Joe Vitale


What Would James Bond Drive Today?

I’ve been a BMW groupie for a decade now.

I own two of them: my Montreal Blue 1999 BMW Z3 2.8 Roadster and my Mystic Blue 2005 BMW 645ci.

Both are works of art.

Both are loves of mine.

But I’m about to cheat on them.

Yesterday Tesla Motors announced a sports car roadster which looks like a sexy road rocket, flys like a stealth missile, and costs like a high-end BMW — but runs entirely on electricity.

I want one.

I’ve run out of room here at our estate for all the cars we already have, since Nerissa recently got a 2007 Toyota Camry Hybrid. We even had to build a special carport to house my Z3.

So we’re crowded.

But I want this electric car.

I was fascinated with electric cars back in the 1970s. (We went through gas shortages back then, too.) But the joke then was you could only drive as far as the cord allowed you. You had to keep the thing plugged in, and the cars were ugly and slow. No wonder they became golf carts.

But this Tesla Roadster is as sexy and fast as anything James Bond ever steered. And the added fact that it uses no gas at all is very appealing.

The car was officially unveiled on July 20 (yesterday). Tesla Motors claims prototypes have been able to accelerate from 0-60 mph (100 km/h) in about 4 seconds, and reach a top speed of 130 mph (210 km/h). Also, the car can travel 250 miles (400 km) on a single charge of its lithium-ion batteries with an equivalent gas mileage of 135 mpg (57 km/l).

All pretty impressive.

And that’s why I want one.

After all, more and more conscious consumers are going green. They want luxury, but they also want to respect the environment. They wouldn’t mind saving money at the gas pump, too.

I’m in that category.

But I also want the car for marketing reasons.

If I get one of the first 100 of the cars made, I’ll probably be the only one in Texas to own one.

I’ll certainly be among the celebrities who may own one, such as George Clooney or maybe Lindsay Lohan.

From a marketing and publicity standpoint, getting one of these winged plug-in batmobiles would be wise for me.

Still, I haven’t decided at this very moment to order one.

I’m wondering if wanting this car is just another “hungry ghost;” one of those silly addictive desires that comes from your monkey mind. I talked about this at the Manifestation Weekend. I don’t think this is a “hungry ghost” desire, but I want to be sure.

But I have a few other concerns, too:

Tesla wants $100,000 up front to order it. It’s refundable if I don’t like the car, but still, that’s a handful of money.

They don’t have any service spots in Texas. While the car is designed to not need service (no oil changes, ever, for example), sooner or later, it will need it. At that point it may need shipped to California, or a tech shipped to me.

I still haven’t heard how you recharge the battery in the car if you drive 250 miles away from home. You get a special plug to put in your garage to recharge the Tesla Roadster at home. But what do you do once you’ve left the house?

Once these minor concerns are addressed, I’ll start working on attracting the car (I’ll order one painted electric blue).

I hope my BMW’s won’t mind.

Ao Akua,


PS — If I order today, I’ll have the Tesla Roadster by Summer 2007 — about one year from now. Talk about making me wait. Doesn’t Tesla know we live in the instant gratification Western world? Alas. I must learn patience. And fast.

PPS – Does Tesla have any competition? You bet. All good ideas do. See


DUMB FUN, or, How to Find a Money-Making Idea Fast

Where do the best money-making ideas come from?

From being silly.

From getting drunk.

From a stupid joke almost no one gets.

From taking a chance and trying something new, just because you believe in it, even if it seems like no one on earth will tell you it’s a good idea.

Want proof?

Go see

Those 10 “dumb” website ideas made and are making their creators very, very rich.

So, what dumb idea haven’t you acted on lately?

Ao Akua,


PS – The Canine Concert was a dumb idea, too. But four news crews covered it and it will soon be a DVD you can buy. If you want to make money online, think FUN DUMB. That seems to be the ticket. It’s dumb to most people but fun to a select few, and that select few can make you wealthy.


How to Get $1,000 for Only $99

This just in:

Pat O’Bryan’s course on how to build your own Internet Empire (in 30 days) is currently available for just $99.

You gotta go look.

He so believes that you can get your “portable empire” up and making money fast that he is loaning you the money to get his course on how to do just that.

It’s all explained at his site.

See –

Ao Akua,


PS — Rumor has it some people are calling me “The King of Manifestors.” I don’t know if Lindsay Lohan started that rumor or not, but if you want to know my personal secret, go see


What May Be the Greatest Hypnotic Website of All Time?

Take a good look at that image…

That has to be the greatest example of a hard-hitting, clear, concise and truly hypnotic irresistible offer I’ve ever seen online.

The graphic grabs you because of the beaming smile, the in-your-face business-card size memo, and the finger pointing to it.

And the words say it all —

“Set up your own portable Internet empire in 30 days or less – Guaranteed!”

Lordy, you can’t get much more focused than that.

I applaud Pat for creating one of the best direct-response sites of the year.

Go study it.

You’ll find the hypnotic graphic, video testimonials, story oriented sales copy, social proof, and an offer that most people would be nutty to ignore.

This is the kind of website that makes me proud to be an online marketer.

And even prouder to know Pat.

It’s at


Ao Akua,


PS – Pat’s site offers the DVDs and CDs from his Portable Empire Un-Seminar. It was a terrific event. Newbies came and learned how to get online and make money fast. This is the real deal and the information is bankable. I know. I was there. I spoke three times. Get all the details at Or You should really get this set. Like today.


What Did a Rabbi Teach Me About Hypnotic Writing?

I just received a copy of Steal This Book! Million Dollar Sales Letters You Can Legally Steal to Suck in Cash like a Vacuum on Steroids.

While you can’t really steal any of the letters — not word for word, anyway — you can certainly “be inspired” by them.

As I’ve said many times, professional sales letter writers are called copywriters because we copy.

That’s why they keep “swipe files” of proven letters, to refer to when they need to write a new letter of their own.

This is why my Hypnotic Writing Wizard software comes with a swipe file in it. It’s an essential tool for anyone serious about writing hypnotic letters.

Well, a great new book/swipe file to get and “copy” is this one.

It’s by Harlan Kilstein. Harlan is an ordained Rabbi. He once ran one of the largest hypnosis centers in the US. He learned copywriting after learning story-telling and hypnosis, which means his foundation of learning was different. Most copywriters learn how to write sales letters and then learn language methods.

Not Harlan.

And as a result, his letters scratch out your eyes in terms of going for the sale. He doesn’t let go. He keeps you riveted to the page with long copy until you cough up money for the product.

And that’s why I love his book.

Every letter is passionate, persuasive, and muscular.

Harlan’s sales letters have gotten rave reviews from David Garfinkel, John Carlton, T. Harv Eker, Michael Masterson, Jay Abraham, Kenrick Cleveland, Stephen Pierce, Rich Sheffren, and many more.

Pretty impressive.

I’m going to “steal” his stuff.

You should, as well.

His book is available from

Get it.

Ao Akua,


PS — I’ll be speaking at the National Guild of Hypnotists convention next month in Marlborough, MA. I’ll also have a booth there. Stop by and visit Nerissa and me. For details, see