Joe Vitale


More on Larry King's Show

Here’s a photo of John Assaraf, Lisa Nichols, Bob Proctor, and me after the third Larry King Live special on The Secret, which aired live on CNN last night.
If you missed it, CNN is reairing it. Check listings over at

If you want to read a rough transcript of the show, see

You can see my segment of the show on my video blog over at
Ao Akua,
PS – It was fun to see Larry laugh when I told him the three laws of the universe. It was more fun to see him react when I told him about The Secret #2.

Inside The Stinking Rose

Right after my second appearance on the Larry King Live show, my limo driver took me to The Stinking Rose, a garlic themed restaurant in Beverly Hills.

This is a picture of my driver, Raul. He’s digging into a plate of chicken that was baked with forty cloves of garlic.

This is one the restaurant’s appetizers: a plate of anchovies.

I loved The Stinking Rose and can’t wait to go back.

Maybe next time Larry King will join me.

Ao Akua,



After Larry King and The Stinking Rose

Whew. Flying from Austin to LA and back again for five minutes of national TV air time is exhausting and exhilarating.

I loved the show and loved how Larry asked honest even skeptical questions. I really enjoyed being with him. I could get used to this. Judging from the emails I’m getting of praise for how I appeared on the show, I think people liked it.

I still can’t believe my limo driver took me out to eat at the Stinking Rose. He’s the same driver I tipped last week and wrote about. I didn’t request him but there he was, taking me to CNN to meet Larry King once again.

The Stinking Rose is a garlic themed restaurant. They have garlic martinis. And chicken cooked with forty gloves of garlic. Even garlic condoms.

What a great evening. Even a young lady saw me and said she loves my book The Attractor Factor. Ah, fame.

Right now I’m having a drink on a deck overlooking Hollywood. Its a cool wonderful evening.

Ao Akua


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(I could be anywhere) 🙂


The Stinking Rose

I just did the Larry King Live show. It was over before I knew it. The gang split up and left me alone so my limo driver is taking me out for dinner. He says The Stinking Rose is a great place for dinner. That’s where I’m headed. Is life wild or what?

Ao Akua

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(I could be anywhere) 🙂


Standing in Line

I am in line at security at the airport. I hope I make my flight. I am headed back to LA to go on the Larry King Live show tonight. It will be live on CNN. It will be about skeptics of The Secret. Me and Larry King are gonna "chat". Tune in. Send love. And let's get this line moving.
Ao Akua

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(I could be anywhere) 🙂