Joe Vitale


Three lessons

I’m in Warsaw kicking back shots of Polish vodka and smoking rare Monte Cristo cuban cigars.

Three lessons I learned from the medical entrepreneur I met on the flight over here:

Get enough sleep

Know you weaknesses

Hire people who have strength where you are weak. Delegate to them.

Listen and learn.

Ao Akua


** Sent via Wireless E-Mail with Blackberry **
(I could be anywhere) 🙂


An E-Gram from Poland

I’m in Warsaw, Poland.

Barely made it here due to numerous flight delays. But Polish Airlines moved heaven and earth for us and even held the plane for us. So we made it but our luggage didn’t.

We went shopping in Warsaw. The city is having its first heat wave in 277 years. It was colder back in Texas. Since everyone is shopping, they all drive like we do and my phone works here, I feel like I’m still in the states.

I met a real character on the overseas flight. He puts struggling doctors into business with urgent care facilities. Think opposite of doctors waiting rooms. Think Doc in a Box. Walk in and get treated. Affordable too. Doc gets paid and the entrepreneur I met gets a percentage. Win-win-win.

And the entrepreneur does Profit and Loss statements WEEKLY to always know how they are doing.

More later.

In Warsaw the sun disappears early in Winter. By 3 pm it’s dark. But we’re going out later to sample the product Poland is best known for – vodka.

Ao Akua


** Sent via Wireless E-Mail with Blackberry **
(I could be anywhere) 🙂


Why Esther Hicks isn't in The Secret

Everyone keeps asking me why Esther Hicks, of Abraham fame, isn’t in the new version of the hit movie, The Secret.

I’ve known Esther and her husband Jerry for decades. They are dear friends, clients, and some of my favorite people on the planet. I wrote the introduction to their first Sara book. I helped them create and promote their website. I wrote an ad they ran in a national magazine. I’ve consulted with them and of course am a major fan of them and Abraham. I love them.

But I’ve not understood their wanting to be taken out of The Secret, and I haven’t had the chance to ask them personally what’s up.

Yesterday Suzanne, my assistant, found this blog post by them explaining their position.

I think this is a loving explanation why Esther wanted out. If you’re curious, go see —

Ao Akua,


PS – The new version of The Secret is better than the previous. It’s got nothing to do with Esther Hicks being out of the movie at all, but instead the movie is better edited and includes new footage. You must see it. Get it for yourself and friends.


News Flash: "The Attractor Factor" now on iTunes

My book, The Attractor Factor, is now available as an audio recording, read by me, on iTunes.

Go to iTunes (download the program via, go to the audiobook section (on the left of the landing page), click on non-fiction, and there it is among the new titles.

A quicker way to find it is to simply search iTunes for “Joe Vitale.”

Ao Akua,


PS — The CD’s will be out in a few months. But if you want to hear me reading The Attractor Factor, go to iTunes right now. Enjoy.


A Driveway Paved with One Hundred Dollar Bills

The December issue of Austin All Natural magazine hit the streets running today.
There’s a hypnotic story about me in it, complete with zany pictures, but the photo that made me smile bigger than normal — as if my face were a balloon with too much air in it– was the centerfold of my new girlfriend, Francine.
I scanned it for you but the scan is a poor duplicate of this breathtaking picture of my beloved 2005 Panoz Esperante GTLM, Francine.
The car looks like it is about to rocket off the page and right into outer space.
I really like the driveway of one hundred dollar bills.
Now that’s prosperity thinking.
If you’re in the Austin, Texas area, I’m sure you can soon find the magazine at a health food store near you. When I know the link for the magazine, I’ll let you know.
You can see the story they wrote in the magazine (without the pictures) on my website, at
But that centerfold picture – oh, Francine is strutting now!
Ao Akua,
Smokin’ Joe
PS – You may not know that I have a fitness and business-building contest that you could enter and win about $150,000 in services. It’s described over at Every month you get a DVD to help you get fit physically and also build your business. Scott York talks about fitness and I talk about marketing and mindset. The combo ends up being powerful. One loyal subscriber wrote us this after seeing the fourth DVD —
“This DVD was awesome! Joe, you’re in much better shape inside and out compared to DVD # 3. Your mind set is focused and upbeat and your triceps are bigger than Scott’s! The end of the DVD where you went on your marketing rant was unfreakin’ real! That was worth several hundred dollars right there! I loved the ideas on purchasing a new house, new car, etc by thinking out of the box and raising the money through an idea! The e class idea is really awesome and something I want to implement!” — Zach Even – Esh Performance Systems, LLC
Again, the site to learn more is at Go see.