Kenneth MacLean, popular author of The Vibrational Universe, and 6 other books, has put together a home study course called “The Keys to Deliberate Creation.”

You can read about it, as well as grab it for free (for a limited time) at —

Ao Akua,


PS – I’m not sure how to post anything to this WordPress blog yet, so please forgive any irregular formatting, etc. Thank you.


Your MonkeySphere

The reason you don’t personally know a lot of people is because of your brain.

The reason most of the six billion people you don’t know are grouped into categories is because of your brain.

Appears our noggins can only hold about 150 people — people you know the first name of and feel comfortable with.

Beyond that amount your brain lumps people into things like races, stereotypes, organizations, cultures, etc.

This is all because of something called the MonkeySphere.

Since I’ve been recording and filming all week and am bushed right now, I don’t have the time or energy to explain this concept to you.

But someone else has already done so.

His writing is excellent, and for mature audiences only, and located at

Watch your bananas and go read it.

Ao Akua,


PS — A wikipedia article on the underlying research of the MonkeySphere is at’s_number Enjoy.


Ask Me Anything

If you could ask me just one question about how to live a “Zero Limits” life, what would it be?

I’ll be doing a free teleseminar soon where I can answer your question. You can post it at —

This event is part of a global promotion for the release of my next book, “Zero Limits,” due out at the end of this month.

“Zero Limits” is the true story of the therapist who helped heal an entire ward of mentally ill criminals, using a simple Hawaiian healing method called ho’oponopono.

The book is by me and the therapist, and reveals his method for the first time in history. The method can be used to remove inner blocks to anything you want to heal or manifest.

This is the most exciting thing I’ve ever written about.

Aparrently I’m not the only one to think so.

Dr. Marc Gitterle said, “I feel this book will be the definitive personal-change/self-help book for at least a generation, and viewed as a watershed event by historians. There is real potential for this book to start a movement that will end war, poverty and the environmental devastation of our beloved planet.”

Bestselling author Debbie Ford said,”This riveting book can awaken humanity.”

Author James Arthur Ray said, “Joe Vitale has captured the truth that all great spiritual, scientific, and psychological principles teach at the most fundamental level.”

Maverick marketer Craig Perrine said, “This book is like a stick of dynamite and the moment you start reading the fuse is lit. It blows away all the complex and confusing success paradigms of the past and reveals a refreshing and clear path to transform your life with just one simple step.”

Again, you can post your question at —

Ao Akua,


PS – You can get more details about the book, including how to get audios of the first seminar based on the ideas in the book, at You can also pre-order the book from Amazon. I’m currently recording the audios for the book and they should be on itunes at the end of the month, as well.


Bonnie Meets Francine and Learns The Mightest Motivator

When my sister, Bonnie, visited me last week and saw my 2005 Panoz Esperante GTLM named Francine, she lit up.

Bonnie has never been into cars, but she sure wanted in Francine.

And once behind the wheel, she didn’t want to let go, or get out.

It was raining that day, so Bonnie didn’t get to drive Francine.

Bonnie has been married for almost twenty-nine years. When her husband, Frank, got into the car, his eyes grew large and his smile grew wide.

I let him start the car. As he heard the roar of Francine’s engine, he seemed to radiate bliss.

Bonnie looked at him and said, “I haven’t seen that look on your face in twenty-nine years.”

Frank replied, “Get me a car like this and you’ll see it all the time.”

Ao Akua,


PS – If you think desire is bad, or the cause of all suffering, then you are believing a myth. Buddha actually said misunderstood desire and attachment to desire cause suffering, not desire itself. As Mandy Evans points out in a guest article just added to my site, babies learn to walk because of natural desire. It’s the most powerful force. It’s your inner compass letting you know you are on your path. But most of us squelch it. What do you desire?


Principles of Change

A dear friend who knew me over thirty years ago, when I was in poverty and struggling, is baffled by my level of success today.

She’s still struggling.

I’m not.

So she asked me an interesting question:

“How’d you do it?”

Sheesh. This is a question I get a lot.

I’ve tried to answer it here on this blog, on my main site, and in my various books.

I’ll try to answer it yet again.

I think my change came from the following principles of conscious creation:

1. Constant belief clearing.

I feel we live in a belief created universe. Most of us, myself included, are living our lives based on programming we aren’t even aware of. Those unconscious beliefs are causing us to see the world the way we do, and to take the actions (or not take them) that we do. To get different results, you have to change the programming. I keep working on myself with books and audios and seminars. But I also know sometimes you need what I’ve coined a Miracles Coach. This is clearly the number one thing I’ve done and continue to do to keep improving myself. The only limitations are my own. The way to change them is inside me. If I can’t see the beliefs operating in me, I may need an outside trusted party to help me find them and release them. This is the most important key to permanent change. Everyone who finds their limiting beliefs and changes them will get new results. Everyone. And “everyone” includes you. This is the Missing Secret to dramatic change.

2. Constant action.

I rarely sit around waiting for things to happen. I’ve tried many things that failed, and many that succeeded. Recently Suzanne, my chief assistant, compiled a bibliography of my work. It’s forty-three pages long. How in the world did I create 43 pages worth of products? From constant action. Most people don’t take any action because they talk themselves out of it. They are afraid of failure, or success. This is why step one (belief clearing) is so important. Take care of the doubts and you naturally take actions. I’m the guy in the movie The Secret that urges you to take inspired action, so it should come as no surprise to you that I still believe action is one of the essential keys to change. Action is a great way to install and transcend The Secret.

3. Constant ruthless honesty.

Most people lie to themselves about what they really want. They say things that are socially acceptable or safe in some other way, instead of opening their heart and speaking the truth about their desires. Being ruthlessly honest with yourself helps you discover your passion, and passion is the fuel that brings you new levels of success. Passion is my secret to success. Passion is your guidance system that leads you to change. Passion adds fire to the Law of Attraction. Passion is one of the key principles of change.

Again, there are numerous principles of change, self-empowerment and deliberate creation. I’ve written about them in my books, The Attractor Factor and in Life’s Missing Instruction Manual, and in forthcoming books, such as Zero Limits, and The Key. But if you want a quick answer to a big question, the above three points are it.

Having shared them here with you, which one are you going to passionately act on right now?

Ao Akua,


PS – As you may already know, I also created several DVDs based on the Law of Attraction and Deliberate Creation to help you easily change. See and and And of course there’s always You can change and experience self-empowerment, but you have to do something to begin that change. Choose. Act. Now. GO!

NOTE: Some books that can help you awaken and begin to change are ones by Steve Chandler, who I am reading lately. See his gems at Great stuff.