Joe Vitale


The Man Who Said, "I'll touch your wife in places she's never been touched before."

Over ten years ago, back in my Houston daze, I advised a guitar teacher to go into business writing custom songs for people: You tell him what you want and he writes an original song just for you. I thought it was a good idea. Still do.

But my guitar teacher felt extreme fear. He in fact spun around on his heels when I told him the idea, as if shot with an electric surge that made him spin like a kid’s toy.

I think he liked the idea.

But he never acted on it.

The other day, while flying home from Poland, I was flipping through the December 2006 issue of The Robb Report Collection when I spotted an unusual ad. The headline read:

“I’ll touch your wife in places she’s never been touched before.”

I read the ad and was delighted to see it was my idea brought to life. It’s from an enterprising songwriter who writes custom made songs for your loved one.

Brian Alex knows what he’s doing. Apparently he charges well, as he only writes two songs a month. Plus he’s running ads in Robb Report magazine. I bet he’s living a luxurious life doing what he loves.

I don’t know him yet but his site is at

I think a secret to success is this: act on ideas when they come to you, even if they scare you and make you spin like a top.

If you don’t act, some one else will.

You can still act on a good idea late in the game — my old Houston guitar teacher could still do this idea, too, for example — but the first to market usually claims recognition in the mind of the public.

Ao Akua,


PS – In that same issue of The Robb Report Collection there is a beautiful article about the Panoz automotive company, the wonderful Georgia folks who created my beautiful girlfriend, Francine. The article says the Panoz company can make a car for you in any color, even an unpainted mirror finish alloy. Sounds like Francine may get a sister one day.


Accelerating Miracles

Mark Ryan and I just created a subliminal DVD to help you permanently release inner blocks.

All you do is slide the DVD into any player, sit back, and watch the show.

Your conscious mind will see beautiful images and hear music as well as riveting stories told by either Mark or myself.

Your unconscious mind will receive “hidden” messages that flash on the screen.

All of this is leading edge new technology designed to install permanent change in you — and all while you simply watch TV.

We’re coming out with a series of these DVDs, but the first one is ready for you today.

It’s focused on love and forgiveness — the two biggest areas in any one’s life.

Most of us who aren’t happy or healthy, or wealthy or much else, have stuck issues concerning love and forgiveness. This DVD will help you with that.

It’s all explained over at —

It’ll make a great gift for yourself, or for friends, family, coworkers, clients, staff, and many others.

Ao Akua,


PS – I wouldn’t blame you if you are skeptical, but wouldn’t it be wise to at least review the site? See Go see.


Poland Rises

When we were in Rome, Italy a few years ago, we couldn’t wait to leave.

Rome once ruled. They know it. They have a little snobbishness in their DNA.

Not Poland.

This country has been beaten in the past. They now have a humbleness about them. They are struggling to awaken to their new found freedom and power. The people are loving and open and eager to learn and grow.

I say Poland is going to riseup and shine. I see it in the eyes of the people. I just spent two days talking to a sold out crowd about spirituality and success. Though they needed a translator, they hung on my words and grew inspired.

I have never been so well treated by anyone anywhere as I have here in Poland. I am sad to leave Warsaw.

But we will return.

Ao Akua


PS – I got a standing ovation at the end of my seminar. It lasted so long that I broke into tears. I love Poland.

PPS – The picture is of me signing books in Warsaw, Poland while the audience sat inside and watched the movie, The Secret.

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(I could be anywhere) 🙂


A Brief Video Clip of Joe Vitale in Warsaw

Nerissa filmed me here in Warsaw the other night. It’s a brief clip showing how Warsaw reconstructed an entire city after Hitler levelled it. I think you’ll like this…

Ao Akua


PS – Names are interesting. Warsaw most certainly Saw War. I wonder if they should rename their city to something like New Prosperity.


Social Media Marketing

I was interviewed earler today by a hard nosed Polish reporter. She clearly didn’t believe you can make money online. She demanded proof. When I gave it, she dismissed it. She felt Poland was exempt from success.

For a country only free for less than two decades, this is understandable. They don’t know their individual power yet. They don’t feel they deserve success yet.

There’s a lot of talk about social media here. That’s blogs and other person and people driven observations. The thing is even social media can keep you down. You have to choose what to pay attention to.

The Hate Wall in China may be an example. I’m told people express their hate on a wall. While venting is good, focusing on hate will attract more hate.

I vote for more conscious social media marketing. Since you get more of what you focus on, use that power for good.

Everyone can do this.

Even the Poles.

Ao Akua


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(I could be anywhere) 🙂