Joe Vitale


See This if You Missed eXtra TV

You can see yesterday’s very short eXtra TV special with me and Lisa Nichols here:

Ao Akua,



The "Smoking" Greatest Online Movie

I don’t watch many online videos, but I just stumbled across one of the most sincere, powerful, persuasive and convincing online promo “movies” I’ve seen yet. It’s at –

It’s also the best place in the world to get rare and exotic cigars.

Just watch and listen to the convincing gent in the movie to get a sense that when it comes to cigars, nothing is impossible for him.

Ao Akua,


PS – Note the video is simply done, but oh so sincere.


Watch eXtra TV Today

You can see me on eXtra TV today.

Lisa Nichols and I talk about the movie The Secret and answer some personal questions.

I also talk about my book, “The Attractor Factor.”

I have no idea what eXtra will actually air, though, so I’ll be just as eager to see the show as you.

To find out when it is aired near you, see –

Ao Akua



Roopa's Stress Relief

I never told you but the last few weeks have been stressful beyond measure.

My emergency surgery was one thing. But there were health complications that scared me. I didn’t mention it because I didn’t want any “worry” energy on it.

Then the sucess of the movie The Secret brought me added fame. But it also turned old friends into anti-secret warriors. That hurt.

On top of my healing and recovery I had a new book deadline and travels to make. Right now I’m in San Diego. Its four AM as I peck this out on my Blackberry.

I’m saying all of this to lead to my breakthrough. I spent an entire day with Dr. Roopa Chari and her family and feel ready to take on the world.

I have rarely met such loving, generous, spiritual, happy and healthy people.

Roopa helped me years ago with high blood pressure. Now her whole family is working as a team to heal me. I wish I could find the words to express my wonder at what they do.

Their office is full of space-age devices right off the Starship Enterprise. Combined with Roopa’s medical background, they are able to accomplish what others call miracles.

I’m not the only one they helped, of course. Gonzo NLP creator Richard Bandler is also a client.

Roopa’s mother cooked home made Indian food for me. It was incredible. I warned them I am moving in or moving close.

I want more of their magic.


Ao Akua


** Sent via Wireless E-Mail with Blackberry **
(I could be anywhere) 🙂



I hired a driver in Rome five years ago. We had a great time until at the end of the day he said I owed him more money than we had agreed on.

He did not get a tip.

Yesterday I hired a driver to take us from LA to San Clemente and on to San Diego. He was wonderful. When Nerissa needed medicine he instantly handled it.

When I needed a bathroom he instantly crossed five lanes and found one. When we met friends and stayed later than planned he never complained.

I gave him a 200 percent tip.

I’ve made waitresses cry by giving them 100 percent tips.

TIPS mean ‘to insure prompt service’.

It means more than that to me. It’s all about feeling good, rewarding good service, tithing, spreading prosperity and living abundance.

I love giving astonishing tips when I meet astonishing servers.

Ao Akua


** Sent via Wireless E-Mail with Blackberry **
(I could be anywhere) 🙂