Joe Vitale


What Are Your Counter-Intentions?

Consider this —

When you made your New Year’s Resolutions last January, did you keep them?

Probably not.

Why not?

You said you wanted to stop smoking or go on a diet, but within a few days you were smoking or overeating again.


You had a stated intention.

That’s good. Intentions are powerful.

But you also had an unconscious counter-intention.

The counter-intention won.

This happens all the time, in almost everything you try or say you want.

“Secret barriers” within you stop the results.

A Miracles Coach can help you get clear of them.

I’ve been using Miracles Coaches for over twenty years. I first wrote about them in my book, The Attractor Factor, where I also coined the term “miracles coach.”

My secret to success is this:

When I feel stuck, or notice a counter-intention at play, I call for help.

I listed several Miracles Coaches in the back of my book, The Attractor Factor. Most of them are booked for the next year or more.

But today I announced a whole new service.

I have personally trained a group of mentors to be Miracles Coaches. These are people who know how to help you get clear of counter-intentions so you can have, do, or be what it is you say you want.

Get clear with a Miracles Coach and then keeping resolutions and achieving intentions will be almost automatic.


Ao Akua,


PS – If you want to start to remove those counter-intentions right now, get the Milagro Manifestation Method CD’s. We sold out of the first 100 sets, but made more – and this time added about $1,000 in downloads. This way you can start working on your secret barriers and counter-intentions right now, while waiting for the package of CD’s to arrive. It’s all explained over at Go see.


Millionaire Messiah Reveals Who Really Programmed You

While I read a lot of books — which is why I love Amazon gift certificates, thank you — I don’t find enough of them that hold my attention in a hypnotic way.

That’s disappointing.

But that changed this morning.

Fed-X brought me a copy of Randy Gage’s in-your-face new book, Why You’re Dumb, Sick and Broke…and How to Get Smart, Healthy, and Rich!

I hate the title.

Why begin a book with an insult?

But I got past it because I’m a major fan of Gage’s writings. He’s always direct but he’s also always liberating.

I’ve read all of his books, listened to his audios, taken his copywriting course, subscribe to his newsletter, and today count him as a friend and mentor.

He’s a prosperity guru.

He’s a millionaire messiah.

He’s the Jedi Knight of Wealth.

And in this book he is after converts — converts to awakening from the cultural lack and limitation brainwashing virtually all of us have been subjected to.

Gage begins his book with a riveting story about being shot.

It’s hypnotic.

It’s unforgettable.

It’s compelling.

I held my breath and my gut while he described the experience.

But Gage goes beyond that, and explains something that will probably shock most people…

He admits he manifested the shooting.

He created it.

He attracted it.

You probably don’t believe that anyone could do that to themselves, but Randy’s powerhouse book explains how he did it, and how you and I are creating our lives — unconsciously — because of programming from movies, religion, media, the government and more.

This is a book to shake you to your core — but in a good way.

I’m already planning to buy it in bulk and give it to everyone I know. Many of them won’t like Randy’s tough-boy slap-you-awake talk, but I found it refreshing, honest and freeing.

If you want to break free from society’s programming, find your own voice and claim your share of the prosperity pie, read this fast-paced book by one of my favorite authors.

Get it.

Get it for yourself.

Get it for family and friends.

But get it.

It’s the most hard-hitting, eye-opening, and money-producing book I have ever seen. Randy speaks from the gut and opens the heart. He’s honest, practical and inspiring.

You’d be into self-sabotage to pass this one up.

It’s at and should be in book stores soon.

Ao Akua,


PS – If you want to work on your programming while you read Randy’s book, consider investing in the CD set at Go see.


Your "Secret Barrier" to Wealth

I just read Dan Kennedy‘s September No B.S. Marketing Letter and was thrilled to see him talk about mindsets and language.

In one section he explained that talking about negative things makes your clients and customers feel bad, which in turn makes them less inclined to buy from you.

People want to feel good. I talked about this in my book, Life’s Missing Instruction Manual. Even Kennedy, who can be a grump, realizes that focusing on doom and gloom will simply make people tighten their hold on their wallets or purses.

Instead, focus on the good, talk about the positive, and help people feel better.

Dan’s back page essay — always my favorite part of his No B.S. newsletter — is all about how your own thinking leads to the reality you create.

Dan begins his article by saying the other day he deposited $802,486.00 in the bank.

Not bad for a day’s work. (It was for more than a day’s work, but you get the idea.)

Dan goes on to brilliantly explain that most of us — even him, even me — have a “secret barrier” within us that keeps us from bringing in a larger income.

Whatever income you have right now is there because you are comfortable with it.

You probably made far less money decades ago. As you grew more comfortable, as you raised your secret barrier, you could allow more money into your life.

In short, you are earning what you are expecting.

The way to sell more and raise your income is to help people feel good and to work on your inner secret barrier.

How do you change your secret barrier to wealth?

You read this blog. You read Dan Kennedy. You read books about the wealthy. You subscribe to magazines for the affluent. You read my book, The Attractor Factor. You watch the movie The Secret. You get into or create a mastermind group of wealthy people. You surround yourself with wealth and prosperity so you can begin to accept it, feel it, own it, and expect it.

In short, you get comfortable with the idea of wealth.

Two tips:

1. Subscribe to Dan’s newsletter. He’s a genius and a living legend. You can get a three month subscription, to try it out, at

2. Get the Milagro Manifestation Method CD’s and put them in your iPod or on your PC or Mac, or in your car or wherever you can soak up their music and messages. See

These CD’s are so powerful that last night at dinner Bill Hibbler said when he puts one of the CD’s on, he instantly becomes a powerhouse copywriter.

I think the CD’s are so potent that I asked Pat O’Bryan at dinner last night to bring me another set, so I can send them to a company I know that may want to promote them.

Get your own set at

Bottomline: You get what you expect.

Or, as Dan says in his newsletter, “You’ll only get to bank what your internal system permits you to accept.”

Ao Akua,


PS – The October issue of my own newsletter, News You Can Use, is now online. Just go to and look on the left for “Past newsletters.” You’ll find seven years worth of past newsletters there. Click and enjoy.

PPS – One of the ways I lift my own secret barrier to wealth is by dreaming about attracting new luxury items, like the above picture of the Panoz sports car, the Panoz Esperante GTLM. I’ve yet to even see that beauty, let alone ride in it or drive it, but thinking about buying it (it costs about $120,000.00) stretches my mind to get comfortable with even greater amounts of wealth. After all, I already have two BMW’s. Getting a third luxury sports car would be a stretch for me, at least mentally. But I want to lift my secret barrier. You can do this, too. Go here or here for some help.


Welcome to the Dr. Joe Vitale Quiz Show! or, Let Me PROVE I Can Make You a Better Marketer!

Decades ago I gave a talk on marketing for PBS television in Houston. It was recorded in their TV studio, complete with a studio audience, and later sold.

That very video has changed many lives, including that of Internet guru Mark Joyner, who said the presentation was the first to teach him about direct marketing.

One of the most popular aspects of my talk was a quiz show. I showed two different ads for the same product and asked people to vote on which ad pulled best. It was a big hit.

I jokingly said I was going to turn that quiz into a weekly game show. I never did (not yet), but someone just released something like it online.

Go to this cool site and take the quiz:

I think games and quizzes are proven ways to teach concepts and install change in people. This new site does both, right online, and is an educational and fun learning experience.

Check it out.

Ao Akua,


PS – News Flash: A terrific way to learn how to get more results using principles from the movie The Secret and my book The Attractor Factor is at This site is worth a review, too, so please go see it right now.

PPS – The above old Charles Atlas comic book ad is a classic direct response type advertisement. Notice how the headline grabs you, the copy tells a story, and the ad has a coupon to encourage a response. Ah, those were the days!

PPPS – If you are trying to get yourself and your business in shape, here’s a way to do it. Go see.


How to Speed Up a Rolex

I got a round of appplause last weekend when I told everyone at Pat O’Bryan’s Un-Seminar II that I bought a Rolex.

That confused me.

Why did they applaud?

Later, at lunch, I asked the folks at my table why they applauded my buying a Rolex watch.

“Because you proved you are still stretching yourself,” one person said.

“Because you were once homeless and in poverty and you are showing us we all can change,” said another.

I was impressed. Still am. I had no idea my investing in a Rolex would become an inspirational learning experience to everyone else around me.

Had I known that, I might have bought two.

Ao Akua,


PS – The official Rolex website is at I just learned that my Rolex will come from Switzerland in about three months — in time for either Christmas or my birthday (December 29) — or to start 2007 on the right foot. As Rocky Balboa once said, if you want to have a good time, you need a good watch.

PPS – If you want to know how to speed up manifesting things — so you, too, can order a new Rolex — you might want to look into the package that reveals a “lazy way” to get whatever you want. Go see

PPPS – If you want to hear Pat O’Bryan and me play some blues music — me on harmonica and him on guitar while a rainbow forms above us and people cheer us on — you can now see a short bootleg video of us from this past weekend’s Un-Seminar II. This sweaty blues-rock rare performance of “Crossroads” will leave you smiling. I think the song is a metaphor for our lives. See It rocks!

PPPPS – Notice the power of a PS? Notice you read every one of them?