Joe Vitale


New Internet Marketing "Matrix" Gets Results

A dear friend of mine has been working on what she calls a “matrix.”
It’s an Internet marketing system she has refined and tested for years.
It’s a paint-by-the-numbers plan that you simply follow with your own site in mind.
It’s simple to use.
And it works — every time.
She told me about it a few months ago and I got so excited that I begged to see it. Then I used it and saw my own website at get more traffic and more sales.
I could spend time telling you about it here, but I suggest you go look at her own explanation.
If you’re looking for the online marketing strategy that really works, here’s your chance.
Go see.

Ao Akua,

PS — You can see a video of me being interviewed in Poland at I didn’t know I was being filmed at first, so this is a candid one. Enjoy.

How To Get What You Want this Holiday, or, The Top 10 Things I Want for Christmas

What’s the secret to getting what you want this holiday (or any time)?

I’ll tell you in this blog post.

Suzanne, my assistant, urged me to tell you what I want for Christmas. She said it might inspire you to think big and to make a mind stretching list of your own.

While I don’t really need anything at all — which is the perfect place to be to manifest whatever you want — listed below are some items I’d welcome into my life on Christmas Day, or my birthday (December 29th, in case you’re into astrology), or any time in 2007.

Disclaimer: These are not in any particular order and I’d end each of them with the tag line, “This or something better.”

* As much as I love Francine, I’d love to have a sister for her. I understand the Panoz auto company can make a Panoz Esperante GTLM in any color, including a non-painted reflective metallic alloy. I’d either want that, or one in purple (my favorite color). Or both.

* We loved our trip to Warsaw, Poland so much that we want to go back, and this time for a half a month or more. The people, the food, the sites, were astonishing. A couple of Business Class tickets on Polish Airlines would be welcome.

* I’d love to own the mansion in San Clemente, California I found online. The master bedroom alone is 2,000 square feet. I’m pretty sure I could stretch out in it. The place is spectacular. The view is heavenly. And it’s closer to Maui than Texas. See

* I always welcome and always love Amazon gift certificates. You can buy them in values up to $5,000, and you can always get more than one.

* Dinner with Lindsay Lohan. (And she buys.)

* Anything cool and rare associated with the Panoz Auto Company. Melanie Panoz sent me a leather jacket with the Panoz crest on it. That counts as cool and rare. But I understand there is Panoz luggage and other goodies I haven’t been able to find online yet.

* A box of Montecristo #1 Cuban cigars. Note: This should come off the list because a grateful reader just sent me a comparative box of cigars today. See how quickly this manifesting stuff works when you don’t need it to work? I haven’t even posted this list yet and I’m already receiving items on it.

* Panoz Racing School. This one excites me and terrifies me. The Panoz company has an official racing school, as well as a winery and chateau. I want to go there and experience all of it.

* I’d love to interview Sir Richard Branson for one hour for my Hypnotic Gold members. Or Sir Richard can interview me, if he prefers.

* I’d love my own hit television show. It’s a little unfair to list it here, as several people are already planning to create a show for me. Ever since I was on Larry King Live and of course in the movie, The Secret, people want to see more of my beads and/or purple shirt. I’ll make my desire to have my own TV show public by leaving it on this list.

There you have it. My top ten wants.

Of course, I also want peace on earth, but I know it begins with me. That’s why I’m writing my new book, Zero Limits, with Dr. Hew Len. It will explain all of this in depth. (Look for it Summer, 2007.)

Finally, what I really want is to be happy in this moment, where the magic and miracles happen. Stay in the moment and all gifts are added as you breathe and take inspired action.

So, what’s the secret to getting what you want?

You should know by now.

Not needing it.

You want to be in a place of peace.

You want to be grateful.

You want to be able to truthfully say — as my friend Bootzie in Maui says — “I’m totally satisfied, I just want more!”

When you would welcome it but you don’t need it, you begin to attract it.

It all begins by being happy right now.

And you don’t need anything to be happy right now.

Ao Akua,


PS – What do you want for the holiday or the new year? As I explained in my book, The Attractor Factor, just writing a list starts the process of manifesting everything on it. Well, if you could have anything, what would you want? Write it down. Anything is possible, you know. Dream big. Dare something worthy. Go for it. Tip: You might watch the movie The Secret again, and then write your list. Have fun.

PPS – If you need help with this process, consider the amazing new subliminal DVD on love and forgiveness described at and/or my Miracles Coaching program described at

PPPS — Expect miracles! Happy Holidays!


Candid Views from Inside Poland

You can see a few video clips of me in Warsaw, Poland — including one of me hugging my luggage and another of me being translated — by going to —

And if you can read Polish, go see — (There’s also a video interview with me there, in English.)

There’s zero charge to go look and nothing to buy.

Ao Akua,


PS – Of course, if you do what something to buy, go see


The E-book that Started a Movement

My first e-book started a movement.

It was called Hypnotic Writing.

After the overnight success of it, I followed it with numerous other e-books, from Advanced Hypnotic Writing to the famous Hypnotic Writing Swipe File.

Of course, all of that success led to my best-selling software, Hypnotic Writing Wizard.

Well, I’m excited to report that my famous e-book, Hypnotic Writing, came out as a published book today.

You can get it at Amazon and you can find it in book stores in a few days.

If you’re at all interested in letter writing using hypnotic skills or writing seductive letters using hypnotic skills or in how to build sexual tension using hypnotic writing skills or in how to improve your sales letters, websites, emails, or anything else using just words, here’s your chance.

I’ve always loved Hypnotic Writing, and am excited to see it available to the world.
The published book includes new material not in the e-book, so this will become a collectible work in the future. Also, the section on my secret hypnotic writing formula, and the collection of hypnotic e-mails in the back, ought to be worth gold.

Ao Akua,


PS – If you are interested in the writing software I developed, it’s explained over at The deluxe version includes several ebooks on hypnotic writing. Go see.
PPS – I want to again publicly thank Mark Joyner for promoting my first e-book. If he hadn’t persisted in urging me to sell e-books, I may never have done it, or at least not done it soon enough. Thank you, Mark. You’re the king.

The First Seminar Ever

At the end of my two-day event in Warsaw, Poland, a young man who sat in the front row and asked many questions, came up to me and shocked me.

“This is my first ever seminar,” he told me. “I’ve never gone to any workshop or event or talk ever before.”

He then asked me the question that melted my heart.

“Is it really true?” he asked.

I didn’t know what he meant.

“Is it really true that I can have anything in my life?” he asked.

I had to remember that he lives in a country that had been levelled by war during Hitler’s time, that lived under martial law for years, that still contains a huge building erected by Russians, that has only been free for a couple of decades.

The people in Poland had their chains removed but still aren’t sure what to do. They are awakening to their power, but also feel uncomfortable with it.

“Yes,” I replied. “You can dream big and accomplish even more than what you dream.”

“I can make money?” he asked. “I can even be a millionaire?”

“Yes, yes, yes. It all begins right now,” I replied.

He bought the Polish edition of my book, The Attractor Factor. And he saw the movie, with the help of a translator, The Secret.

Americans take their freedom for granted. We expect and whine when we don’t get. But Poland has an open heart and an eagerness to know more, while carrying a willingness to do whatever it takes to succeed.

I predict great things for them.

I’m honored to have spoken there.

Ao Akua,


PS – See a brief clip of me in Poland at