Joe Vitale


I Live in a Painting

Last night I stood on a high cliff overlooking the ocean. A waterfall to my left. A full moon above me. I felt tears of happiness to be in that place. I felt like I walked into a painting and became part of it.

Today we walked under the bright sun, visiting shops along the ocean, buying books, clothes, and more. Shop owners were smiles and hearts. Discounts came easily. The moment was beautiful.

Tonight I relaxed in a hot tub while the ocean waves slapped the beach not far from me. I relaxed into the arms of the moment.

Each moment is gone yet remains alive in my mind.

Which is real — the reality or the memory?

Or – just this?

Ao Akua,


PS – Work is piling up back home. Sometimes it sneaks into my awareness and stresses me. I keep saying, “Be here now.” THIS is it. In this moment, all is well. Isn’t that true for you, too?

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(I could be anywhere) 🙂


How to Increase Your Prosperity

I took Nerissa’s hand today and said, “Let’s go increase our prosperity.”

We then set off on a wild shopping spree. It was exhilerating to buy things for ourselves and our friends. I even stunned myself by buying something for $12,500.

You read that right.

Twelve thousand, five hundred dollars.

But Ill tell you about that in a minute.

I almost bought a giant hand carved Tiki but it would be like shipping a small car back home.

I loved the feeling of just letting go, enjoying, and spending. It was all based in a solid feeling of unlimited prosperity.

The day made me think that you’d like to know how to increase your prosperity, too.

So, here goes:

There are two ways to increase your prosperity:

1. The first way is to buy something nice for yourself that makes you feel great joy.

You don’t want to go into debt or to fall into guilt, but you do want to feel like you are appreciating yourself. If you can buy something for yourself that is a stretch for you, that makes you feel a wee bit uncomfortable while also exciting you, all the better. This helps you increase your ability to deal with more wealth.

2. The second way is to give money away.

I wrote about this in my book, The Greatest Money-Making Secret in History. The idea is to give money to the person or place that has inspired you. One day that might be a waitress or waiter; another day it might be an author or speaker; yet another day it may be a church or other organization. The point is to give with a sense of appreciation.

In both approaches, you are sending a signal to yourself as well as to the universe (whatever the energy of all that is means to you), that you are happy, grateful, and ready for more. There’s real magic when you do these steps.

A while back I told you about buying a gold plated lighter for $612. It became a tool for testing one’s prosperity IQ.

Well, today I topped it and have increased the Prosperity IQ test.

Today I ordered a Rolex watch.

It will have to be made for me by Rolex in Switzerland. It may take six months. But it will be a wearable work of art.

Clearly this purchase is a prosperity increasing event for me. I was once homeless. I didn’t own a watch. Today I ordered a Rolex. Massive difference.

As I mentioned above, I told Nerissa on the way to the jewelry store, “Let’s go increase our prosperity.”

And that’s what I did, using one of the steps I described above.

Later, when we had lunch, the server was so loving, helpful and happy, that I gave her a huge tip.

That’s applying the other way to increase your prosperity.

You can do this, too.

You don’t need to buy a Rolex. But you do need to be good to yourself.

And if you aren’t ready to do that, then give money away. Start small but get a little uncomfortable. Show the universe that you are trusting.

Either way, you will be joining the flow. After all, money needs to be circulated to help the economy, which helps everyone.

Even you.

Ao Akua,


PS – If you want a little extra help with your prosperity, consider getting some Laxshmi Gold Dust. Laxshmi is the goddess of wealth and good fortune. She’s my sidekick. Sprinkle some of her “dust” in your pocket, wallet, or purse, and watch the money grow. You can get some at Expect miracles.

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(I could be anywhere!) 🙂


The Thought Projector

It’s raining as the ocean waves pound outside my ears. I thought about how the mind generates thoughts. It’s a thought projector. It’s not as important as the screen the thoughts are projected on. Freedom comes from being the screen.

Now there’s a thought for you.

Ao Akua


PS – Where am I? Clue: Look behind the thought.

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(I could be anywhere) 🙂


Got magic?

Looks like some people are treating these Blackberry blog posts as clues so they can determine where I’m hiding.

Well, good luck.

But to help you, here are more clues:

I am wearing a t-shirt that says “Got Magic?” A legendary direct marketer bought it for me last night when we saw the most side-splitting funny magic show of my life. It’s called Warren and Annabelles. (It was truly off-the-charts terrific.)

This morning I walked seven miles to a tiny book store. As soon as I entered it, a woman asked if I was in the movie The Secret. Even though I was sun burned and sweaty and wearing a hat, I was recognized. Now I know how James Caan or Lindsay Lohan must feel. (I liked it, even though I’m supposed to be hiding on my vacation.)

I saw a man standing by the side of a busy road with a sign beside him. Turns out on this island all the political canditates stand on the road beside their signs asking you to vote for them.

Tonight when I went to buy some booze, the clerk asked for my ID. No one has carded me in 30 years. I almost kissed the guy.

The cigars I’m smoking here are called Hula Girl Cigars. (Don’t jump to any quick conclusions.)

There you go. Have fun searching for me.

Ao Akua


PS – Remember, I’m on the move. Wherever I was isn’t wear I am. And isn’t that true of you, as well?

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(I could be anywhere) 🙂


The Coconut Wireless

We had breakfast at a secret location on this secret island. It was great but what caught my attention was the printed request at our table. It read:

“Please help spread the word about our cafe to your friends and neighbors. Your word of mouth recommendation (the coconut wireless) is the best advertising we have. If you are a visitor staying in a condo, please leave a note in the condo guest book so your fellow visitors will be able to enjoy us also.”

They didn’t ask me to post about their cafe on my blog, but you can never predict what a coconut will do.

At any rate, ask people to pass the word about you and be sure to pass the word about things you like (maybe this blog?).

The cafe is called Ashley’s.

I’ll reveal their location later.

I’m typing this on my phone and it’s tough to get too wordy this way.

Ao Akua


PS – Go see the movie “Little Miss Sunshine”. Yes there are movie theatres on the island.

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(I could be anywhere) 🙂