Joe Vitale


Warp-Speed Manifesting

On October 1st I posted a blog entry here on how to increase your wealth.

I urged you to get comfortable with greater amounts of income by pretending you were already rich and could do whatever you wanted.

I ended it with a PPS that explained I was stretching my own “wealth limits” by toying with the idea of buying a Panoz exotic sports car.

I didn’t need another new car.

I was just playing touch and go with the idea.

It was fun.

But on October 7th I posted a blog entry here describing the story of Francine – my new Panoz car!

I manifested that car in less than one week.

I didn’t try.

It just “happened.”

I think there’s a major lesson here.

When you don’t have any inner blocks to your goals, they happen pretty fast.

When you have a spirit of fun about your goals – no addictions, attachments or desperation about them – they happen even faster.

Ao Akua,


PS – If you need help in getting clear of your counter-intentions to your own success, consider my Miracles Coaching program.

News Flash: The book and audio versions of the hit movie The Secret come out this week. If I were you, I’d get multiple copies for family, friends, and complete strangers, too. Look for them in book stores or order from Amazon. Let’s get this message to the world.


How many secret messages can you find in this painting?

Here’s a fun site you might want to tell your friends about:

That’s where you can see the subliminal painting I mentioned last week.

And you could win $1,000 in gifts, as well.

I’m still studying the painting and finding new messages in it.

Go see.

Ao Akua,


PS – Last night Pat O’Bryan and I had dinner. Our waitress saw me walk in the door and her eyes popped open. She exclaimed, “I saw you on TV!” We had the best service ever. Thank you, Larry King.


Color Coded Guests on Larry King

Nancy Laine just posted a color coded transcript of the recent Larry King Live show, where I was one of the guests.

My comment’s are in PURPLE, Larry King’s in RED, James Ray’s in BLUE, and Jack Canfield’s in GREEN.

Go to

Thank you, Nancy!

Ao Akua,


PS – Check out before the day ends. Why? Well, what else do you have to do today?


Behind the Scenes with Larry King and Me

If you missed the Larry King Live show the other night, when I was a guest, you can read the transcript at —

Or go to and click on the “Article Database” link on the left.

If you want to order a DVD of the show, call 800-CNN-NEWS or just go to

A lot of people are asking if they can still take me up on the offer to get 25 copies of my book, The Attractor Factor, in paperback, to receive a ticket to attend a private tele-seminar with me in 2007.

You bet.

I extended the deadline to December 1, 2006.

Just get 25 books of The Attractor Factor from any online or off-line store and forward your receipt to [email protected] or FAX it to 512 847 0529.

I’ll announce the private tele-seminar in 2007. You’ll be able to ask me questions, and I’ll record it so you won’t miss anything.

Some people ask me questions about Larry King, such as —

What’s in those cups on the table in front of you?

I asked for a cup with something in it. We all got water. It tasted divine to me.

Was anything edited?

Yes. Jack Canfield told a story that was taken out, and so did I. I’m sure they edited it for time and not because of content.

What’s Larry King like in person?

Pretty much the same as you see him. He’s street-smart, direct, inquisitive, and friendly. I liked him.

Where were your beads?

I forgot to bring them. I wore them in the movie The Secret and now everyone expects me to wear them all the time. Well, I’m listening. I’m wearing them right now.

I’ll post more “behind the scenes” stories later…

Ao Akua,


PS – If you want miracles in your life, too, see

PPS – – If you haven’t seen the movie The Secret yet, I highly recommend it. It’s what inspired these Larry King specials. See Go for it.


Blond Ghost Stories

While much of the world watched me on Larry King Live last night, I was in my BMW 645ci with my friend Mark Ryan.

We were driving to Blanco, Texas, where I gave a talk to a Lions Club over chicken fried steak and green beans soaked in bacon fat (I didn’t eat any).

On the way, we discussed what I might talk about to the group.

Mark asked me if I knew any blond ghost stories.

I thought that was an odd question, but I figured he was distracting me from my talk and my excitement over the Larry King appearance. So I played along.

“Not really,” I replied. “I had a dream once that Marilyn Monroe came to see me. But she was dead. Turns out I wasn’t dreaming and she wasn’t dead, so it got confusing.”

I was making it up, of course. I was just trying to come up with a blond ghost story to answer Mark’s question.

But that’s not what he asked me.

Turns out he actually asked me if I knew any Blanco stories.


Listening is important.

Ao Akua,


PS – I didn’t see the Larry King show until very late last night. From what I can gather from all the calls, emails and book sales I’m seeing, I must have done ok. Thank you for your support.

PPS – Some people now want me to run for political office. That’s baffling. Do you really want someone leading people who hears “Blanco stories” as “Blond Ghost Stories”?