Joe Vitale


Exclusive Special Report: The Marketing of "The Secret"

I’ve coauthored and just released the first ever in-depth study of the marketing of the hit movie, The Secret.

If you want to know how this movie went from obscurity to being promoted twice on Oprah and three times on Larry King Live, to being the most talked about documentary of our time, to selling 1,500,000 copies of the DVD online to currently selling 7,500 every day, then you’ll want this confidential brand new Special Report.

It answers such questions as —

* Who is really behind the marketing of this movie?

* What was the marketing strategy used?

* Why was one person removed from the original version of the movie?

* Would the movie have succeeded if most of the teachers in it didn’t have mailing lists and followers?

* Were the teachers paid?

* Is the movie harmful?

* Is the movie creating a (gulp) cult?

* What do the people in the movie know about video and video marketing?

There’s more, of course.

There are several bonuses, including an exclusive question and answer session with me — I’m in the movie and saw it grow from birth to global fame — that will surprise you.

There are also links to resources and news, interviews and more.

Again, this is the first full report on the marketing of this movie.

I think this movie will go down in history as the greatest marketing event of this century — and this Special Report reveals everything that made it happen.

Don’t get your news about the movie from people who aren’t on the inside. They just speculate about the facts.

I was there.

I’m still there.

I know the behind-the-scenes truth.

And it’s all waiting for you at —

I’m excited to share this with you. It can teach you much about marketing, as well as going for your dreams.

Ao Akua,


PS – The Special Report is a PDF e-book that you can have within seconds and can read on virtually any computer.

Note: My coauthor on this project is my love, Nerissa Oden, the Video Queen. You can see a picture of her and me at the above link. Go look already. 🙂

Credits: Above picture was taken by master photographer Rodney Bursiel. There’s no secret that he is a genius at taking unique photos. Cigar in my hand is a Davidoff. I prefer Cuban cigars but this will do in a pinch. Car, of course, is my flaming redheaded beloved Francine, a 2005 Panoz Esperante GTLM. She likes having her picture taken. She says hi.

Kirk's Smile

I smile every time I see a picture of little Kirk.

This little boy seems deliriously happy.

I’m told he often lays on a mat and kicks his feet for long periods of time.

He loves it and laughs as he plays.

But Kirk couldn’t always do that.

Early on, he couldn’t even smile.

About three years ago Kevin Hogan told me about a little boy he met named Kirk. Kirk suffered a pediatric stroke a few weeks after birth. Apparently this can happen to babies, more often than anyone likes to know.

Kevin asked me to help him raise money for medical operations, and I did.

As a result, Kirk is moving, a little, and smiling, a lot.

Kirk sends me little “I love you” messages and photos — by email via his mother — and every one of them makes me smile.

I received one the other day and stared at it for minutes, looking at Kirk’s contagiously happy smile, and feeling drawn into the loving spirit of this child.

It feels good to help someone of such a divine nature, who seems happy to be where he is in life; no complaints, no bickering, no bitterness.

Who knows why someone like Kirk comes into the world and instantly has a health challenge?

Is it karma? Reincarnation? Or – ?

Maybe it’s a divine test for us — not Kirk, as he is Buddha happy right now, but a test for you and me — it’s us who seem to be challenged by his situation. We are the ones being asked to grow here, not Kirk.

Truth is, I don’t know the why.

But I do know that when something is in my experience, it’s up for me to heal.

So I’m doing my part.

I’m helping Kirk, and I hope you will, too.

Kirk is my super hero.

I wish I could always be so accepting of life.

Ao Akua,


PS – You can donate to Kirk’s therapy fund by going to Amazing Kirk. Having a new car is nice, having new book deals is nice, being on Larry King twice is nice, but seeing a little boy like Kirk smile and laugh trumps those experiences every time. Thank you, Kirk. Your smile is in my heart. I love you.

Note: Consider Kirk’s life and ask yourself what do you have to complain about? Start smiling, too. It’s easy. Just look at Kirk’s smile. Contagious, isn’t it?

Obey Francine

Francine asked to have her picture taken today. I had no choice but to obey her.

So master photographer Rodney Bursiel dropped by, set up movie set lights, moved me around like I was a super model, and then spent an hour taking some incredible shots.

Here’s one he just shared with me.
I look like I’m warning someone to stop ogling my woman.

I can’t wait to see the rest of the pictures. Rodney is a genius at turning an ordinary moment everyone else takes for granted into a masterpiece of symbol and power.

Or maybe I’m just glad to see another picture of Francine.

Ao Akua,


Meet the Woman Behind The Secret

Thought you’d like to know you can soon hear a behind-the-scenes, rare tell-all interview with Rhonda Byrne, the woman who created The Secret.

Details are at

Ao Akua,


PS – This one is not an April’s Fools joke.


Gmail in Print?

Google just told me they will now print and mail any message in your gmail account – for free.

Whether you want a printed record of one message or an entire database of a thousand messages, Google will print and snail mail it to you, at no charge.

The plan is to print the selected messages on recycled paper, with ads on the back of each page. You won’t be able to hand these pages in at your next meeting but they will be useful for records and research.

I just checked my Google mail account and didn’t see the “print” button there. Maybe it’s not live yet. For more details see —

Long live Google.

Ao Akua,


PS – Of course, this whole thing could be an April Fool’s joke, too.