Joe Vitale


How to Get My Attention

Most people who try to get my attention just send an email.

But if you really want to get my — or anyone’s — attention you need to think bigger.

Fed-X just delivered (for Saturday morning) a huge box. I opened it and found what you see in the picture: a DVD player, a cell phone, and a note.

If I were working for the FBI, I might be worried about such a package.

Instead, I followed directions and watched the one minute presentation.

The presentation was simple: just someone holding up a flip chart and flipping pages with short messages on them, as music played. It ended directing me to push a button on the cell phone to hear a message.

That part didn’t work, so I still have no idea what the person who went to all this trouble wants to sell, but they DID get my attention.

And now yours.

Ao Akua,


PS – Be looking for tomorrow’s post. It’s long and personal, but I have to write it to get something off my chest. Stay tuned…


Coming Attractions

I have several books, CDs and DVDs coming out over the next few months. Here are cover shots of just three of them. You can pre-order any of them over at Just search for the title of the product or for “Joe Vitale.”


Booking Success: LOA Works #2

The other day my personal trainer, Scott York, asked me for a favor.

Scott is a certified personal trainer and is also one of the top fitness, figure and bodybuilding marketing experts in the world.
He works behind the scenes with Pro Body Builder Lee Priest, IFBB Pro Figure Competitor Monica Brant-Peckham, and IFBB Pro Fitness Competitor, Adela Garcia.

Scott wanted to know if I could give him an extra copy of the book by Steve Siebold, titled 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class.

Siebold’s book is a masterpiece; a work of genius. I’ve purchased the book by the carton and given it out to friends, including Scott. He wanted the extra copy for Lee Priest, the popular bodybuilder I met last year (see picture).

Lee is already a world class performer, and so is Scott. But, like me, we’re always interested in exceeding our personal best in all areas of life.
So of course I agreed to give Scott the extra book for Lee.

But I couldn’t find one.

I looked all over the house, my office, and everywhere I could think of.
I have books piled up everywhere, so it’s easy to overlook one.
While I had the clear intention to find a copy of the book, and wanted to engage the Law of Attraction to help me locate it, it didn’t seem to be in the cards.

I emailed Scott and told him I couldn’t find an extra copy of the book.

But then an odd thing happened.

The next day — the very day Scott was coming over to work out with me in my gym — I felt inspired to look in the back seat of my BMW 645ci.

I did and found a pile of music CDs, a copy of The Attractor Factor, and — you guessed it — a copy of Steve Siebold’s book.

When Scott arrived, I gave him the book.

That’s how the Law of Attraction works: set your intention, do whatever it takes to achieve it, let go of any attachment, and act on the inspired nudges you get from within.

Ao Akua,

PS — The May ’07 issue of News You Can Use is now online. You can see the current and all past newsletters (8 years worth) by going to and clicking on the “Past Newsletters” link on the left. Enjoy.

Belting Out Bags: LOA Works

Last weekend my chiropractor, Dr. Rick Barrett, saw me carrying a soft leather bag, something of a stylish saddle bag, and said he wanted one just like it.

The thing is, I bought the bag over a year ago for $150 and didn’t think I could get another one.

The man who sold me the bag specialized in selling belt buckles and belts. His bags were a one time offer.

But I mentally told myself I would see if I could attract one for Dr. Barrett.

I would think about the bag every day, at least for a moment or two. I would tell myself that I want to find the man I bought it from and ask him about the bag. But I kept letting it go and doing other things.

But then yesterday I received an email, out of the blue, from the very man who sold me the bag.

He was checking to see if I had received a belt and belt buckle he had sent me as a gift.

I thought it was amazing that he wrote me, as I hadn’t heard from him in well over six months. But I seized the opportunity to reply and to of course ask about the leather bags.

He instantly wrote back, saying he doesn’t sell the bags anymore.

But he looked in storage and found two bags there, of different sizes.

He offered to send them both to me, for free.

He said, “You are such an Attractor Factor guy that I feel like just giving these to you.”

I was stunned.

But I also knew this is how the Law of Attraction works if you are clear: you state what you would like to have, but without any attachment to the outcome. You just playfully put it out there. When the universe puts the opportunity in your face, you take action. That’s it.

And notice the win-win-win here:

Not only will Dr. Barrett get to choose the bag he wants from two different size bags, but I’ll get the other bag to use as I please.

And the man who gave me the two bags?

I’m sending him a box of gifts — such as The Missing Secret DVD set, my Humbug DVD, and my new book Buying Trances: A New Psychology of Sales and Marketing, and a few other surprise goodies.

And he’s also getting some publicity, as I’m giving you his name and website: Rob McNaughton of

Ao Akua,


PS — Last night the famous action-packed movie Die Hard 2, starring Bruce Willis, was on television. The lead character, who barely survived terrorists in the first movie, is again barely surviving bad guys in the second movie. At one point Bruce Willis says, “Why do these things keep happening to me?” I said out loud to the screen, “It’s the Attractor Factor, bro.” Until he gets clear, he’ll keep attracting the same stuff, and never realize he’s the magnet. Not being clear makes for a great movie but a lousy life.


How to Attract a Million Dollars

I have a theory:

I believe the Universe (Divine, God, or whatever It is for you) sends an idea into the mental world to several people at the same time.

The Divine knows not all of those people will take action. In a way, It’s just covering It’s bet.

The person who takes action on the idea fastest is first to market, and usually the first to profit the most. The others can still act on the idea and still do well, but generally speaking, the first to come out of the gate with a new idea is the first to cash in big on it.

Here’s an example of how this works:

Yesterday a friend of mine called while I was busy. He left a message saying he had an idea for a million dollar product. He left me a quick summary of the idea.

Now here’s the punchline:

While he was leaving his message, I was out creating that very idea.

In other words, the Universe sent the same idea to him, me, and most likely a few others. But when the idea entered my world, I acted on it. Fast. I was actually creating the idea while the others, including my friend, were still thinking about it.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: money likes speed; the Universe likes speed.

When you get an idea, act.

That’s what I said in the movie The Secret, and that’s what I’m reminding you today.

“The Universe likes speed. Don´t delay. Don´t second guess. Don´t doubt. When the opportunity is there, when the impulse is there, when the intuitive nudge from within is there,­ ACT.”

Ao Akua,


PS – The new product I filmed yesterday with Mark Ryan will be released in a week or so. Meanwhile, check out The Missing Secret and of course the popular DVDs Subliminal Manifestation Volume 1 on Love & Forgiveness and Vol. 2 on Increasing Sales. These are tools to help you manifest the life you prefer. Expect miracles.