Joe Vitale


Nerissa's Teeth

I’ve spent the last few days hanging with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, the therapist who used ho’oponopono to help heal an entire ward of mentally ill patients in Hawaii.

We’re working on the world’s first book on the subject, called Zero Limits. It’ll be out next summer.

Being with Dr. Len is a delight. His entire life is focused on cleaning whatever is in the way of being at zero, or one with the Divine.

As he’ll openly admit, he’s not at zero yet.

But hanging around him sure uplifts me and everyone else. Look at the picture of Nerissa. She’s beaming. She just got done talking to Dr. Len and couldn’t help but smile. Even she noticed that her teeth are showing in her smile. Usually her smiles before a camera are more controlled. Not this time.

When Dr. Len and I went to restaurants, people seemed to brighten. The energy in the room got louder. Our service got better.

I think striving for zero limits brings on the good.

Imagine what being at zero limits would be like.

And all you have to do to head in that direction is say I Love You.

Ao Akua,


PS – If you need help in your quest for zero limits, consider Miracles Coaching.

PPS – You can read my article about Dr. Len at

Reminder: The Larry King Live show on how to change your life by changing your mind will air Nov 2 and Nov 16. I’m on the second one. Watch both. It airs on CNN. It also airs on CNN International. See Tell the world.


What's Larry King REALLY Like?

Everyone wants to know what Larry King is really like.

He’s direct, human, friendly, and sharp — pretty much the exact way you see him on his live TV show.

He doesn’t care for doing taped shows. He said he’s a “live” man. He said he’s been in the business for over 50 years and he’s only done taped shows maybe 2% of the time.

When he’s on camera, he’s ON. He’s alert, focused, and acutely sensitive to everyone, from what they say to how they move.

I still remember how his eyes seemed to bore into my mind as he asked me a question and focused on my answer.

Off camera he’s more relaxed but still alert and friendly. He asked if I was any relation to Dick Vitale, the famous basketball coach. I’m not and told Larry so. He went on to say some nice things about Dick Vitale.

All in all, I liked Larry King and would love to spend a little time with him some day. He’s a good guy.

The show I’m on with him will air in November. There are two parts and I’m on the second one. You’ll want to watch both as they will reveal the secrets for changing your life – by changing your mind.

Please get out your calendar and mark down the following —

Part 1 to air Nov 2nd

Part 2 to air Nov 16th

Guests on Part 1 are –

Bob Proctor
John Assaraf
JZ Knight
Rev Michael Beckwith
Dr. John DeMartini

Guests on Part 2 are —

James Ray
Jack Canfield
Dr. Joe Vitale
George Pratt
Jayne Payne

Larry King Live airs on CNN at 6 p.m. pacific and re-airs at 9 p.m. pacific and 12 midnight (which is 9 p.m. eastern, midnight eastern and 3 a.m. eastern; 8 pm central, 11 pm central, and 2 am central).

The show airs overseas on CNN International, as well.


I strongly suggest you watch and record both shows, as every guest is worth hearing.

Ao Akua,


PS – The whole reason Larry King is airing this two-part special is because of the movie The Secret. It reached CNN and the staff is inspired to awaken the world. Is that cool or what?

PPS – Please invite friends, family, and more to watch the shows. Send them a link to this blog post or write them an email. Let’s share this news with the world. Thank you.


The Moanin' Goat

I’m getting ready to lead “The Secret of Money” event all day out here in Wimberley, Texas, but first wanted to report that last night’s private house concert with Michelle Malone was fantastic.

She’s a brilliant songwriter, riveting singer, and a charming southern gal that we all loved to be with.

She even let me sit in and play my harmonica on one song. Way cool.

Since I’m in a hurry, I’ll let the pictures do the talking this time around.

Ao Akua,


PS – I didn’t have my reading glasses on when I was looking at one of Michelle’s CD’s. So I thought a song called Moanin Coat was called Moanin Goat. Michelle and my guests thought that was pretty funny.


How to Know When You've Made It

How do you know when you’ve made it?

How do you know when you’ve achieved success?

I’m not sure any of us have a true benchmark inside ourselves, as we all keep wanting more.

I want more, too, but I’m doing something tonight that is making me realize I have truly arrived in the world.

What I’m doing is more important to me than all of my books.

Or being on Larry King.

Or being in the movie The Secret.

Or buying Francine, my 2005 Panoz Esperante GTLM luxury sports car.

Well, maybe what I’m doing tonight isn’t really better than Francine, but you get the idea.

So what am I doing tonight?

I’ve hired one of my favorite musicians to play a private concert in my home.

I’m a big fan of Michelle Malone, an Atlanta rock-folk singer with passion. I’ve never seen her perform or ever spoken to her. But I buy all her CD’s and more. I’m a fan.

When I learned she was playing concerts in Texas, I wrote her office and asked about a private show in my home. Michelle emailed back, gave me a price, and I agreed to it.

And now she’s playing here tonight for me and a handful of select friends.

To put this in perspective, I recall being at a friend’s house about thirty years ago. I was broke. He needed to buy a tape player to hear a talk his wife gave the night before. He went out and bought it. The recorder cost maybe fifty bucks. To me, what he did was what I wanted to be able to do: write a check for fifty bucks for something I wanted. That would have been “making it” for me at that time in my life.

Today, being able to hire my favorite musician to play in my living room is a sign I’ve made it in the world.

I still want more, though.

As a friend in Maui says, “I’m totally satsified, I just want more!”

Ao Akua,


PS – Reminder: The Larry King Live show on how to change your life by changing your mind will air Nov 2 and Nov 16th. I’m on the second one. Watch both. It airs on CNN. It also airs on CNN International. Tell the world.


The Real Francine

Melanie Panoz, the wife of Dan Panoz (creator of the Panoz car company), just told me the story of how my Panoz Esperante GTLM sports car got it’s name:

“Both Dan & I were part of a charity organization called “Dare to Share” to help raise funds for kids locally and nationally for several years. We have raffled off an Esperante each year and “Francine” was won by a gentleman in San Antonio. The real Francine is the Chairperson of Dare to Share here in Braselton, GA, so she named the car. She is a phenomenal lady with such passion and drive to help those less fortunate and she works relentlessly to make sure she raises as much money as she can. “

I knew Francine was special.

Ao Akua,


PS — The gentleman who won Francine couldn’t pay the taxes for her, so I paid his taxes, gave him a huge profit, and got Francine for a pretty nice song. I love win-win-wins like that. He’s happy, the IRS is happy, I’m happy – and, ohhhhhh yessssss, Francine is happy, too.

Reminder: The Larry King Live show on how to change your life by changing your mind will air Nov 2 and Nov 16th. I’m on the second one. Watch both. It airs on CNN. It also airs on CNN International. Tell the world.