Joe Vitale


Larry King says hi

What a day.

A limo takes me to CNN in LA and before you can say boo I’m talking to Larry King himself.

The show was easy and fast. Jack Canfield and James Ray and myself spaared with Larry. I think we did great.

The best part was dinner afterwards with the producer and staff and guests. I just left them. Jack Canfield is a brilliant storyteller. James Ray is fun and a new buddy of mine.

Wendy, the show producer, is amazing. She’s heart driven, loving, a visionary who wants to transform television.

I kept showing pictures of Francine to everyone. Jack Canfield laughed every time.

Right now I’m alone at poolside at my hotel in Hollywood, drinking scotch and smoking a cigar. I’m totally alone.

But I’m in bliss.

Ao akua


PS – I held up a copy of my book, The Attractor Factor, during the interview. Jack and James teased me for always marketing. Later they admitted they wish they had brought their books, too.

PPS – They don’t know when the show will air. Possibly in November. When I know I’ll tell you.

PPPS – I still miss Francine.

** Sent via Wireless E-Mail with Blackberry **
(I could be anywhere) 🙂


From Hollywood

I’m sitting in a Hollywood hotel waiting for a limo to take me to CNN and Larry King.

We’re taping today. Not sure when it will air yet. My focus is on this moment.

I’ve got my Rolex on so I won’t be late.

Wish me luck.

Ao Akua


PS – I miss Francine.

** Sent via Wireless E-Mail with Blackberry **
(I could be anywhere) 🙂


What's the Secret to Legendary Customer Service?

What’s the secret to customer service?

Simply stated, do what you say you will do when you say you will do it.

But what’s the secret to legendary customer service?

I think it’s this: do more than what you say you will do and do it sooner than you said you would do it.

Here are two examples of what I mean:

Story #1:

As you probably know, I ordered a Rolex. I was told it would arrive in three months. No problem. I had been warned it may take a long time, as the watches are handmade in Switzerland and there’s a wild demand for them.

While I waited, the charming saleswoman sent me a packet of information about the Rolex.

And — the watch arrived on Monday.

Three months early.

I wore it when I went to visit my Miracles Coaches that day.

Awe might describe their response.

The fact that I received the watch three months early made me happy, too.

Story #2:

The dealership handling Francine, my 2005 Panoz Esperante GTLM, called me Monday morning to say my car may not be ready for pickup on Tuesday.

That was bummer news. I’m headed out to be on the Larry King show, and wouldn’t be able to pick up the car until next week if I didn’t get it on Tuesday.

But I accepted the news and braced myself for the worst.

At 9 a.m. Tuesday morning, the dealership called and said my car was ready.

When I got there, they spent well over an hour talking to me about the car, giving me gifts, and congratulating me on ownership of this rare exotic car.

I drove Francine home the very same day.

In both of the above examples I was surprised with extra service and quicker turnaround than expected.

If you want your customers and clients to talk about you (in a good way), do more than what they expect, and do it sooner than they expect it.

More on this topic later.

Right now I’ve got a plane to catch.

Larry King is waiting for me.

Ao Akua,

Panoz Joe

PS – Francine is LOUD. She’s a barely street legal race car and she knows it. She wants me to know it, too. She roars in my ears as I drive. She gets attention. She wants attention. She DEMANDS attention. She has an attitude, too. She says my little BMW Z3 is a go-cart from Toys-R-Us compared to her race car engine power. As much as I love my Z3, I don’t want to argue with Francine. I have a feeling she could run me over in under three seconds. What a woman, though. I think I’m in love.


Signs, or, The Man Who Rode a Unicorn

When I was a kid in the late 1960s, I used to see the famous yin-yang symbol everywhere.

It haunted me.

What did it mean?

Why was I seeing it all the time?

I’d be out with my dad, working on the railroad tracks, look up, and a railroad car on another track would chug by with the yin-yang symbol painted on the side of it.

What the – ?

I’d reach for milk (for my growing bones) and see the company symbol on the side of the carton looking a lot like the yin-yang symbol.


I’d pick up a paperback book and see the publisher’s logo printed on the spine looking almost exactly like the yin-yang symbol.

What’s going on here???

It happened too many times for me to dismiss.

What did it mean?

During those confused teenage years, I used to reach out to Al G. Manning, prolific author and playful mystic, who ran the E.S.P. Lab out of Dallas, Texas.

I think he used to charge two dollars to answer a question.

I think he used to channel some “one” called Professor Rhinehardt. (You know, to be sure his answers were accurate.)

Anyway, I lived in Ohio at the time, and would write him about perplexing questions, like why the heck was I seeing a yin-yang symbol everywhere?

Al wrote back, saying the symbol was a sign that my spirit guides were with me.

Spirit guides?

Right or wrong, it sure made me feel better.

There’s nothing like going through life thinking you have invisible support around you.

From then on I began to look for the symbol.

Now that I’m a proud owner of a 2005 Panoz Esperante GTLM race car for the super rich, I’m learning all I can about the company. I just discovered something fascinating about their car and company symbol.

Turns out Danny Panoz, the owner of the company, designed the crest himself.

He wanted the red, white and blue colors in it to show his company is all American.

And the swirls in the symbol itself?

Yep. They’re based on the yin-yang symbol that haunted me as a kid.

I guess this means my spirit guides are still with me (and they’re waiting for a ride).

But the signs don’t stop there.

Lift the hood of the Panoz and you’ll see a plate containing the names of everyone who built the car. Above those names is the phrase, “Dare to share.”

That’s darn close to my own motto, “Dare something worthy.”

Couple these signs with the other fact that “esperante” — as in Panoz Esperante GTML — means “spirit and hope,” and you have a few signs telling me this is THE car for Joe Vitale to drive.

Good thing, too, as I’m picking up the car today.

I can’t help but wonder what signs you’ve been getting lately…

Ao Akua,


PS – How can you, too, attract a new car? Well, is a good place to start. The movie, The Secret, is another. And is yet a third. Dream big.

PPS – I just did a Google search and learned that Al G. Manning, the author who helped me when I was a teenager in the 1960s, passed away a few months ago. He was 78. I never got to meet him. I’m sad to hear he left us. He wrote over 20 books and helped a lot of people in his lifetime, including me. I wrote him a few years ago by email. He sent me a nice note, saying he remembered me. He also said he was old and my website was hard to read. He was still giving advice, even when I didn’t ask for it. You can see a picture of him riding a unicorn (yes, a unicorn) at He’s on the other side now, and maybe today someone is channeling him. Whatever the case, I think of him with love. Thank you, Al. Continue riding those unicorns. It’s a good sign.


The Story of Francine

I took a “play day” yesterday.

I don’t do it often enough, but I drove my BMW 645ci to San Antonio, had lunch with a couple famous magicians, shopped at a wonderful cigar store, and looked at some stunning, collectible sports cars.

I bought one, too.

Her name is Francine.

Francine is a 2005 Panoz Esperante GTLM.

She’s gorgeous.

And powerful.

And loud.

Panoz (pronounced “pan-ohhs“) is a hand-made, aluminum-alloy body, 420 BHP super-charged V-8, 6-speed barely street-legal race car.

It’s rare, unique, collectible and faster than a speeding bullet (o – 60 in 4.2 seconds; o – 100 in 10.9 seconds) .

I’ve been curious about them ever since Robb Report magazine said a Panoz was one of the top five luxury sports cars in the world.

They’re made by Danny Panoz and his small group of builders outside of Atlanta. The GTLM is the road-legal version of the company’s Le Mans GT class competition coupe.

Not only do these auto craftsmen make record-breaking race cars, they also make these rip-roaring street-legal babies for wealthy collectors.

And they sign each of them.

When you look under the hood, you see two plates containing the names of the people who built the car.

Nice touch.

The builders also name the car.

This one is named Francine.

And I love her.

She’s my newest girlfriend.

And, so far, Nerissa doesn’t seem to mind.

Now here’s the lesson for you:

I had to do some belief clearing inside myself to be able to get this car.

After all, this is a $125,000.00 sports car. While I found a motivated seller and got it for far less, I confess I had some belief clearing to do first.

I talked about counter-intentions in yesterday’s blog post, and I had some in me.

One part of me (most of me) wanted the car.

But another part (small but there) had some fears.

As I got clear of those fears, getting the car was a snap.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:

If you want something and you’re not getting it, it’s very likely that you have internal blocks, what I call counter-intentions, preventing you from achieving your stated intention.

Get clear and you get results.

If you haven’t applied for my new Miracles Coaching program, you might consider it now. It’s exactly the service that can help you get clear.

After all, if I can go from homeless to poverty to published author to Internet pioneer to now something of a celebrity (who’s in the movie The Secret and who’s going on Larry King next week) to millionaire maker who can now afford to collect luxury sports cars, then you can accomplish your goals, too.

It all begins inside yourself.

You just might need a little coaching to get there.

Just ask Francine.

Ao Akua,


PS – I’ll pick up Francine on Tuesday – right before I fly out to be on the Larry King television show. Miracles are possible. I’m living proof. Go for some.

PPS – “Esperante” — part of the Panoz Esperante GTLM name — is Italian and means spirit and hope. It doesn’t get any more relevant than that, does it?

PPPS – If you want to start to remove those counter-intentions right now, get the Milagro Manifestation Method CD’s. We sold out of the first 100 sets, but made more – and this time added about $1,000 in downloads. This way you can start working on your secret barriers and counter-intentions right now, while waiting for the package of CD’s to arrive. It’s all explained over at Go see. Go get ’em. Now. And be sure to apply for the Miracles Coaching at I’m offering these tools and services to you because I want you to succeed. But it’s up to you to actually take the next steps. Will you?