Joe Vitale


"Change News"

Like you, I’ve often gotten bad news.

Something I wanted to happen didn’t turn out the way I hoped.

Like you, I’ve been disappointed.

But I’ve learned that that “bad news” was often good news in disguise.

Something much better happened instead – often something I could never even imagine.

So I think we need a new phrase for “bad news.”

I suggest Change News.

Change News can be our new code for something that didn’t go as we planned but will mean a new, better direction; we just might not see where the new direction is taking us yet.

In other words, the next time some “bad news” comes your way, reframe it in your mind to be “change news.”

Yes, you didn’t get what you said you wanted, but maybe, just maybe, you’re about to get something even better. You just have to wait out the change to see where it leads. The “bad” simply means “change.”

To help you understand this, here’s what I wrote in The Attractor Factor:

I remember reading a helpful passage in one of my favorite books, Breaking the Rules by Kurt Wright. It goes like this:

“Have you ever noticed how easy it is to look back on events that happened a year or more in the past and see the perfection in them? For most of us this is true even for situations which seemed tragic, horrible or even devastating at the time. Now, if it is possible to see the perfection in those things a year later, doesn’t it make sense that the perfection must be there in the moment it happens, too?”

Wow! What a freeing statement! It causes you to look for the positive in everything, and to look for it right now.

Look for the positive in the negative — or at least trust there will be a positive in the “negative” — and you change bad news to change news.

Ao Akua,



Small, Selfish Things or, Gandhi asks?

Sometimes folks wonder why the focus of people who read my books or watch the movie The Secret is on things like attracting a new car or feeling happier. Some regard those as “small, selfish things.”

Truth is, so many people are unhappy, unhealthy, and just plain broke that using the Law of Attraction to get a car, or a house, or a job, or happiness, is simply the most noble thing they can do at this time. It’s also exactly what they should do.

It’s not selfish; it’s actually a step toward self-actualization.

I also know that at a certain point you set your sights higher. After you’ve manifested a car or two, or more money, or a better relationship, you start expanding your desires. There are already numerous people in the world doing just that: using the Law of Attraction to cure cancer, AIDS, poverty, and more.

Oprah is a good example. She openly admits to using The Secret and is doing historic work in third world countries.

Larry King is another, with his cardiac foundation.

George Foreman is still another, with his youth centers.

Many of the teachers in The Secret have huge causes, too.

Jack Canfield wants to transform politics.

Lisa Nichols is going to Africa to help people there.

I’m working on erasing homelessness and poverty, both of which I’ve experienced.

I’m also helping people (with the help of Scott York) build their business as well as their body with

Then there are the people you’ve never heard of, who are using the Law of Attraction to make a huge difference, such as the woman I wrote about a few weeks ago, who is raising money to help women with cancer get beauty treatments so they feel better about themselves.

And there’s the female comedian who is raising audiotaped greetings and applause for troops overseas so they feel loved.

The list goes on.

Since the cultural mindset with the bigger problems is one of victim, those issues may not be healed overnight. But rest assured, there are wonderful people working on those problems, and using ideas in The Secret and The Attractor Factor to get the job done.

But here’s what’s more important:

Instead of wondering what everyone else is doing, ask what you are doing.

How are you helping the world?

What causes are you creating or supporting?

How are you contributing to the betterment of the planet?

As Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

Are you?

Ao Akua


PS — If you need help in getting clear on your desires for yourself and/or the planet, consider Miracles Coaching. Go see.


Book Sisters

Here’s a recent interview with me:


George Foreman's Secret

I asked heavyweight boxing champion George Foreman if he had seen the movie The Secret.

He hadn’t yet. He then pointed at my fist and said, “That’s the real secret, right there.”

I think he meant focus was the secret, but who knows.
I sure liked the guy, and his talk (we were speakers at the same event) was inspiring and hard-hitting – just like the man himself.
Ao Akua,

At the Airport

I'm sitting in the Phoenix airport waiting for my flight home. The place is packed to the nth degree. Where are all these people going?

Moments ago a fellow spotted me and came to say hi. He's been on my email list for years. I met him, his wife, their son, and their dog.

The other night I met George Forman. The line to meet him was far longer than the one to meet me. I was in his line too. I'll tell you what he and I talked about on another post.

My talk yesterday went well. I was stunned that most of the audience had not heard of the movie The Secret. Talk about proof that you must keep marketing and never stop. Even after two Oprah shows and three Larry King shows, a large even gigantic part of the world still doesn't know what the fuss is all about.

You must keep marketing.

While it's flattering that someone recognized me here at the airport, by far most of the people here never heard of me.

Just now my celebrity spotting friend came back and asked to have a picture with me. He runs

We all must keep marketing.

Ao Akua


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(I could be anywhere) 🙂