Joe Vitale


A post from my phone you gotta read

I’ve never posted from my phone before but that’s what I’m doing.

I’m hiding out on an island beach to get some rest. I’m typing this with one finger on my Blackberry phone. If this works, you’re reading this right now.

I took five books with me. One of them is so riveting and so inspiring I had to drop my doing nothing to type this to you. I hope you’re impressed.

The book is “You’ve Got to Read This Book” by Jack Canfield and Gay Hendricks. It’s 55 people telling the story of the book that changed their life.

Get the book.

Each story is so good you get the lesson and you get the summary of the book that changed them. Some of these stories are dramatic. They are all hypnotic.

Get the book.

I haven’t seen this site but try

Get the book.

Ao Akua


PS – Heaven does exit. I’m there now.

** Sent via Wireless E-Mail with Blackberry **
(I could be anywhere) 🙂


How I Handled a Failure — To Make it Your Win

Most people don’t talk about their failures.

But last week I failed.

I want to do something about it — and I want to do it in a way that benefits you.

Here’s the story:

When Bill Hibbler and I released our book, Meet and Grow Rich, we did almost everything we normally do to make the book a hit.

I’ve made virtually all of my books bestsellers, most notably “The Attractor Factor” and “Life’s Missing Instruction Manual.”

But a few things went wrong with this last campaign.

While the book went to #38 on Amazon’s bestseller list, it didn’t hit number one.

That was disappointing.

What happened?

What went wrong?

Truth is, a lot of things went wrong.

Bill was on the road the day the campaign hit.

I was finishing a new book and wasn’t focused on this one.

Amazon itself even went down for several hours, for the first time I can ever recall.

And most of the heavy-hitter list owners who love the book — such as Jack Canfield, Jim Edwards, Bill Harris, and John Assaraf — weren’t contacted in time to send out a mailing for the book.

As a result, we sold a lot of books, but we didn’t hit number one. We weren’t happy about that. Neither was the publisher. And Bill and I want to do something about it.

After brainstorming with our mastermind group, we came up with a way to help ourselves, and our publisher, while helping you. It’s the ultimate win-win-win.

You can read about it at — or just keep reading…

Here’s the scoop:

Bill and I want to personally help you create your own mastermind group. We won’t charge you a dime for this service, either. But we want your help with something in exchange.

First, please understand that a mastermind is a small group of people who support each other in achieving their goals.

One mastermind helped me drop 80 pounds.

Another mastermind helped my coauthor land a book publishing deal in only 30 days.

One person went from broke musician to Internet superstar because of a mastermind.

Bestselling author Jack Canfield says he’s been using masterminds for over 30 years.

The tycoon Andrew Carnegie said they helped him rise from poverty to power.

You should be in one, too.

But how?

Keep reading.

Second, please understand that it doesn’t matter who you are or where you live. You can be a “nobody” living on Pluto and still create a mastermind group. All you need is the how-to.

And that leads to how we can help you create your own mastermind group.

I — and my coauthor on my new book — will train you on how to set one up. We’ll also answer your questions. You’ll get to attend a private tele-training on masterminds.

And if you get enough books, you’ll also get a seat at the table of our mastermind for one session — all focused on you.

Here’s what you have to do:

Go get at least 10 copies of our book, titled, “Meet and Grow Rich,” right now.

You’ll want one copy for yourself and the others to hand out to your potential group.

Getting 10 copies today will grant you access to a private tele-training where Bill and I will explain, step by step, how to create your own mastermind. We’ll also answer your questions.

You can have several other new bonuses, (all different from the last campaign) too, all designed to help you succeed.

And if you get 25, or 50, or 100 copies of the book, you can get even more goodies and specials.

In short —

Help us empty’s warehouse and get 12 months of training and over 175 hours of audio and video from some of the world’s top Internet marketers — Free.

Again, this is different than our offer from last week, where you could have a lot of bonuses by getting one copy of “Meet and Grow Rich.” With this dramatically enriched offer, (with all new bonuses) you have to get at least 10 books. It’s all explained over at —

Please go take a look. If you’re serious about achieving your goals, you’ll find your path quick and easy if you have a mastermind group behind you.

In fact, we came up with this new win-win-win plan because of a mastermind group.

Obviously, they work.

Ao Akua


PS — I’m going on a two-week vacation starting tomorrow. I’ll post as I can, but it may be a low priority. My tan is first.


A Secret Persuasion Handbook, or, Would You Push the Button?

In order to write one of my next books (Buying Trances: A New Psychology of Sales and Marketing, to be published in 2007), I read hundreds of books on sales, marketing, psychology, and persuasion. Many of them you already know. Some you don’t. Here’s one I bet you probably never heard of but should go get today:

Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion: Discover the keys to opening people’s hearts and minds to liberty by Michael Cloud.

This is from The Advocates for Self-Government Bill of Rights Press. Whatever you think of politics, I think you should get this book. It shares persuasion methods I’ve never heard of before, but are heart-felt and powerful. For example:

The “Would You Push the Button?” technique seems incredibly revealing for helping people see for themselves their own thinking process. As Cloud points out in his brief but readable book, people aren’t convinced of anything unless they convince themselves of it. So, you play into that human trait. You ask the button question to find out what people really think.

In some cases, they will talk themselves out of their own position once they hear their own views spoken out loud.

In other cases, they give you something to work with to deepen the discussion.

The way it works is this:

Simply ask, “If there were a button in front of you, and by pushing that button you could completely remove/repeal/end (fill in the blank), would you push the button?”

After they respond, you can ask why questions to further explore their reasoning.

Cloud also suggests asking follow-up questions such as, “What would be the best benefits?” and “How would things be dramatically different?”

Cloud’s examples are in the world of politics, of course, but what if we borrowed the method (which he says he learned from Leonard Read) and use it in self-growth or selling situations?

An example might be:

“If there were a button in front of you, and by pushing that button you would never be unhappy about anything ever again, would you push that button?”

Or another example might be:

“If there were a button in front of you, and by pushing that button you could remove all your objections to buying this book right now, would you push that button?”

Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion contains many other short but powerful methods of persuasion. It’s also written well, is breezy reading, and makes you think.

It also contains wonderful stories. One of my favorites is about IBM founder Thomas Watson telling a struggling writer the secret to success. Watson says –

“Double your failure rate.”

I suggest you get this book.


Ao Akua,


PS — Scott York and I will be hosting a free teleconference call on Wednesday, August 30th, at 8 pm Central to explain and the $150,000 challenge. We’ll also answer your questions. Call will last about 30 minutes. Mark down the following:
When: Wednesday, August 30th, 2006.
Time: 8:00 p.m. Central (9:00 p.m. Eastern)
Phone Number: (641) 297-7200 code 383547
Note – All you pay is long distance phone charges. The call is limited to the first 100 people.


What is Money? (I mean really, what is it?)

Continuing my reading of books on non-duality led me to Burt Jurgens’ trilogy, including Aren’t You Just THIS?

It’s in this book that I stumbled across a thought about money that jarred me into an awakening.

Someone writes Jurgen, asking him to “Show me the money!”

Jurgen wrestles with the subject and says –

“Well, what is money? Isn’t money quite similiar to ego? Or isn’t it at least (or perhaps at most) a tool of the ego? A way to exert ego’s power through time and space?”

I found that very interesting. I’m well aware that money is a tool. But I hadn’t snapped to it being a tool of the ego “through time and space”.

Jurgen goes on to say —

“For the most part, money only has actual power at the moment it is spent.”

That made me stop and reflect, as well. I began to reconfirm my belief that money is meaningless in and of itself. We want it so we can use it at some future point.

I kept reading and came to this:

“So isn’t a desire for money really a desire to change WHAT IS? No, not even that. It is a desire to change WHAT MAY BE.”

Ooooooo. That’s good. Money is our hope to escape this moment.

More than that, we’re in this moment worrying about future moments.

Yet the great irony is, you can never escape this moment or totally control the future ones.

This is it.

The author doesn’t spend much more time on the subject, but his sword cut through the illusion long enough for me to see the ego wants money for some future use. In short, we’re not happy right now and we want it to escape future moments like right now.

The thing is, all we have is right now.

Once we — that’s you and me — appreciate this moment and even wallow in it, we get what we need in the next moments. They come out of this moment. And when they get here, it will be this moment, too.

Don’t pursue money.

Pursue happiness.

That’s what you want money for, anyway.

And from a non-duality view of life, look at what is behind the pursuing.

What’s that watching?

Ao Akua,


PS — If you don’t understand any of the above, look at what is trying to understand and then look at what is behind it. What is behind it is you. Remember my favorite T-shirt: “Meditation is not what you think.”

PPS – Don’t worry. I’ll get back to the “real world” in my next post. Indulge me a little for now. Thank you.


What a Real Man Thinks of Your Business Body

What do people think of the new monthly DVDs where you can watch me train in my gym under the guidance of Scott York while he keeps pounding me with marketing questions?

Here’s what one subscriber says —

I just finished watching the first two DVD’s of ‘Your Business Body’ and they are awesome! I love the candid view of Joe’s life and his thoughts! The way you torture (aka, train) him in his gym and grill him with marketing and business questions all at once is seriously priceless!

There is no doubt in my mind Joe is going to get in serious shape with your fast paced, NO BS workouts! I am impressed with how tough Joe is as well! He’s the perfect client! He never says “No” or complains or whines. People can learn a ton here, not just in the business sense, but in how Joe is so dedicated and driven to be a success in all areas of life.

This is top notch, must have stuff that people need to experience!

Keep it coming because I’m looking forward to seeing more!!


Zach Even – Esh

Thank you, Zach. I never thought of myself as “tough,” but your objective view makes me rethink my own perspective.

Thank you.

All others take note: You can get the DVDs over at

Ao Akua,


PS – The September ’06 issue of Joe Vitale’s News You Can Use is now online. You can see the current and all past newsletters (7 years worth) by going to and clicking on the “Past Newsletters” link on the left. Enjoy.

PPS – If you’re serious about making a living from information, you can’t do any better than get to this site. It describes a famous event I’ll be speaking at in November. But I’m the minor character in this line-up of greats. It’s all designed to help you succeed in business using only words. See Let me know if you plan to attend so we can meet up.

PPPS – We leave for a much needed vacation on Saturday. I’m ready now.