Joe Vitale


A Better Way to Save the Internet

I just got the below emails.

I need your help to resolve this in a win-win way, for the highest good of all concerned.

Since this concerns you and everyone else on the Internet, I think it’s important.

Please see below.

Thank you,



Hi Joe,

Realizing that you’re probably quite busy and may already have a full agenda for today, I want to ask a favor.

Last year when the hurricane after Katrina (Rita?) was threatening Houston and much of Texas, you sent out an email to the effect that we could potentially avert much damage and hardship if we could collectively hold an image and expectation of a positive outcome rather than going into fear.

My favor is to ask you to send a message today, or very soon, regarding the current COPE Actlegislation, encouraging people to hold an image and expectation of the highest good for all as an outcome. I hear people going into fear and gloom and doom and suspect if we all go there, we’ll get exactly what we don’t want.

I’m approaching you for this favor because I suspect you have access to quite a large audience and we’ve seen positive results before.

Thank you for considering this.



Now here’s the background story. – Joe

> “Congress and Internet service providers like
> the cable and telephone companies are conspiring
> to turn the Internet from a freee, wide-open
> smorgasbord of information into a very limited
> and expensive format that resembles cable TV.”
> — Bill Hibbler,
> If the COPE act passes, smaller websites like yours
> and mine could be blocked or loaded so slowly that
> nobody would bother to visit.
> If you’re in the USA, you can contact your Congress
> member by simply signing an online petition. Your
>email vote will be sent directly to your local
> Over 730,000 have already signed, but it’s not enough
> to halt the progress of the COPE Act.


I urge you to visit the site and let your vote and voice be heard.

I also urge you to look at this in a different way:

There’s no conspiracy.

There are simply people trying to do business online.

You can’t blame them for that.

Hating them for trying to make money online is mirroring your own inner hate for desiring to make money online.

This is a psychological loop you’ll want to heal in order to make a living anywhere, and to be comfortable with more money.

Rather than hating them, or calling them conspirators, how about if we love them, accept them, bless them, and yet choose to not side with them?

In the Manifestation Weekend that I just held this last weekend in Austin, Texas, we all learned that the simple three words “I love you” can transform any trying or even “impossible” situation.

Since you probably weren’t at the Manifestation Weekend, the short version of the story is this:

Mentally saying “I love you”, whether you feel it or not, will transform your inner experience and send out a different signal to the world, which will attract new results.

Nerissa saw this because right after the weekend she attracted a 2007 Toyota Camry Hybrid — after wanting one for months.

Craig Perrine saw this when on Monday, right after the magical weekend, the doctor gave their three-year old a clean bill of health — after a year of trying operations and deep concerns.

You can hear “I love you” spoken by the Manifestation Weekend attendees on the second video clip at

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

As I asked you to do when Hurricane Rita aimed itself at Texas, I suggest we all hold higher thoughts about the legislation. You can certainly vote against it and voice your words, but I believe we’ll see a win-win result if we do it from love.

If you remember, Rita dropped from a terrifying category 5 hurricane to a category 2 by the time it hit land. It changed direction, too. It never hit Houston, which had panicked and evacuated. It never hit here, either.

We can do this.

I love you.

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,


PS – It might be helpful if you also held a vision of how you would like the Internet to work for the highest good of all concerned. You don’t need to be a robber baron to make it online. In fact, I’ve found sharing, win-win arrangements, and benevolence to be the yellow brick road to the gold in cyberspace. “I love you” works.

PPS – Invite others to read and spread the message of this post. The time is now. I love you. Pass it down.


This is a test

The program that changes lives and improves the bottom line in every business

I invest in many programs, but the one I hear the most good things about is that one.

Ao Akua,


PS – Not sure what to say here today. Guess I’m tired.


Texas Woman Beats Google to the Punch

Today’s top news —

Texas Woman Beats Google to the Punch, Marries Video to AdSense Ads

Google, Inc. is planning to release a new version of their popular AdSense ads that include video ads, but a Texas woman released her software at earlier this month that marries video to Google AdSense.

Video Code Maker “marries” your Google AdSense ads directly to your video clips that you post online. Viewers watch videos uninterrupted but with AdSense ads clearly visible to the viewer the whole time. Advertisements can be placed to the right of each video for generating sales or company branding. These ads are clearly visible –yet– do not interrupt the viewer’s video enjoyment Affiliate marketers can sell their products with enhanced entertainment like free viral video clips.

Marrying Google’s ads to your videos complies with Google’s user agreement because it’s merely a web design choice the user is making — getting their ads closer to the location the web visitor is looking.

“This is really the easiest way to monetize your personal videos, company videos, and free viral video clips”, says the creator of Video Code Maker, Nerissa Oden of Wimberley Texas.

Video Code Maker gives video content creators a way to generate sales by hooking up with related products that can be sold as an affiliate. If video creators don’t want ads near their videos then they can place a cool image of themselves, their company logo, or any image they want and still achieve effective market branding.

Visit to learn more.


A video with three words that change lives

Nerissa just posted some new short videos on my video blog.

These are brief clips, fun, and very revealing. The top one done at the recent Manifestation Weekend is worth the quick visit to see it. Listen to these people say just three words that can transform your life.

Turn on your speakers and go to

Ao Akua,


PS — Also note that my new Cafe Press store has new items in it, again thanks to Nerissa. There’s a link to it off the top video clip at or just go to


Whew! Going "Beyond Manifestation" in The Manifestation Weekend

Take a look at this picture —

What do you notice?

You probably can’t tell by just looking at the picture, but maybe you can feel something of the ecstasy these adventurers felt as they boarded the Manifestation Weekend jet with me this past Sat and Sun.

I was the first officer on this flight and something greater than all of us was the pilot.

More than twenty-five people came from all over the world, from Mexico and Australia to all points within the USA, all to buckle up and learn how to go past their limits and onwards and upwards to things they may never have imagined before.

These people were no strangers to inner growth. All had read my book The Attractor Factor. All had completed other events and trainings. Some were healers and therapists. All knew how to co-create their own reality using the principles in my books or in the movie, The Secret.

But they all came to go past all of that.

They were ready to learn how to turbocharge their ability to manifest.

They were ready to go beyond what they knew or thought they knew.

I was moved to tears. So was everyone else. I got a standing ovation at the end of the event. But I didn’t deserve it. All I did was act on an inspiration that told me to host something called The Manifestation Weekend. From there, I was winging it.

But the funny thing about winging it is that you have wings.

And when you have wings, you can fly.

And when you fly with the type of energy that was among these noble and open minded leaders, you soar as if you’re wearing a jet pack and you’re cleared to land anywhere you can imagine.

I wish I could convey in words the overwhelming divine power of the weekend. We were in a non-stop moment-by-moment state of exhilaration.

The buzz of high energy was thick. People shared and connected and supported in ways I have never seen before, and I’ve been around the block when it comes to self improvement, personal growth, spiritual and marketing matters, meditation, and more. I’ve written about a lot of my own personal journey in the book, Adventures Within.

But this weekend was off the charts. When I asked the group to rate the event on a scale of 1 to 10, all gave it a 10 and most said it was a 15 or even a 20. It went way beyond their expectations, and even mine.

In fact, the entire weekend was about how to go Beyond Manifestation.

I’ll soon create a site for you to hear the audios and read the transcripts for the event. It will be up at in a few weeks.

For now, take another look at that picture and see if you can sense just a little of the passion, energy and bliss we all shared.

It was truly miraculous.

Ao Akua,


PS — In case you are so curious you can’t stand it, the Manifestation Weekend covered everything from how to heal yourself and others with a simple three word statement (!), to my psychic power awakening at the hands of a Hawaiian shaman, to a powerful new ho’oponopono meditation method, to some surprising and revealing pointers about marketing and list building, to new ways to clear and clean the limiting beliefs and energies within yourself, to metaphysical copywriting (?!), to how I let my soul guide my business decisions, to personal confessions about what works and what doesn’t in my marketing, to the inside story about the movie The Secret, to the all encompassing blunt truth about what it means to take total responsibility for your life. (You’ve never heard this definition before!)

PPS – Oh! We also played with what we would welcome if it came “out of the clear blue sky,” we had two surprise guest speakers, I revealed what I secretly did with a pencil eraser to make my book Life’s Missing Instruction Manual a #1 bestseller, and I gave everyone a stack of mystery bonuses, including a special hand-made, hand-painted magic journal from India blessed with a power to bring wealth and success to the owner of it. I also wrote a manual just for this event, but the event itself was so filling, almost no one cared about the manual. There were more surprises and insights and discoveries than I can remember right now. I’ll have to listen to the audios of the event, too. Be looking for the opening of the website at Whew! What a weekend!