Joe Vitale


Is the Law of Attraction Exempt from War?

I’ve noticed a few people taking shots at the Law of Attraction and the Science of Manifestation.

More than a few are asking, “Are we attracting war?” or “Are we manifesting global warming?”

Let me address this with a story.

A few months ago a dear friend of mine had some personal problems. Rather than address them within himself, he lassed out at his friends, attacking some of them mercilessly.

It was not pretty.

After a few weeks passed and his inner thunder dissolved as he expressed it, he apologized to everyone he had hurt. Most of them accepted his apology. But one person didn’t, and she took her time in leveling him with a tirade of her own.

It wasn’t pretty, either.

That night my friend, shaken from being attacked, asked me, “Why am I attracting this abuse?”

Wasn’t it obvious?

He had caused it to begin with.

What he received was what he attracted, and he attracted it because he first gave it.

This is how wars start, at least from the inside out.

Yes, we attract them.

Yes, we manifest them.

And yes, we did it with our own unconscious and conscious anger, hatred, frustration and more.

The end result in the outer world isn’t pretty. But it didn’t start there. It started inside.

Global warming is the same. So many angry people in the world have “heated up” the planet.

I’m aware that these concepts may seem more psychological than practical to you, but for me, it’s exactly the place where everything begins: inside.

It’s all about working with the “shadow” side of yourself. This is why I love the work of Debbie Ford, Jung, and the Hawaiian system called ho’oponopono. It says if you truly attracted everything in your life, then what you experience — including the news of war or global warming — is something you helped create, too, at least on some internal level.

I know a lot of people over simplify the Law of Attraction. They basically say if you think it, you get it. Well, we all know that isn’t true. If it were, I’d be dating Lindsay Lohan by now.

The deeper truth is that you co-create your life.

I explain this in depth at the site.

Face it. You do not have total control over your life.

You have choice but you do not have control.

There are other elements at play, from the intentions and mindsets of others, to the intentions of the divine (whatever that energy field is called that is larger than both of us). You tend to attract others to you, and situations for yourself, by your thoughts, which lead to your actions. You’re very much a central player in everything in your life. But you (and I) are far from consciously aware of what we are doing on virtually any level.

I’m sure at some point we will have more control, and can better consciously create what we prefer, but most of us are babes in the woods at this manifesting stuff. We’re still learning, and s-l-o-w-l-y, at that.

This whole subject deserves more than a blog entry. But in this whole area of attraction, I see far too many people making these two fundamental mistakes:

1. Thinking they have all the power.

What an ego trip. You don’t have total control. You aren’t God. You can’t just think something and manifest it. You have to take action, too. And you have to clear yourself of anything in the way of your deserving what you want. You have more power than you ever imagined, but you don’t run the show. You barely run the projector.

2. Thinking they have no power at all.

This is worse. It’s where you blame the president, the terrorists, your family, your past, the neighbors; anyone other than yourself, for what occurs. I’m sad to see so many people dismiss the Law of Attraction and Art of Manifestation because they feel powerless or look at the news and feel depressed. Blame is the worst crime of all. Right behind despondency. And when you think the outer world proves you have no power, then you’ve attracted exactly that: powerlessness.

I’m no expert on this subject. Yes, I’m in the movieThe Secret. Yes, I wrote the book, The Attractor Factor. Yes, I teach weekend workshops on the subject of Beyond Manifestation.

But I’m in kindergarten or maybe first grade when it comes to how all of this works.

I just know that there’s more power in working with theLaw of Attraction than there is in dismissing it. I’ve seen a friend or two give in to the dark side and let their life dry up because it’s so easy to give in to the doom and gloom reported by the media.

But the real winners and achievers in the world are the ones who think they have power and who take action, working with the Law of Attraction and not against it.

If you don’t like war or global warming, do something about it, beginning by clearing the inside of yourself.

But don’t blame the Law of Attraction for it.

That’s what caused it to begin with.

Ao Akua,


PS – You can see the August issue of my News You Can Use newsletter and all past newsletters (7 years worth) by going to and clicking on the “Past Newsletters” link on the left. Or just go to Enjoy.


How to Make More Money by Writing Less

In 1988, Richard Armstrong was a young freelance copywriter who charged about $2,500 for a direct-mail package.

A few years later, he was one of the highest paid copywriters in the business, routinely charging $22,500 per package.

What made the difference?

It wasn’t royalties.

It wasn’t inflation.

It wasn’t because Richard suddenly became a better copywriter.

It happened because of one little change Richard made in how he MANAGED his business. It was a tiny tweak in policy that YOU can make today. (And by the way, it applies not just to copywriters, but to any kind of consultant or marketing professional.)

To celebrate the publication of his new novel – “God Doesn’t Shoot Craps” (a novel about a direct-mail copywriter!) – Richard is giving away an instant PDF download of his special report, “Make More Money By Writing Less.”

To download your complimentary copy, please go to and click on the navigation bar that says, “GIFT FOR COPYWRITERS.”

No charge. Nothing to buy. No email address required.

Go get it.

Ao Akua,


PS – About that Tesla Roadster all electric sports car. I decided not to buy it. A $100,000 car that contains 6,000 batteries and requires 4 hours to super-charge sounds like a different kind of energy drain than energy saver. Guess I’ll wait for a solar powered one.


A Fit Business Also Means a Fit You

You can see me meeting famed bodybuilder Lee Priest on the July 2006 DVD episode described at

Brace yourself, though.

The language is rough, Lee’s comments about religion are blunt and controversial, and the tone is one of locker room sharing.

Still, there is thought-provoking material, some marketing thoughts, and, of course, Lee Priest and me.

If you want to order the DVD, ask for the July 2006 one.


Ao Akua,


PS – You can win $150,000 in services and get global publicity for yourself and your business by entering the world’s first fitness and business contest. For details, see


I wonder what Henry Ford would think of this…

I just moments ago found some insider photos of the Tesla Roadster, that sexy all electric sports car I am considering buying.

You can see them at

Ao Akua,


PS – Amy Terrill won a day with me a while back.If you want to know what it was like (she holds nothing back) go see


Four Online Marketers Disappear During Last Night's Internet Blackout

Last night for about four hours the Internet experienced a blackout.

It was a small one, but some people felt it.

A few people even disappeared during it.

Bill Hibbler, Pat O’Bryan, Scott York and myself stepped away from our computers and went to see blues-rock guitar-slinger Joe Bonamassa tear down the walls and shoot chi through our veins.

During the rip-roaring concert none of us checked our email.

Nor did we do any online promotions.

We let it all go, trusting the Internet would survive without us, at least for a few hours.

Apparently it did.

No one sent out a missing person’s alert looking for any of us.

No one even seemed to notice the blackout.

Joe Bonamassa was fantastic. I haven’t been this excited about a guitar player since Stevie Ray Vaughan. I’ve seen (and met) Kenny Wayne Shepherd and other guitar slingers, but nobody puts it all together and belts it out with blistering speed and contagious energy like Bonamassa.

I’m telling you this partly to promote Joe’s music, but also to remind you to take a break.

I don’t take enough breaks. Except for my time in my gym, some time watching movies with Nerissa, and an occasional meal out, I basically sit in front of my computer all day and work online. I love it, of course, or I wouldn’t do it.

But the Internet will survive without me if I took a few breaks.

And it would survive without you, too.

At least for a few hours.

Now and then, step away.

Get out.


Get some fresh air.

Smoke a cigar.

Go swimming.

Or listen to some Joe Bonamassa.

Nobody will notice the “blackout” and you’ll return more refreshed.

Try it and see.

Ao Akua,


PS – I just discovered an online marketer you should study and watch. I don’t know him at all but I’m now a fan as well as a customer. I’m talking about John Wood. The guy has a niche you won’t believe: Hand strength. That’s it. He offers products focused on developing your hand and wrist strength. He sends out hypnotic emails virtually every day. Every one is muscular. Many are downright wise. I wrote him to say how much I love his work. He wrote back to say he’s been studying my methods for years now. You never know who you influence, do you? Check out John Wood’s site at He doesn’t know I’ve posted this here, so let’s surprise him with a sudden surge of traffic.

PPS – Oh! If you missed the info-packed free call where I and others talked about the marketing methods we learned from Internet legend Mark Joyner, you can still access the audio at If I were you, I’d go get it right now.