Joe Vitale


The Missing Secret

I’ll be speaking in Austin, Texas later this month on “The Missing Secret.” All Inclusive Weekend Passes to the World Wellness Weekend include a Reserved Seat for Deepak Chopra and admission into all WWW events, including the Wellness Expo, and all of its classes, workshops and special guest presentations are $35-$55. These all-inclusive tickets are available in advance at Bookpeople Bookstore in Austin, or by calling 1-800-595-4TIX, or online at See you there.


Oprah reveals The Secret this Thursday

Oprah is airing a special on the hit movie The Secret this Thursday, February 8th.

I haven’t seen it and I’m not in it — I was on my back having surgery when she taped it — but I strongly suggest you watch it.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, this movie is the first step in helping awaken the planet.

Pass the word.

Ao Akua,


PS – What’s the second step in awakening the planet? I’ll tell you this Summer.


Instant Problem Solver

You’ll love this instant problem solver. Just click on it to see the quick video.

For more details see here

Ao Akua


Did I Attract Emergency Surgery?

A reader sent me this email —

“Well I’m sorry to hear about your appendicitis, but I’m really perplexed – how can the genius who wrote The Attractor Factor attract such a drastic experience??? According to your teaching, you DID attract it, but why?? I suppose you must have slipped up somewhere …. I hope you explain it to us, when you discover your mistake, so we can avoid similar consequences.”

I’m surprised more people didn’t ask this question.

After all, I’m the author of The Attractor Factor and I’m in the movie The Secret.

If I’m so smart, how come I have a scar now?

Here’s how I see it:

Yes, I attracted this.

We attract all of life.

No exceptions.

The thing is, we attract it un-consciously.

We have no idea what we’re doing, consciously. We’re pretty much bumbling through life.

Myself included.

When doing research for my next book, Zero Limits, I discovered that our conscious mind isn’t aware of much more than 15 bits of information in any one moment. The un-conscious, however, is aware of billions of bits of information. Our larger operating system is obviously the unconscious.

The point of life is to awaken. To become fully conscious. We want to clean the unconscious of all limiting or negative programming so we can be in the divine flow that brings us magic and miracles.

But how do you do that?

In mid-January I co-led an intense and life-altering weekend called Zero Limits. It’s based on the forthcoming book, Zero Limits. Dr. Hew Len did most of the talking and led the adventure into our soul. The entire focus was on cleansing ourselves of what blocks us from our connection to source.

What I discovered is that there is an unimaginably huge amount of cleansing for all of us to do, myself included.

But I did the cleansing, and am still doing it.

After that historic weekend, my main computer stopped working.

So did my laptop.

And all my main sites, stemming from, went off line.

Nothing was connected and yet all broke down the same weekend.

At that very same time I began to feel stomach problems.

By last Monday night, I was on the way to the emergency room to have my throbbing appendix removed.

What happened?

I’d say my body and life were being cleaned of everything weak or not working.

I’d also say it was an enforced vacation.

As Nerissa pointed out, I have been going and blowing at warp speed, taking on numerous projects, travelling, and barely (ok, never) stopping to relax and refresh.

My unconscious decided to stop me. By stopping my computers, and then me, it made me go on vacation.

But that’s not the really important part of this story.

Now please get this:

I didn’t see the experience — any of it — as negative.

I was never angry, upset, fearful or any other negative emotion.

I was at best curious.

I saw the unfolding of these events like an interactive movie with me the star player.

Believe me, I wouldn’t wish an emergency appendectomy on anyone, but this was not the “drastic” experience you might imagine it to be.

Throughout it all, I kept saying “I love you” and the other cleaning phrases.

I simply continued my cleaning.

And it all worked out fine.

I also want to confess that I remember thinking, just weeks earlier, that it seemed odd that I’m now 53 and I’ve never been in the hospital or had surgery.

I had also written a blog post here that had the headline, “I No Longer Exist.” (I’ve since changed it to “I Am Alive and Well.”)

Well, my unconscious decided to deliver the experience to me.

By focusing on it, I began to attract it.

I basically asked for it.

So, did I attract my emergency surgery?

As Rocky would say, “Absolutely.”

The Bottom-line: You need to maintain constant vigilance over your mind. But since you can’t yet be aware of what the larger operating system of your mind is doing, you must continue cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.

How can you do that?

1. Get support. Miracles Coaching can be the ticket. You can change anything if you have help.

2. Reprogram your unconscious. The Subliminal Manifestation DVD can help.

3. Keep using Zero Limits methods to clean. For now, the best way to do that is to keep mentally chanting….

“I love you.”

Ao Akua,


PS – Right after surgery, when three nurses were transferring me back to my hospital room and reviewing my chart, one of them said, “Joe Vitale? That sounds like a movie star’s name.” I was groggy but alert enough to say, “I am in a movie! I’m in The Secret! And Oprah is doing a special show on it this Thursday!” Just then Nerissa showed up and with her eyes told me to quit flirting with the nurses.

PPS — Manifestation is a dance of energies. Nerissa created this emergency experience, as she will openly admit, because she wanted to feel needed and because she strongly felt I needed to stop working for a while. You may have created this experience to have a new insight into the law of attraction and how to co-create your own life. We’re all one, folks.

PPPS – Watch Oprah this Thursday.


Pain-Free Insights

A few narcotic induced trances…

I dreamed Nerissa and I were in the future poking around at life one week out. When I returned and explained it to her, I spotted us as we started to live what I had perceived to happen. It momentarily tripped my mental wires. I tried to point us out to Nerissa but she was in the present and I was in both now and to-come.

I saw life as a finished photograph, a long picture with all the highlights of your life laid out frame by frame. You could become conscious of being in the picture and you could enjoy it as divine play. But the next step was to become aware that you could change the next images in the picture by cleansing the image you were in.

I saw myself living in a heavenly place (probably Maui) but surrounded by an army of monkeys who obeyed me and a woman who spoke fluent English and cooked great breakfasts. I’m assuming she was Jane and I was Tarzan. Life seemed good but I missed seeing books in my hut.

I received a “prosperity penny” from a mystic. I looked at it and asked, “Do you have anything bigger?” Seems like something dealing with prosperity should be more than a penny.

Ao Akua,


PS — Number two, above, is more relevant than you might ever imagine.