Joe Vitale


My Favorite Brian Tracy Programs

So many people loved hearing about me meeting sales legend Brian Tracy that I thought you might like to know what programs of his I like the best. Here they are…

24 Techniques to Close the Sale

Accelerated Learning Techniques

Breaking the Success Barrier

The Luck Factor

Thinking Big

The Science of Self-Confidence

All of these programs (and more) are sold through Nightingale-Conant, the company that also produced MY best-selling N-C program.

Ao Akua,


PS — Nov 16th is coming soon! Tell the world about Larry King on CNN!


The Attractor Factor and You

You might not know that my bestselling book, The Attractor Factor, just came out in paperback this week.

This makes the book very affordable for you, and for everyone you care about.

And since there’s now talk of turning The Attractor Factor into a movie, this is the time to re-read the book.

To celebrate my Larry King appearance on Nov. 16th, please get copies of the book for family, friends, neighbors, schools, hospitals, prisons, dogs, cats, llamas, and others.

I’ll make this easy for you to do, too —

Get 25 or more copies by Nov. 16th and I’ll give you a private ticket to a teleseminar where I’ll talk about advanced manifestation strategies. I’ll also answer your questions, tell stories about being in the movie The Secret, being on Larry King, and more.

Just get 25 books and forward your receipt to [email protected] or FAX it to my office at 512 847 0529.

As you know, the book is a great gift for family, friends, and even complete strangers.

Hey, the holidays *are* coming up.

You can find it in Barnes & Noble book stores, or online at or

Be sure to watch the Larry King show on Nov 16th. The panel consists of –

James Ray
Jack Canfield
Dr. Joe Vitale (me) 🙂
George Pratt
Jayne Payne

Larry King Live airs on CNN at 6 p.m. pacific and re-airs at 9 p.m. pacific and 12 midnight (which is 9 p.m. eastern, midnight eastern and 3 a.m. eastern; 8 pm central, 11 pm central, and 2 am central).

The show airs overseas on CNN International, as well.

See or go see

Finally, please share this post with anyone and everyone you care about. This is the kind of information that changes lives.

Let’s help the world.

Ao Akua,


PS – If you haven’t seen the movie The Secret yet, I highly recommend it. It’s what inspired these Larry King specials. See Go for it.


How to Win the Lotto

A lot of people say they use the steps in my book, The Attractor Factor, to win the lotto. I don’t think it’s the best use of your time, because you’re trying to control how money comes to you, but it’s certainly one way to receive money. To read one person’s true story, go see – Joe


The Psychology of Selling, or, The Website that Talks

The Psychology of Selling is an audio program I used to listen to repeatedly years ago. It’s by the prolific Brian Tracy.

I got to meet Brian last Thursday in Florida, at the AWAI convention. I was the kick-off speaker and he spoke after me later that morning.

After my talk, he came up and hugged me. What a nice guy! I instantly liked him.

I’m still reeling from being on the same stage as him. He’s a sales legend.

If you’ve never heard any of his programs, go get one right now. His website is PACKED with products, all super.

And watch what happens when you visit his site: Brian himself walks “on stage” and starts talking to you!

An amazing guy.


Ao Akua,


PS – Did I mention I’m on Larry King Live on Nov. 16th on CNN? Well, go mark your calendar. And tell everyone you know. Even your cat.


Amazing New "Anti-Gravity" Shoes Make You Look Two Inches Taller AND Help You Lose Weight, or, A Riveting Example of Hypnotic Writing

I love gadgets and I love hypnotic writing.

I received a copy of Gadget Universe‘s catalog, thumbed through it, and was stun-gunned when I got to the two page spread about the new anti-gravity shoes called Gravity Defyers.

It’s a perfect example of Hypnotic Writing.

I read and re-read the two-page ad. I loved it. The copywriter didn’t miss a trick. He (or she) has the facts, the benefits, the research, the references to feeling more confident and looking taller, and the emotional hot buttons of looking like a sexy spy or a distinguished gentleman, all woven into some smoothly written copy.

It even suggests the shoes can help you lose weight (because you’ll want to be more active wearing them).

The snail mail catalog looks and reads better than the online copy, but you can get a sense of what I’m talking about at

One day I may write or record a special report focused on just this ad.

It’s that good.

Study it.

Ao Akua,


PS – I loved the hypnotic copy so much, I went online and ordered the shoes. That’s the sign of a good ad. It made me buy. My only complaint is that the shoes aren’t in stock for instant delivery. I want them now.

Reminder: The second Larry King Live show on how to change your life by changing your mind will air Nov 16. I’m on it. It airs on CNN. It also airs on CNN International. See Tell the world.