Joe Vitale


George Foreman's Secret

I asked heavyweight boxing champion George Foreman if he had seen the movie The Secret.

He hadn’t yet. He then pointed at my fist and said, “That’s the real secret, right there.”

I think he meant focus was the secret, but who knows.
I sure liked the guy, and his talk (we were speakers at the same event) was inspiring and hard-hitting – just like the man himself.
Ao Akua,

At the Airport

I'm sitting in the Phoenix airport waiting for my flight home. The place is packed to the nth degree. Where are all these people going?

Moments ago a fellow spotted me and came to say hi. He's been on my email list for years. I met him, his wife, their son, and their dog.

The other night I met George Forman. The line to meet him was far longer than the one to meet me. I was in his line too. I'll tell you what he and I talked about on another post.

My talk yesterday went well. I was stunned that most of the audience had not heard of the movie The Secret. Talk about proof that you must keep marketing and never stop. Even after two Oprah shows and three Larry King shows, a large even gigantic part of the world still doesn't know what the fuss is all about.

You must keep marketing.

While it's flattering that someone recognized me here at the airport, by far most of the people here never heard of me.

Just now my celebrity spotting friend came back and asked to have a picture with me. He runs

We all must keep marketing.

Ao Akua


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(I could be anywhere) 🙂


First Class Abundance

About ten years ago Bob Procter told me if you aren’t flying First Class, you’re still in poverty consciousness.

It took almost all of those ten years for me to agree with him. I resisted paying the extra money, thinking I should use it for something else.

Well, that’s scarcity thinking. There’s enough money for First Class and everything else IF your mindset is one of abundance.

Today I’m there. Today I only fly First Class.

Thank you, Bob Procter. I should have listened to you long ago.

Ao Akua

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(I could be anywhere) 🙂


On Passion

Last week I signed a major book deal. This morning I signed yet another one. I have more books coming out this year than most people read in a lifetime. Once you hit a slipstream in life, the current picks up. All you have to do then is hang on for the ride. I'm surfing through life. And what a rush it is. Always always do what you love. Passion is the door to success.
Ao Akua

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(I could be anywhere) 🙂


Thinking Big

I'm sitting on a balcony on a 200 acre resort in Phoenix. Outside there's a giant circus tent. Hundreds of restaurant owners have come to hear George Foreman speak. I'll be talking about how to Barnumize your business. Most people don't think big enough. Not this resort. Not this event. Not Foreman. Not Barnum. They stretch and reach and dare. I find it all incredibly inspiring.
Ao Akua

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(I could be anywhere) 🙂