Joe Vitale


A Life Changing Talk

I’m amazed at the number of emails I’m getting from people who saw me on Larry King Live or in the hit movie The Secret or who heard me at a recent seminar.

The emails are warm, loving, sincere and flattering. I can’t answer them all but love to see them and feel them.

Sometimes an email stands out from all the rest. For example…

One of my heroes — Bob Bly — wrote me after hearing me speak at a recent writer’s conference in Florida.

His email said the following (used here with Bob’s permission) …

You often say in public I helped you as a mentor, which I appreciate.

But your talk at AWAI changed my life.

I have always known that money likes speed, but I always liked to take my time and think about things — and in retrospect, this has cost me a small fortune.

I have shifted into higher gears over the past few years, with good results, but after you AWAI talk, I am on fire — 7 new info products in the works, 3 new book contracts — thanks to you.

My only regret is that I have finally discovered this at age 49 instead of age 20.

Bob Bly

Bob is the most prolific writer I know. He has over 50 books in print. And here he is saying my talk about “Money likes speed” got him to get off his duff!

I’m moved to tears by all the emails I’m getting, and from all the people who come up to me and say my work has changed their life.

I feel inarticulate right now. I can only say I’m grateful to be given the chance to help others.

Ao Akua,


PS – The Secret movie is now The Secret book. It’s a masterpiece. Get it in book stores or of course from Amazon. It’ll make a great gift.


How to Levitate

I can now levitate.

I can also dance (couldn’t before), leap small buildings (but not sky scrapers), and out run rabbit, fox and even deer.

I feel like a Greek God.

I walk like James Bond.

I run like the Flash.

I’m a new man.

What happened?

My long awaited anti-gravity shoes arrived.

I wrote about them here back on November 6th.

I was so hypnotized by the Gadget Universe mail-order ad for these Gravity Defyer shoes that I instantly bought them and paid for overnight delivery. They weren’t in stock so didn’t arrive until today.

And I was so taken by the copy in that hypnotic ad that I had my assistant, Suzanne, track down the copywriter who wrote it. I spoke to him the other day and found him so fascinating I’m going to interview him for an upcoming issue of Hypnotic Gold.

Do the shoes live up to the hypnotic copy that sold them to me?

Well, let’s race.




Meet you in Poland.

Ao Akua,


PS – The December issue of my ezine, News You Can Use, is now online. Go to and look on the left. Click on “Past Newsletters.” You’ll also find links to my podcast and my video blog. All free, too. Enjoy!


Zeno's Revealing Graph

A reader by the name of Zeno Muncrief was kind enough to analyze the popularity of my main site at compared to the rankings of the other teachers in the movie The Secret who were also on the Larry King Live TV show.

I’m the blue line.

Apparently I did OK.

I think it’s important that you always check to see how you are doing in the marketplace. I often get caught up in my own busyness and forget to do it.

Thank you, Zeno.

Ao Akua,



The Empty Box

The other day I signed up for the cigar-of-the-month club over at

I was so excited that I paid for the entire year’s membership in advance. As part of the deal for doing that, I would get a small desktop humidor to hold my cigars, as well as my first month’s stash of cigars.

I couldn’t wait. I knew the package would arrive today, so I practically sat on the porch (in the rain) waiting for the delivery truck.

Fortunately it came early.

I got the package, told the dog and cats to get out of my way, ripped it open, saw the beautiful humidor, and then opened it’s lid to find — nothing.

It was empty!

I was instantly miffed.

So much for me being non-attached and spiritually evolved.

I went online, wrote an email to the company, and “thanked” them for sending me an empty box. After all, I told them, you’re a cigar store. You couldn’t put any cigars in the box??

Barely an hour later, I received a very understanding email from Jeff, a personal cigar consultant at

He said he would overnight me some cigars, would send me another humidor (I’m not sure why), and offered to be my personal consultant if I needed anything concerning cigars for myself or my friends.

Smart move.

Not only did he save the sale, make me feel better, and turn me into a customer for life, but I’m also browsing their catalog right now – with Jeff’s help – so I can place a large order — an order I never intended to ever place!

The moral: Do more than what your customers expect.

Ao Akua,

Smokin’ Joe

PS — “The Attractor Factor” is still working. A little later in the day the mail brought me a small box. It was a gift from one of the coaches in my program. The box contained a selection of cigars. So my empty humidor is no longer empty. See how this magic works? I got an empty box, vented about it, and let it go. Once I was detached, the box got filled. This is the key to a happy life.


The Credibility Factor

Jennifer McLean is a doll with a brilliant new book. I wrote the foreword and I think you’ll want the book. Here’s her pitch for it:

Al and Laura Reis, Jay Conrad Levinson and Dr. Joe Vitale have all endorsed an amazing new book: The Credibility Factor.

What these marketing leaders recognize is the absolute importance of perception and how that perception is molded by credibility resulting in quicker conversion, higher-paying customers, and long-term loyalty.

What in your life is more important than trust?

Trust is often the filter you use in the most critical decisions you make.

So how can you build more trustworthiness into your product or company?

How can you firmly establish credibility so your product or company will stand out as a benchmark of excellence?

There are simple rules that anyone can put into practice, and this new book, The Credibility Factor, shows you how; it teaches you how to influence the influencers for instant credibility.

The Credibility Factor is launching Nov 28th in a special bundled packaged along with hundreds of dollars of great marketing bonus gift items.

Just go to and you are on your way to winning the perception race.