Joe Vitale


How to Make a Playboy Model Jealous, or, The Man with Zero Limits

I have no idea if Playboy model Laura Nichole (who I met last February) is jealous yet or not, but I just ended up on the cover of yet another magazine.

You can see the cover and read the whole stirring article at (Click on the “Arts” tab on the left to get to the article about me, titled “The Man with Zero Limits”.)

It includes comments about my forthcoming book, Zero Limits

There are no nude pictures of me, however.

Ao Akua,


PS — Francine is loving all the attention.


An SEO Secret

If you take a quick look at the image on the side, you might get a sense of just how complicated Search Engine Marketing can be.

I don’t know how to do it but I know who does. This is part of my philosophy of life: do what you love, and what you don’t love, find someone to do it who loves it.

Same with the things you don’t know: find someone who knows how to do it and hire them to do it or teach you how to do it.

If you want to know the Internet Marketing Strategies that work, and you want to learn how to do this for yourself in a way that is fun, the best thing you can do is look into Cyndi Smasal’s Matrix, explained at

It’s the best thing I’ve ever seen on the subject.

Ao Akua,



Sing, Blackbird, Sing!

I love guitars.

I have several here. I have as many guitars as I know guitar chords.

No, I don’t know many chords and I can’t play all that well (yet) but still.

When Michelle Malone came here and performed a private concert in our home, she unloaded a van full of guitars. Then she noticed mine and said, “I didn’t need to unload anything. I could have used Joe’s guitars.”

I’m no Michelle Malone but I sure love guitar music.

Since I’m also a fan of unique, rare, collectible, innovative and limited edition gadgets, you can imagine how excited I got when I read about the new Blackbird guitar in the May issue of Popular Science magazine.

The Blackbird is a smaller, travel-size guitar, made out of carbon fiber. It features an all-hollow uni-body shell, setting it apart from any guitar in the world. The body, neck, and head are cast in one-piece with the sound board, fretboard, tuners, etc. added to that main component. The sound comes out of the neck of the guitar, so it’s still got a full-size guitar sound.

The thing is virtually indestructible. I told my bud Pat O’Bryan, a guitar slinger with several blues-rock Cd’s out, that if an atom bomb went off under a Blackbird guitar, all you would hear is a “ping” in the key of E.

Blackbird is only making 100 of these gems. I placed an order for one of them this morning, which means I’ll have one of the first 50 made, to be delivered in June.

I got so excited that I went outside (it’s gorgeous out) and played one of my other guitars, just to celebrate.

I think we should do things to reward ourselves whenever we accomplish something. You don’t have to invest in a collectible guitar. But it’s wise to pat yourself on the back whenever you complete something, by rewarding yourself with a treat. This is great for your self-esteem and a way to program yourself to expect more good when you do good.

My last big reward was a hot tub.

I had finished my fifth fitness contest and treated myself to the best investment of my life. I love my Jacuzzi. I’m in it virtually every day. Talk about a stress reducer. I can barely get out of the tub after 30 minutes in it. I am sooooo relaxed I can hardly walk away from the hot tub and back into the house.

After completing one of my earlier 12-week fitness contests, I celebrated by buying a new car: a BMW 645ci. (Side note: Yesterday the car called BMW and booked a service appointment. Apparently it needs an oil change. I’ve never had a car make a phone call for me before. I wonder why the car doesn’t just drive itself over to BMW, too?)

Since I completed editing the galley to Zero Limits yesterday, and am making terrific progress with the new book about the missing secret, called The Key, and I just signed yet another book deal for yet another book, I felt I deserved a reward.

Plus I really wanted a Blackbird.

Ao Akua,


PS — Have you rewarded yourself lately? Again, it doesn’t have to be a guitar or a hot tub or a new car, but have you done something nice for you recently?


Freud was Wrong

After I awakened this morning from a refreshing sleep, I started to tell Nerissa about a colorful and confusing dream I had.
Part of the dream was about receiving a pair of huge, odd-looking eyeglasses in the mail.
“You dreamed that because we watched the show about Phyllis Diller last night,” she interrupted.
“Phyllis Diller has a collection of wild eyeglasses, hats and clothes that we saw in that documentary we watched last night, Goodnight, We Love You – The Life and Legend of Phyllis Diller. Your mind simply ran with one of the images.”
“Don’t go Freudian on me now,” I warned.
I had read enough about Freud to know he was a well-intended but mis-guided soul. Thinking everything is a symbol (very Jungian) or has meaning (very Freudian) can be misleading. As Freud himself once noted, “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.”
“Freud was wrong,” I said.
I went on to explain that Freud would have died penniless and unknown if it weren’t for his nephew.
“Who was his nephew?”
“The greatest manipulator of the masses of all time,” I said. “He created modern-day public relations. I wrote about him in my Barnum book.”
“And he was –?”
“Edward L. Bernays.”
That meant nothing to her, so the conversation turned to breakfast.
“I’ll have oatmeal,” she said.
“Oatmeal?” I asked. “You know what that means, don’t you?”
Ao Akua,
PS — Photo is again by master photographer Rodney Bursiel. He says this one is my “Sopranos” look.
Notes: To learn about Edward L. Bernays, the “father of spin,” go see

To learn “Why Freud Was Wrong,” go see the book Why Freud Was Wrong: Sin, Science, and Psychoanalysis by Richard Webster.

To learn how Bernays made Freud famous, go hunting for the fascinating book, Biography of An Idea by Bernays himself. I have several copies, including a very rare one signed by Bernays. This gem is hard to find but fascinating reading. Bernays had an ego bigger than the planet, so, according to his own book, he single handedly influenced the modern world with his ideas. A fascinating little man and a hypnotic big book. Read it. Freud would approve.


Overcoming Homelessness

People keep asking me how I overcame homelessness.

The best answer I can give at this time is: go watch the Will Smith movie, In Pursuit of Happyness.

It is an excruciating film to watch — the character goes through hell before he achieves even a hint of success — but it’s an inspiring movie, too.

It’s also based on a true story.

Details are at

Ao Akua,


PS — Will Smith’s acting is breathtaking in the movie. You feel for his character.