Joe Vitale


Nine Minutes on The Mindset of Success

Here’s nine minutes of a presentation I gave last year on the Mindset of Success for Pat O’Bryan:

Ao Akua



Beware TV and C-Scans

On last night’s episode of Desperate Housewives, actress Felicity Huffman, playing Lynette Scavo on the TV show, hits her head and ends up in ER.

She goes through a c-scan and a solemn medical doctor tells her and her husband they found swollen lymph nodes in her skull.

She immediately asks if it is cancer.

The doctor says it could be.

The moment is now tense, dark, and gloomy.

This is exactly what I went through.

I yelled out to Felicity/Lynette, “You need to read my blog!”

TV shows, like medical authorities, can send shivers up your spine — if you let them.

Ao Akua,


PS — If you missed my blog post about my own cancer scare, it’s at Thank you.


Understanding Zero

Most people who hear about the beautiful ho’oponopono Hawaiian clearing method I write about in my book, Zero Limits, feel the urge to teach it to others.
The thing is, no one else needs to know it.
Only you.

It’s not uncommon for someone to hear of a friend having a problem and then telling the friend, “You need to clean on that.”
That’s not how the method works, though.

The message of Zero Limits is that you are 100% responsible for your life. No exceptions. No loopholes.

If anyone tells you of their problem, it’s your problem, too.

You have to clean it, not them.

I admit it would be nice to simply throw the problem back to the person stating it, but then it would be shirking responsibility, not owning it.

If the problem is in your awareness — no matter how it got there — then it’s your problem.

As soon as you are aware of it, start cleaning.

Ao Akua,


PS – To understand this concept better, see Thank you.

What Jessica Biel Thinks of "The Key"

Actress and philanthropist Jessica Biel just read the manuscript to my latest book, The Key: The Missing Secret for Attracting Whatever You Want, and said this:
“For those of us who loved The Attractor Factor and The Secret, Joe has done it again. The Key is the how-to book that makes the ‘law of attraction’ come alive!”
Just had to share…
Ao Akua,
PS — The Key will come out in October. You can pre-order it, as well as Zero Limits, over at Amazon.

About Brownie

That’s Brownie in the picture.

He passed away earlier today.

I had him for twenty years. He was born feral, but quickly learned to like being petted and being held.

He had a stroke Thursday morning, and another the same afternoon. He’s been in ER until today.

Nerissa and I are in a state of shock right now. I know this is for the best, and I know Brownie is at peace, but it’s still a challenge to let go.

I wish I had something wise to say here. I realize death is part of the life experience, but right now it feels like the part that sucks.

I’m focusing on the joy Brownie gave me for twenty years — first with my late ex-wife Marian and then with Nerissa over the last few years — and I am grateful this loving Maine Coon came into our lives.

Thank you for all your loving thoughts.

Ao Akua,
