Joe Vitale


The Red Lipstick Campaign

I stood and signed books for almost four hours after my talk on Sunday at the World Wellness Weekend.
I met some fascinating people, including this beautiful lady in the picture with me, Cynthia Mann.
She started the Red Lipstick Campaign. It’s loving cause is to give make-up and beauty treatment to women suffering from cancer. The idea is to help them realize they are still beautiful. They still have dignity.
I so love the idea that I told Cynthia I would pledge to help a female cancer patient right now. No questions asked.
She just started and isn’t ready to take donations. I suggest we all help her. Contact her at
I wish more of us had such noble causes.
Ao Akua,
PS – I’m headed to Hollywood. My next blog posts will be from the road. Stay tuned.
PPS – The March 2007 newsletter “News You Can Use” is now online. You can see the current and all past newsletters (8 years worth) by going to and clicking on the “Past Newsletters” link on the left. Enjoy.

Woo Woo THIS

On the way to the World Wellness Weekend in Austin, Texas, I met Laura Nichole, a Playboy model currently featured in a magazine called Natural Beauties.

We were both lost, trying to locate the event, and found it together. As we walked, she learned I was one of the featured speakers (which caused her to go orgasmic) and I discovered she’s a Playboy model (which made my eyes dilate).

She was pretty proud (in a good way) of her pictures in Playboy.
I told her I could top that.

I’m on the cover of the recent edition of Austin All Natural magazine.

And I’m the centerfold, too.

Here we are holding up our magazines.

Laura’s a sweetie with charm and a big heart, and we had a great time signing our pictures to each other.
Deepak Chopra spoke at the event Saturday night and had a nearly full room. I spoke yesterday and every seat was taken. People had to lean against the walls, sit on the floor, and stand in the hall.

Of course, Deepak and I were in different sized rooms, but still.

They expected a few hundred people to attend my talk on The Missing Secret but almost a thousand packed the house. My main point was that counter-intentions are keeping you from getting the results you want. The whole thing was videotaped, so you’ll get to see it one day soon.
I’m exhausted from the event but it’s a good exhaustion. It’s exhilarating to see so many people ready to learn how to transform their lives and go for their dreams.
Sure beats being a victim and rolling over, playing dead.
Ao Akua,

PS – Pat O’Bryan has some pictures of the weekend and his own take on the event at Go see.

Newsweek covers The Secret

I’m on my way out the door to speak at the World Wellness Weekend conference. Deepak Chopra spoke last night. I’m today.

I just saw the Newsweek article about The Secret. It’s at

It’s mainstream journalism so you know what to expect, but at least they spelled my name right.

Ao Akua,


PS – I can’t wait to tell you about the Playboy model I attracted yesterday.


The Option Method

If you read my book, Adventures Within, you know I’ve been around the block a few times when it comes to personal growth, spiritual searching and self-discovery.

One of the most powerful and transformative methods I learned along the way is called The Option Method. It’s a simple method of questioning beliefs. I learned it first-hand from Barry Neil Kaufman, author of such gems as To Love Is to Be Happy With.

Barry learned it from the creator of the method, Bruce Di Marsico. I was just given a copy of the late Di Marsico’s little book on the method, called The Option Method: Unlock Your Happiness With Five Simple Questions.

The book is very philosophical and thought-provoking. It reads more like notes from Socrates than a Ray Bradbury novel. But every nugget is mind-expanding.

The section in the back by Deborah Mendel, on how to use the Option Method questions for yourself, is worth gold. These are the very questions I still use today, sometimes naturally and automatically in consultations with clients, but more often then not just with myself, to discover and release my own limiting beliefs to experiencing happiness right now.

I urge you to read this little-known classic.

I’m sure Amazon sells it.

You might also see

Ao Akua,


PS – The Newsweek magazine cover story on the movie The Secret should hit the stands any day now. I’m excited! I suspect it will probably be one-sided rather than objective, but at least a whole new audience will hear about this inspiring flick. Onwards!


Is Attraction a Law?

Besides Larry King interviewing me last November, I’m being interviewed every day by other biggies, including Time magazine, Bottomline Personal, and Newsweek.

They all want to know if the law of attraction is really a law.

They all agree that gravity is, but they aren’t so sure about attraction.

The people who say attraction is not a law cite examples such as, “I know gravity works. When I drop a book off a skyscraper, it will hit the ground. That’s proof of the law of gravity.”


They then go on to say, “When I try to attract something, sometimes I get it and sometimes I don’t. So it isn’t a law.”

Not agreed.

Here’s why.

Saying you tried to attract something and failed is like saying you tried to drop a book from a skyscraper to hit a particular spot and you missed. Because you missed the spot, you say gravity doesn’t exist.

This is a little like telling a parachutist that because they didn’t land on the red dot in the field, but instead landed in the trees, gravity doesn’t exist.

Obviously gravity exists. You just don’t know how to use it to get what you want in any specific way.

Same with the law of attraction.

When you focus on attracting a new car, but instead attract a moped, it isn’t because the law wasn’t in effect; it’s because you didn’t work with the law.

Everything you have is what you attracted.

You just did it unconsciously.

No biggie.

No need to feel bad or beat yourself up.

The idea now is to awaken.

Ao Akua,


PS – Newsweek is publishing a feature story on The Secret and the law of attraction next week. It should hit the stands any day. I’m eager to see what they say. Stay tuned.